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For a list of selected publications, click here or visit the IEA website. For PDFs or more GRECO publications, please visit Google Scholar, ScopusDUGiDocsResearchGate, this very long list (Scopus, 24-Jan-2022), or query this UdG database.

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Data Títol Autor(s)
2015 Occurrence and in-stream attenuation of wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals in Iberian rivers Acuña, V.; von Schiller, D.; García-Galán, M.J.; Rodríguez-Mozaz, S.; Corominas, Ll.; ; Petrovic, M.; Poch, M.; Barceló, D.; Sabater, S.
2007 The effect of using organic fertiliser on yield of rice produced in system of rice intensification Srean P., Chuong, S., Touch V., and Sann V.
2006 The influence of hydrothermal plume on fish distribution in a Mediterranean karstic lake Zamora, L.; Serra, T.; Colomer, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.; García-Berthou, E.
2000 Utilisation de la Chlorophylle de la flore épiphyte pour typifier des systèmes d'eaux stagnantes dans les marais d'Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (NE de la Péninsule Ibérique Trobajo, R.; Quintana, X. D.; Moreno-Amich, R.

Altres Articles

Data Títol Autor(s)
2006 Monitoring of nutrients, pesticides and metals in waters, sediments and fish of a wetland Salvadó, V.; Quintana, X. D.; Hidalgo, M.
2005 Avaluació de la qualitat de l’aigua en diferents sistemes aquàtics del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, a partir dels invertebrats aquàtics Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; Quintana, X. D.
2005 Estudi seguiment de la concentració de nutrients a l’entrada de la llacuna del Cortalet Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Conchillo, C.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 Avaluació de la qualitat de l’aigua en diferents sectors dels aiguamolls de l’Alt Empordà, a partir de l’estudi dels invertebrats aquàtics Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; López, R.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 Caracterització, regionalització i elaboració d’eines d’establiment de l’estat ecològic de les zones humides de Catalunya Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 Estudi de la comunitat aquàtica en una llacuna de nova creació en ‘els estanys de Jordà’ Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 Seguimiento de la hidrología y la calidad del agua en la laguna de Ter Vell Badosa, A.; Quintana, X. D.; Boix, D.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.
2003 Recuperación del hábitat de anfibios y Emys orbicularis en el Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.
2003 Restoration of the habitat of amphibious and Emys orbicularis in Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; Brucet, S.
2002 Limpieza de lodos en las lagunas centrales de Ter Vell. Memoria valorada Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2002 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter. Segundo informe intermedio de actividad Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2001 Acondicionamiento de la zona de humedales de depuración de Ter Vell. Memoria valorada Comin, F.; Romero, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Pascual, J.; Martinoy, M.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2001 Creación de nuevas lagunas en la Pletera.(L’Estartit, Torroella de Montgrí). Memoria valorada Gesti, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.
2001 Dragado del sedimento en la laguna de Ter Vell. Memoria valorada Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Gesti,J.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.
2001 Informe sobre la delimitación del dominio público marítimo-terrestre en la Pletera (L'Estartit) Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2001 Projecte de cria de fartet (Lebias ibera) per a la repoblació de les noves llacunes de la Pletera (L’Estartit, Torroella de Montgrí) Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Pou, Q.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Gesti, J.; Fernández de la Reguera, A.; Salvans, I.; Solé, J.
2001 Propuesta de actuaciones para la restauración de los ecosistemas costeros de la Pletera Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2000 Efectos ecológicos sobre el río Terri de la salida de lodos y sedimentos de la presa del Molí de l'Avellana (municipio de Cornellà de Terri) el 1 de junio de 2000 Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Evaluación de la disponibilidad de presas para el avetoro (Botaurus stellaris) en el Parque Natural de Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Los Peces de los lagos menores, acequias y arroyos de la cuenca lacustre de Banyoles y del río Terri: prospección y propuestas de gestión Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Restauración de los ambientes acuáticos de Porqueres y del Lago de Banyoles. Dossier de Candidatura LIFE-Naturaleza 2000 Moreno-Amich, R.; Pou, Q.
2000 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y sistemas costeros del Bajo Ter Quintana, X. D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Seguiment de la llacuna del Ter Vell (estudi de nivells, cabals i nutrients) i manteniment de les instal.lacions existents Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Martinoy, M.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; de la Barrera, R.; Gifre, J.
