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Mr.   Bañeras Vives, Luis

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Ecologia Microbiana Molecular

Brief CV

My research activity has been devoted to the study of microbial processes underlying anaerobic environments, mainly in aquatic (natural and man-made) environments. I have benefited from this activity to gain sufficient knowledge and skills to participate in research where anaerobic bacteria are consistently involved, increasing my background in microbial metabolism and physiology. My wonderings on establishing and developing methods for the measurement of microbial activity, and studying regulation and adaptation of microbes to a changing environment have contributed to the decision of progressively shifting a basic/fundamental research approach in ecology, to subjects of higher applicability facing critical problems at the global scale. In this context, I would like to highlight some key research lines that have been developed in my career:

  • Microbial ecology of soils in arid and semiarid systems. 2020-present day
  • Bioremediation methodologies using anaerobic bacteria. 2016-present day.
  • Production of commodity chemicals by microbial fermentation2012-present day.
  • Elucidating electrode-to-cell biocathodic electron transfer in systems for nitrogen removal and electrosynthesis2012-present day.
  • Microbial contribution of nasty odours in cork and wine2008-2012.
  • Microbial analysis of Nitrogen cycling in engineered and natural ecosystems. 2003-2018.
  • Development of antagonistic bacteria for biocontrol of plant diseases. 2002- 2008.

In my professional career, I have combined research (participation in competitive projects and contracts), with education (>30 years experience in lecturing in Bachelor’s and Master’s courses), and Institutional responsibilities at the University of Girona.

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