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Once in Girona

Girona is a city located in a strategic place (41.59 ° north latitude, 2.49 º east longitude) of the Iberian Peninsula. Over the years it has become a genuinely modern transport hub, and access to the city (by car, train or plane) is excellent.

Access to the various UdG campuses is easy, whether by taxi, by bus or, given the size of the city, on foot. Also, if you are a student at the University of Girona, you can travel by bus in Girona during the whole academic year (September- June) with a reduced price. Save money andCO2; leave the car at home and take the bus! For more information, visit this web page .

If you need a bike during your stay in Girona the UdG can let you one. All the UdG community members can use a university bike during the academic course, for a maximum of a five days period. More information about university bike .

There is also a public bike system in Girona called Girocleta .

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