2000 Seguiment de la qualitat de l’aigua i seguiment dels organismes aquàtics Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Martinoy, M.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; de la Barrera, R.; Gifre, J.
1999 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y sistemas costeros del Bajo Ter López, Rocio
1998 Atlas de los peces del Parque Natural de Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1998 Monitorizació de la qualitat ecològica de les aigües i seguiment de la composició de la comunitat d'invertebrats aquàtics a la zona del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Moreno-Amich, R.; Quintana, X.; Suñer, L.; Trobajo, R.; Gascón, S.; Barrera, R.; Gifre, J.; Martinoy, M.
1998 Propuestas y recomendaciones para la redacción del Reglamento de Pesca de l'Estany de Banyoles Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1998 Proyecto de actuaciones futuras para la restauración de la laguna costera de Ter Vell Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1997 Monitorización de niveles y calidad del agua en el Parque Natural Aiguamolls de l'Empordà según metodología MedWet Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1996 Desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización ambiental acoplado a un sistema de información geográfica, en Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1996 Prospección del poblamiento de peces del Parque Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1995 Estudio de base sobre la fauna de la zona PEIN del lago de Banyoles Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1995 Prospección de la conductivitat i salinitat en tres zones dels aiguamolls de l'Alt Empordà Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1992 Estudio de las poblaciones piscícolas del Lago de Banyoles (Girona): evaluación y distribución espacial Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1990 Análisis estadístico: datos del Hospital de Girona (enero-noviembre de1988) dentro del Sistema EHLASS Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1990 Estudio de repercusiones ecológicas de la adecuación del Lago de Banyoles, para las pruebas de remo de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona '92 Moreno-Amich, R.
1989 Ciclo biológico y crecimiento de la trucha (Salmo trutta L.) en la Riera Major (Osona, cuenca del Ter) y propuestas para la gestión Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1988 Estatus y distribución del cangrejo de río (Austropotamobius pallipes) en Cataluña Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1988 Estatus y programación del Plan de recuperación para las especies piscícolas: fartet y samaruc Pla, C.; Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Marín, J.L.; Garcia Berthou, E.; Vila Gispert, A.
1988 Reserva integral de las marismas del Ampurdán (Girona). Limnología comparada, hidrología e incidencia de las actividades humanas en su degradación. Alternativas para su corrección Moreno-Amich, Ramon

Articles Científics

Data Títol Autor(s)
2024 A global assessment of environmental and climate influences on wetland macroinvertebrate community structure and function EPELE, L.B.; WILLIAMS-SUBIZA, E.A.; BIRD, M.S.; BOISSEZON, A.; BOIX, D.; DEMIERRE, E.; FAIR, C.G.; GARCÍA, P.E.; GASCÓN, S.; GRECH, M.G.; GREIG, H.S.; JEFFRIES, M.; KNEITEL, J.M.; LOSKUTOVA, O.; MALTCHIK, L.;MANZO, L.M.; MATA
2024 Disentangling responses of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates to drying in saline streams and shallow lakes Zeus Freixinos Campillo; Rosa Gómez Cerezo; Paloma Alcorlo Pagés; Jesús Miñano Martínez; Judit Boadella; María del Mar Sánchez-Montoya
2024 Morphological Variation of the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus 1758) on the Island of Menorca POCH, S., ESCORIZA, D. & BOIX, D.
