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Mrs.   Vidal Peig, Maria Teresa

Personal page

Brief CV

PhD Teresa Vidal


LinkedIn  @vidalpeig



PhD in ARCHITECTURE (UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) -2017-

DIPLOMA in Advanced Studies (DEA), within the doctoral program in History, Theory and Criticism of the Arts: Catalan Art and International Connections, of the Department of Art History, (UB, Universitat de Barcelona) -2005-

BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS, specializing in Design (UB, Universitat de Barcelona) -1991-

Other studies:

Other subjects around the improvement of the Teaching, like for example, the course of the EVALUATION OF THE LEARNING (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 30h, 1994), course of PHONATRICS, Educational Movement of the Maresme, (10h, 1993), and the LEADERSHIP TEACHER (30h, Tencocampus 2012)

Master in Local Politics - Economics and New Technologies (UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) -2019-


Current work:

Lecturer and Director of different TFG's in the University Degree in Hotel and Tourism Management at EUHT Sant Pol, University of Girona (UdG).

Tutor of the Master's Degree in "Video Game Design and Programming", at the UOC, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Director of the Master's Degree: "Video Game Programming" at The Core, from Planeta Formación y Universidades.

Director of different TFG's at the Tecnocampus Foundation (Audiovisual Media Degree)


September 2015-2020_Escuela de las Nuevas Tecnologías ENTI-UB UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA, Barcelona

Since 2012. Several teacher trainings by the S.O.C. CETEMMSA PRIVATE FOUNDATION, EURECAT, Mataró


September 2010-September 2011_SCHOOL OF ART, La Garriga

September 1992-September 1994_ESDi School of Design (Textile Design Foundation) RAMÓN LLULL UNIVERSITY, Sabadell

September 2002-September 2004_SCHOOL OF ART, Vilanova y la Geltrú.

September 2002-September 2004_ SCHOOL OF ART, La Garriga

September 1991-September 2001_ESCUELA COR DE MARIA, Mataró


Tutor of TFG (final degree projects), in Audiovisual Media, in Tourism and in Marketing, at the Tecnocampus Foundation, Pompeu Fabra University (2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)

Tutor of several TFG (final degree projects), of the Degree in Artistic Creation for video games and games applied to ENTI - University of Barcelona, promotion 2019, 2020.

Part of the team of creation of interuniversity Gamejams, and of European projects like: Jam Today, University of Girona in EUTH Sant Pol.


Speaker at the 2nd Ocitur’14 Congress, Leisure and Tourism Congress, June 2014, Mataró. Speaker at the 3rd International Congress UNITWIN Network UNESCO Chair “Culture, Tourism, Development, June 2014, Barcelona.

Curator of the temporary exhibition “Champions of Motorcycling” at the Museum of Stamping of Premià de Mar - Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia, 2013, from March to December, and which subsequently acquired a traveling character, in the Bassella Motorcycle Museum, and at the MNACTEC Science Museum in Terrassa (2014).

Lecturer at the 1st Ocitur’12 Congress, 21st Century Leisure and Tourism Congress - Future Perspectives, Tecnocampus Foundation, 16-17-18 May 2012, Mataró.

In process: ANECA accreditation

Researcher ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4721-1345

Collaborator of Casa Batlló:



Current research projects

External and sporadic collaborator of GRACMON: Research Group on the History of Contemporary Art and Design - University of Barcelona (Research Group on the History of Contemporary Art and Design, with Mireia Freixa at the University of Barcelona, ??Department of Art History)

Member of the organizing committee of the Terres Lab Landscape, Tourism and Cinema Congress - The International Eco & Tourism Film Festival Terres Catalunya.

Member of the Monitoring Committee and part of the dissertation panel of Elisabet Font, UVIC Doctoral Program (University of Vic)

Master's degree: educational coordinator, teacher management and student tutoring, research methods and supervision of degrees at the School of New Technologies (ENTI) of the University of Barcelona

Supervision of TFG (final projects) at the School of New Technologies (ENTI) of the University of Barcelona and the Tecnocampus (UPF), and at the UdG, specialties: art in video games, audiovisuals, tourism.


Festival internacional de cinema Eco & Tourism festival terres Catalunya - "Application of New Interactive Technologies of Virtual Reality and 360o to Tourism. Case Studies" (2017)

Congreso Puig i Cadafalch - "Application of New Interactive Technologies of Virtual Reality and 360o to Tourism. Case Studies" (2017)

Participation in the selected media conference (2017):










Gaudí I Mundial Congress - "Gaudí Banners, his great unknown work. 130è aniversari de la bandera de la Cooperativa Obrera Mataronense "(2014)

OCITUR'14 - La tècnica del videomapatge als museus com a reclam del turisme cultural (2014)

3r Congreso Internacional Càtedra Unesco xarxa unitwin "Cultura, turisme, desenvolupament" - Patrimoni turístic i gastronòmic "Micologia a la pedra i la forja als paisatges de Gaudí" (2014)

OCITUR'12 - "Visites culturals virtuals. Eina emergent del futur per a l'atracció turística. El cas de Barcelona i Gaudí" (2012)


My professional experience is mainly focused on the art and design business working in companies such as: Sara Lee d·e España, Motos Bordoy, Hebo, Full Gas, and also as a freelance.

I am currently Councilor for Economic Promotion, Tourism and New Technologies at Sant Andreu de Llavaneres City Council, and also, I'm a Councilor at the County Council, where I am a manager member of the Costa Barcelona-Maresme Tourism Consortium.

I am currently starting a 3D food printing company.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Teresa Vidal


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