Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales > Estudiantes > Intercambios > Incoming students
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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

Incoming students

Exchange students

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences

Welcome to the web page of the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences of the University of Girona. 

Since many years, our Faculty receives international exchange students who come for an exchange period. We have Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics, Business Management and Administration, and Accounting and Finance. 

Although the majority of subjects are taught in Catalan, we provide a special selection of courses in English and Spanish for international students. You can review the list of English and Spanish subjects for the academic year 2024-25, as well as their schedules in the FCEE Course Guide 2024-2025_Accounting, Business Administration and Economics. Please ensure to carefully check the schedules to avoid any overlapping issues. If you're interested in registering for subjects taught in Spanish, please send an email to ori.economiques@udg.edu   .

Students can also enroll to the "Autumn/Spring seminars on economics and business" (3ECTS). In these seminars, lecturers and professors from foreign institutions will bring their field of expertise. 

It is also possible to apply for courses on (basic) Spanish and Catalan.

If you are an exchange student (through a mobility programme of an international collaboration agreement between the UdG-FCEE and your home university) interested in studying at the FCEE, you should firstly consult the general information and guidelines set out by the UdG's International Office (OI). In the following link you will find all steps at a glance , including how to apply to the UdG, visa requirements, housing options, and many others. 

You can also consult the academic calendar of the faculty.

If you have been nominated by your home university and have been accepted as an incoming student to our Faculty, we will contact you by email with further information as soon as we have completed the nominations of all incoming students.  

If you need further academic information, do not hesitate to contact:

International Relations Office (ORI) of the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences
Mrs. Pilar Morera Basuldo
Tel.: + 34 972 41 80 94 
E-mail: ori.economiques@udg.edu 

If you need further general information, please contact:

International Office (OI) of the University of Girona
Mrs. Raquel Solà & Mr. Òscar Assenza-Parisi
Tel.: + 34 972 41 80 28 
Fax: + 34 972 41 80 31
E-mail: incoming.oi@udg.edu 

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