2023 A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters OFICIALDEGUI, F.J., ZAMORA-MARÍN, J.M., GUARESCHI, S., ANASTÁCIO, P.M., GARCÍA-MURILLO, P., RIBEIRO, F., MIRANDA, R., COBO, F., GALLARDO, B., GARCÍA-BERTHOU, E., BOIX, D., ARIAS, A., CUESTA, J.A., MEDINA, L., ALMEIDA, D., BAN
2023 A multi-taxa assessment of aquatic non-indigenous species introduced into Iberian freshwater and transitional waters ZAMORA-MARÍN, J.M., RUIZ-NAVARRO, A., OFICIALDEGUI, F.J., ANASTÁCIO, P.M., MIRANDA, R., GARCÍA-MURILLO, P., COBO, F., RIBEIRO, F., GALLARDO, B., GARCÍA-BERTHOU, E., BOIX, D., MEDINA, L., MORCILLO, F. , OSCOZ, J., GUILLÉN, A.,
2023 A review and meta-analysis of the environmental biology of bleak Alburnus alburnus in its native and introduced ranges, with reflections on its invasiveness Latorre, D; Masó, G.; Cano-Barbacil, C.; Zamora-Marín, José M.; Almeida, D.; Vilizzi, L.; Britton, J.R.; Cruz, A.; Fernández-Delgado, C.; González-Rojas, A.G.; Miranda, R.; Rubio-Gracia, F.; Serhan Tarkan, A.; Torralva, M.; V
2023 A trait-based approach to determine the risks of Zn to the overall health status of native fish species Barbus meridionalis Amina Khalid, Cristina Galobart, Francesc Rubio-Gracia, Guluzar Atli, Helena Guasch and Anna Vila-Gispert
2023 Biodiversity time series are biased towards increasing species richness in changing environments Kuczinsky L; Ontiveros VJ; Hillebrandt H
2023 Brown trout density effects on the macroinvertebrate and biofilm communities of headwater streams: a cage experiment Alejandro López-de Sancha; Romero Roig; Martí Aranyó; Anna Vila-Gispert; Helena Guasch
2023 Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as Nature-based solutions CUENCA-CAMBRONERO, M., BLICHARSKA, M., PERRIN, J.A., DAVIDSON, T.A., OERTLI, B., LAGO, M., BEKLIOGLU, M., MEERHOFF, M., ARIM, M., TEIXEIRA, J., DE MEESTER, L., BIGGS, J., ROBIN, J., MARTIN, B., GREAVES, H.M., SAYER, C.D., LEM
2023 Colonization-persistence trade-offs in natural bacterial communities Ontiveros VJ; Capitán JA; Casamayor EO; Alonso D
2023 Day-night variation of microbial organic matter use in sediments of a saline shallow lake Judit Boadella; Clara Rodríguez-Baliu; Andrea Butturini; Anna M. Romaní
2023 Distinct dynamics in mountain watersheds: Exploring mercury and microplastic pollution- Unraveling the influence of atmospheric deposition, human activities, and hydrobiology Henar Margenat; Helena Guasch; Gaël Le Roux, Anna Vila-Gispert; Delfina Cornejo; Linda Chouache; Eugènia Martí; Jeroen E. Sonke; Radhouan B. El Zrelli; Laure Laffont; Sophia V. Hansson
2023 Ecological restoration promotes zooplankton network complexity in Mediterranean coastal lagoons HERNÁNDEZ-CARRASCO, D., CUNILLERA-MONTCUSÍ, D., ANTÓN-PARDO, M., CAÑEDO-ARGÜELLES, M., BAS-SILVESTRE, M., COMPTE, J., GASCÓN, S., QUINTANA, X.D. & BOIX, D.
2023 Heterogeneity in the isolation of patches may be essential for the action of metacommunity mechanisms Borthagaray, A. I.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Bou, J.; Tornero, I.; Boix, D.; Antón-Pardo, M.; Ortiz, E.; Mehner, T.; Quintana, X.; Gascón, S.; Arim, M
2023 Identification of potential invasive alien species in Spain through horizon scanning Cano-Barbacil C, Carrete M, Castro-Diez P, Delibes-Mateos M, Jaques JA, Lopez-Darias M, Nogales M, Pino J, Ros M, Traveset A, Turon X, Vila M, Altamirano M, Alvarez I, Arias A, Boix D, Cabido C, Cacabelos E, Cobo F, Cruz J, C
2023 Interacting impacts of damming and metal pollution on the Pyrenean Brook Newt, <i>Calotriton asper</i> (Dugès, 1852) López-de Sancha, A.; Vila-Gispert, A. & Guasch, H.
2023 Multilayer networks of plasmid genetic similarity reveal potential pathways of gene transmission Shapiro JT; Zorea A; Brown Kav A; Ontiveros VJ; Mizrahi I; Pilosof S
2023 Nitrogen in surface aquifer - coastal lagoons systems: Analyzing the origin of eutrophication processes. Menció, A; Madaula, E; Meredith, W; Casamitjana, X; Quintana, X.D.
2023 Spatial Patterns in the Morphological Diversity of Madagascan Frogs ESCORIZA, D., POCH, S. & BOIX, D.
2023 Understanding stochastic and deterministic assembly processes in microbial communities along temporal, spatial and environmental scales Menendez-Serra M; Ontiveros VJ; Caliz J; Alonso D; Casamayor EO
2022 Absence of stress-promoted facilitation in the microbiome of ephemeral saline lakes Menéndez-Serra M; Ontiveros VJ; Barberán A; Casamayor EO
2022 Accounting for temporal change in multiple biodiversity patterns improves the inference of metacommunity processes GUZMAN, L.M.; THOMPSON, P.L.; VIANA, D.S.; VANSCHOENWINKEL, B.; HORVÁTH, Z.; PTACNIK, R.; JELIAZKOV, A.; GASCÓN, S.; LEMMENS, P.; ANTON-PARDO, M.; LANGENHEDER, S.; DE MEESTER, L. ; CHASE, J.M.
2022 Assessing the short-term response of fish assemblages to damming of an Amazonian river dos Santos, J. A.; Silva, C. B.; de Santana, H. S.; Cano-Barbacil, C.; Agostinho, A. A.; Normando, F. T.; Cabeza, J. R.; Roland, F.; García-Berthou, E.
2022 Biological microbial interactions from cooccurrence networks in a high mountain lacustrine district Ontiveros VJ; Ortiz-Álvarez R; Barberán A; Capitán JA; Alonso D; Casamayor EO
2022 Dataset for Modeling the hydrological patterns and salinity fluctuations of a Mediterranean confined coastal lagoon system (La Pletera salt marsh area, NE Spain) Warren Meredith; Xavier Casamitjana; Xavier D. Quintana; Anna Menció
2022 Ecological role of the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra (Mustelidae, Carnivora) as a seed dispersal species for riparian vegetation in Iberian fresh waters Dani LATORRE; Raquel MERINO-AGUIRRE; Alejandra CRUZ; Esther LANTERO; Alejandra M. ARROYO; David H. FLETCHER; David ALMEIDA
2022 Effects of habitat structure and feeding habits on productivity and nestling quality of barn owl Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769) (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) in the Iberian Peninsula Latorre, Dani; Merino-Aguirre, Raquel; Fletcher, David H.; Cruz, Alejandra; Almeida, David
2022 Effects of Morphology and sediment permeability on coastal lagoons' hydrological patterns Warren Meredith; Xavier Casamitjana; Xavier D. Quintana; Anna Menció
2022 Green and brown stream trophic food chains show specific responses to constant or hump-shaped inputs of copper Sabater, Sergi, Freixa, Anna, Arias, Ander, López-Doval, Julio.
2022 Impacts of damming and climate change on the ecosystem structure of headwater streams: a case study from the Pyrenees. • López, A.; Roig, R.; Jiménez, I.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Guasch, H.
2022 Origin, accumulation and fate of dissolved organic matter in an extreme hypersaline shallow lake Andrea Butturini; Peter Herzsprung; Oliver Lechtenfeld; Paloma Alcorlo; Robert Benaiges-Fernandez; Merce Berlanga; Judit Boadella; Zeus Freixinos Campillo; Rosa Gomez; Maria del Mar Sanchez-Montoya; Jordi Urmeneta; Anna M. Ro
2022 Oxygen consumption in relation to current velocityand morphology in the highly invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii Francesc Rubio&#8209;Gracia; Cristina Galobart; Lluís Benejam; Bernat Martí; Angel Rubio; Anna Vila&#8209;Gispert
2022 Perils of life on the edge: Climatic threats to global diversity patterns of wetland macroinvertebrates EPELE, L.B. ; GRECH, M.G. ; WILLIAMS-SUBIZA, E.A. ; STENERT, C. ; MCLEAN, K. ; GREIG, H.S. ; MALTCHIK, L. ; PIRES, M.M. ; BIRD, M.S. ; BOISSEZON, A. ; BOIX, D. ; DEMIERRE, E. ; GARCÍA, P.E. ; GASCÓN, S. ; JEFFRIES, M. ; KNEIT
2022 Phylogenetic signal and evolutionary relationships among traits of inland fishes along elevational and longitudinal gradients Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; Grenouillet, Gaël; García-Berthou, Emili
2022 Response of stream ecosystem structure to heavy metal pollution: context-dependency of top-down control by fish Francesc Rubio-Gracia, María Argudo, Lluís Zamora, William H. Clements, Anna Vila-Gispert, Frederic Casals & Helena Guasch
2022 The importance of seawater tolerance and native status in mediating the distribution of inland fishes Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; García-Berthou, Emili
2022 The presence of Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae: Pisauridae) in the Ebro Delta extends its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula southwards BELMAR, O. ; MATEU, D. ; BOIX, D. ; SALA, J.
2022 Trophic competition in a guild of insectivorous semi&#8209;aquatic vertebrates in a Pyrenean headwater stream: diet specialisation in the endangered Galemys pyrenaicus Alejandro López&#8209;de Sancha; Romero Roig; Pere Aymerich; Anna Vila&#8209;Gispert; Helena Guasch
2021 A guideline to frame stressor effects in freshwater ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment Perujo, Nuria; van den Brink, Paul; Segner, Helmut; Mantyka-Pringle, Chrystal; Sabater, Sergi; Birk, Sebastian; Bruder, Andreas; Romero, Ferran; Acuña, Vicenç.
2021 Annual cycle of water quality and macroinvertebrate composition in Algerian wetlands: A case study of Lake Réghaïa (Algeria) Djitli, Y.; Boix, D.; Milla, A.; Marniche, F.; Tornero, I.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Quintana, X.D.; Daoudi-Hacini, S.
2021 Biofilm pigments in temporary streams indicate duration and severity of drying Colls, M., Acuña, V., Sabater, S.
2021 Combined effects of urban pollution and hydrological stress on the functioning of Mediterranean stream ecosystems Pereda, Olatz, Daniel von Schiller, Gonzalo García-Baquero, Jordi-René Mor, Vicenç Acuña, Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi
2021 Describing properties of littoral habitats from NW Mediterranean rocky shores through co-occurrence network analysis Dedeu AL; Alonso D; Ontiveros VJ; Ballesteros E; Mariani S
2021 Diel changes in vertical and horizontal distribution of cladocerans in two deep lakes during early and late summer Antón-Pardo M; Mu¿ka M; Jza T; Vejíková I; Vejík L; Blabolil P; ech M; Dra¿tík V; Frouzová J; Holubová M; íha M; Sajdlová Z; ¿mejkal M; Peterka J
2021 Different microbial functioning in natural versus man-made Mediterranean coastal lagoons in relation to season Judit Boadella; Andrea Butturini; Jordi Compte; Giulia Gionchetta; Núria Perujo; Xavier D. Quintana; Anna M. Romaní
2021 Distinctive genetic signatures of two fairy shrimp species with overlapping ranges in Iberian temporary ponds LOPES DA CUNHA, R. ; SALA, J. ; MACHADO, M. ; BOIX, D. ; MADEIRA, C. ; MADEIRA, P. ; CRISTO, M. ; CANCELA DA FONSECA, L. ; CASTILHO, R.
2021 Duration of non-flow periods drives the structure and functional diversity of benthic diatoms in temporary streams Tornés, E., Colls M., Acuña V., S. Sabater.
2021 Effects of size and nitrite exposure on respiration, oxygen partitioning, and growth of obligate air&#8209;breathing fish <i>Channa striata</i> Truong Quoc Phu; Bui Thi Bich Hang; Dang Diem Tuong; Vila&#8209;Gispert Anna; Toyoji Kaneko; Nguyen Thanh Phuong; Do Thi Thanh Huong
2021 Energy limitation or sensitive predators? Trophic and non-trophic impacts of wastewater pollution on stream food webs Mor J.R., I. Muñoz, S. Sabater, L. Zamora & A. Ruhi
2021 Framing biophysical and societal implications of multiple stressor effects on river networks Sabater, Sergi, Elosegi, Arturo, Ludwig, Ralf
2021 General decline in the diversity of the airborne microbiome under future climatic scenarios Ontiveros VJ; Cáliz J; Triadó-Margarit X; Alonso D; Casamayor EO
2021 Growth patterns of Emys orbicularis across a range of aquatic habitats: a long-term study ESCORIZA, D. ; POCH, S. ; SUNYER-SALA, P. ; BOIX, D.
2021 Habitat overlap and body condition in aquatic turtles: are there additive effects between invasive and native species? ESCORIZA, D. ; SUNYER, P. ; POCH, S. ; BOIX, D.
2021 Historical legacies and contemporary processes shape beta diversity in Neotropical montane streams González-Trujillo, Juan; Saito, Victor; Petsch, Danielle; Muñoz, Isabel; Sabater, Sergi
2021 Identifying critical transitions in seasonal shifts of zooplankton composition in a confined coastal salt marsh Quintana, Xavier; Antón-Pardo, Maria; Bas-Silvestre, Maria; Boix, Dani; Casamitjana, Xavier; Compte, Jordi; Cunillera-Montcusí, David; Gascón, Stéphanie; Menció, Anna; Obrador, Biel; Tornero, Irene; Sala, Jordi
2021 Incorporating Stakeholder Knowledge into a Complex Stock Assessment Model: The Case of Eel Recruitment DROUINEAU,D.;VANACKER,M.;DIAZ,E.;MATEO,M.;KORTA,M.;ANTUNES,C.;FERNÁNDEZ-DELGADO,C.;DOMINGOS,I.;ZAMORA,L.;BEAULATON,L-;LAMBERT,P.;BRIAND,C.
2021 Insect attractants and plant biomass as natural food complements in pond culture of stock chub (<i>Squalius cephalus</i>) Adamez, Z; Dulic Z, Hlavac D, Anton-Pardo M
2021 Maintenance of long-term equilibrium in a perturbed metacommunity of sub-arctic marine fishes Stortini CH; Frank KT; Ontiveros VJ; Legget WC; Shackell NL
2021 Metacommunity resilience against simulated gradients of wildfire: disturbance intensity and species dispersal ability determine landscape recover capacity Cunillera&#8208;Montcusí D.; Borthagaray A.I.; Boix D.; Gascón S.; Sala J.; Tornero I.; Quintana X.D.; Arim M.
2021 Network properties of local fungal communities reveal the anthropogenic disturbance consequences of farming practices in vineyard soils Ortiz-Álvarez R; Ortega-Arranz H; Ontiveros VJ; de Celis M; Ravarani C; Acedo A; Belda I
2021 Nutrient stream attenuation is altered by the duration and frequency of flow intermittency Saltarelli, Wesley Aparecido, Davi Gasparini Fernandes Cunha, Anna Freixa, Núria Perujo, Julio C. López-Doval, Vicenç Acuña, Sergi Sabater
2021 Recovery of temporary pond alpha and beta diversity after wildfire disturbance: the role of dispersal and recolonization processes CUNILLERA-MONTCUSÍ, D. ; BOIX, D. ; TORNERO, I. ; QUINTANA, X.D. ; SALA, J. ; GASCÓN, S.
2021 Recovery of temporary pond alpha and beta diversity after wildfire disturbance: the role of dispersal and recolonization processes Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Boix, D.; Tornero, I.; Quintana, X.D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.
2021 River trout density role on the ecosystemic structure of a Pyrenean headwater stream López, A.; Roig, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Guasch, H.
2021 Thermal performance curves for aerobic scope in a tropical fish ( Lates calcarifer ): flexible in amplitude but not breadth Hanna Scheuffele; Francesc Rubio-Gracia; Timothy D. Clark
2020 Addressing trait selection patterns in temporary ponds in response to wildfire disturbance and seasonal succession Cunillera&#8208;Montcusí, D., Arim, M., Gascón, S., Tornero, I., Sala, J., Boix, D., Borthagaray, A.I.
2020 Alien chelonians in north-eastern Spain: new distributional data POCH, S. ; SUNYER, P. ; PASCUAL, G. ; BOIX, D. ; CAMPOS, M. ; CRUSET, E. ; FEO, C. ; FUENTES, M.A. ; MOLINA, A. ; PORCAR, A. ; PÉREZ-NOVO, I. ; POU-ROVIRA, Q. ; RAMOS, S. ; ESCORIZA, D.
2020 Antioxidant system status in threatened native fish from the Osor River (Iberian Peninsula): I. Characterization and II. In vitro Zn assays G. Atli; H. Guasch; F. Rubio-Gracia; L. Zamora; A. Vila-Gispert
2020 Biofilm responses to non flow period in permanent and temporary streams: does biofilm origin matter? Timoner, Xisca, Miriam Colls, Samia Milena Salomón, Francesc Oliva, Vicenç Acuña; Sergi Sabater.
2020 Biotic and abiotic factors influencing Arsenic biogeochemistry and toxicity in fluvial ecosystems: a review Laura Barral-Fraga; María Teresa Barral; Keeley L. MacNeill; Diego Martiñá-Prieto; Soizic Morin; María Carolina Rodríguez-Castro; Baigal-Amar Tuulaikhuu; Helena Guasch
2020 Captive breeding conditions decrease metabolic rates and alter morphological traits in the endangered Spanishtoothcarp, <i>Aphanius iberus</i> Latorre, D., García&#8208;Berthou, E., Rubio&#8208;Gracia, F., Galobart, C., Almeida, D., Vila&#8208;Gispert, A
2020 Delineating the continuum of dissolved organic matter in temperate river networks Casas-Ruiz, Joan P., Spencer, Robert G.M., Guillemette, François, von Schiller, Daniel, Obrador, Biel Podgorski, David C. Kellerman, Anne M. Hartmann, Jens Gómez-Gener, Lluis, Sabater, Sergi, Marcé, Rafael
2020 Demographics and survivorship in the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis: a 31-year study ESCORIZA, D. ; FRANCH, M. ; RAMOS, S. ; SUNYER-SALA, P. ; BOIX, D.
2020 Diet of larval Pleurodeles waltl throughout its distributional range ESCORIZA, D. ; BEN HASSINE, J. ; BOIX, D. ; SALA, J.
2020 Diet quality and NSAIDs promote changes in formation of prostaglandins by an aquatic invertebrate López-Doval J., Serra-Compte A.; Rodríguez-Mozaz, S.; Barceló, D.; Sabater, S.
2020 Differences in swimming performance and energetic costs between an endangered native toothcarp (<i>Aphanius iberus</i>) and an invasive mosquitofish (<i>Gambusia holbrooki</i>) Rubio&#8208;Gracia, F; García&#8208;Berthou, E; Latorre, D; Moreno&#8208;Amich, R; Srean, P; Luo, Y; Vila&#8208;Gispert, A
2020 Duration and frequency of non-flow periods affect the abundance and diversity of stream meiofauna Majdi, N., M. Colls, L. Weiss, V. Acuña, S. Sabater, W. Traunspurger
2020 Dynamics and ecological distributions of the archaea microbiome from inland saline lakes (monegros desert, spain) Mateu Menéndez-Serra; Vicente J Ontiveros, Xavier Triadó-Margarit; David Alonso; Emilio O Casamayor
2020 Early-Career Coordinated Distributed Experiments: Empowerment Through Collaboration Pastor, A., Hernández-Del Amo, E., Giménez-Grau, P., Fillol, M., Pereda, O., Flores, L., Sanpera-Calbet, I., Bravo, A.G., Martín, E.J., Poblador, S., Arroita, M., Rasines-Ladero, R., Ruiz, C., Del Campo, R., Abril, M., Reyes,
2020 Ecoregional characteristics drive the distribution patterns of neotropical stream diatoms. González-Trujillo, Juan; Pedraza-Garzón, Edna; Donato-Rondon, Jhon; Sabater, Sergi
2020 Ecosystem metabolism dynamics and environmental drivers in Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons Bas-Silvestre, Maria; Quintana, Xavier D.; Compte, Jordi; Gascón, Stéphanie; Boix, Dani; Antón-Pardo, Maria; Obrador, Biel
2020 Effect of environmental enrichment on the body shape of the pumpkinseed N. Fabre; A. Vila-Gispert; C. Galobart; D. Vinyoles
2020 Effects of low pH and high temperature on two Palythoa spp. and predator-prey interactions in the subtropical eastern Atlantic López, Cataixa; Bas-Silvestre, Maria; Rodríguez, Adriana; Brito, Alberto; Clemente, Sabrina
2020 Effects of salinity on species composition of zooplankton on Hau River, Mekong Delta, Vietnam Cong Trang Nguyen; A. Vila-Gispert; Xavier D. Quintana; Au Van Hoa; Thanh Phunong Nguyen; Ngoc Ut Vu
2020 Environmental and biotic variables incarp (<i>Cyprinus carpio</i>) ponds: organic vs.conventional management Maria Anton-Pardo; David Hlavac; Christian Bauer; Zdenek Adamek
2020 Historical processes constrain metacommunity structure by shaping different pools of invertebrate taxa within the Orinoco basin González-Trujillo, Juan David, Isabel Muñoz, Jhon Ch. Donato-Rondon; Sergi Sabater
2020 Hydrological variations shape diversity and functional responses of streambed microbes Gionchetta G.; Oliva F.; Romaní A.M.; Bañeras L.
2020 Influence of restoration age on egg bank richness and composition: an ex situ experiment Olmo C; Anton-Pardo M; Ortells R; Armengol X
2020 Interpopulation variability in dietary traits of invasive bleak <i>Alburnus alburnus</i> (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) across the iberian peninsula Dani Latorre; Guillem Masó; Arlo Hinckley; David Verdiell-Cubedo; Gema Castillo-García; Anni G. González-Rojas; Erin N. Black-Barbour; Anna Vila-Gispert; Emili García-Berthou; Rafael Miranda; Francisco J. Oliva-Paterna; Ana R
2020 Key factors explaining critical swimming speed in freshwater fish: a review and statistical analysis for Iberian species Cano-Barbacil, C., Radinger, J., Argudo, M., Rubio-Gracia, F., Vila-Gispert, A. & García-Berthou, E
2020 Large-and small-regional-scale variables interact in the dispersal patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates from temporary ponds Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Boix, D., Sala, J., Compte, J., Tornero, I., Quintana, X.D., Gascón, S.
2020 Legacy of Summer Drought on Autumnal Leaf Litter Processing in a Temporary Mediterranean Stream Mora-Gómez, J., D. Boix, S. Duarte, F. Cássio, C. Pascoal, A. Elosegi, A.M. Romaní
2020 Lifestyle preferences drive the structure and diversity of bacterial and archaeal communities in a small riverine reservoir Borrego, Carles, Sabater, Sergi*, Proia, Lorenzo
2020 Local and regional environmental factors drive the spatial distribution of phototropic biofilm assemblages in Mediterranean streams Witteveen, N.H., Freixa, A. & Sabater, S.
2020 Management actions to mitigate Global Change effects on pharmaceuticals occurrence in freshwaters Acuña ,V., Bregoli F., Font C., Barceló D., Corominas Ll., Ginebreda A., Petrovic M., Rodríguez-Roda I., Sabater S., Marcé, R.
2020 Multi-model assessment of hydrological and environmental impacts on streambed microbes in Mediterranean catchments Giulia Gionchetta; Joan Artigas; Rebeca Arias-Real; Francesc Oliva; Anna Maria Romaní
2020 Multiple stressors determine community structure and estimated function of river biofilm bacteria Romero, Ferran, Acuña Vicenç, Sabater Sergi
2020 Native drivers of fish life history traits are lost during the invasion process Rodolphe Elie Gozlan;Eva Záhorská;Emira Cherif;Takashi Asaeda;John Robert Britton;Cha&#8208;Ho Chang ;To Hong;Rafael Miranda;Ji&#345;í Musil;Meta Povz;Ali Serhan Tarkan;Elena Tricarico;Teodora Trichkova;Hugo Verreycken;Andrej
2020 New and Old World phylogeography of pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus): the North American origin of introduced populations in Europe S. Yavno; J. Gobin; C.C. Wilson; A. Vila-Gispert; G.H. Copp & M.G. Fox
2020 Nurse plants promote taxonomic and functional diversity in a semi-arid Mediterranean annual plant community Madrigal-González, Jaime; Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Kigel, Jaime; Ferrandis, Pablo & Luzuriaga, Arantzazu L.
2020 Occurrence of regulated pollutants in populated Mediterranean basins: ecotoxicological risk and effects on biological quality. Llorens, Esther, Antoni Ginebreda, Farré, Sara Insa, Juan David González -Trujillo, Antoni Munné, Carolina Solà, Mònica Flò, Marta Villagrasa, Damià Barceló, Sergi Sabater
2020 Polyethylene microplastics increase the toxicity of chlorpyrifos to the marine copepod Acartia tonsa Juan Bellas; Irene Gil
2020 Reliability analysis of fish traits reveals discrepancies among databases Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; García-Berthou, Emili
2020 Size-related effects and the influence of metabolic traits and morphology on swimming performance in fish Rubio-Gracia, F; García-Berthou, E; Guasch, H; Zamora, L; Vila-Gispert, A
2020 The characteristic time of ecological communities Ontiveros VJ; Capitán JA; Casamayor EO; Alonso D
2020 Unravelling the effects of multiple stressors on diatom and macroinvertebrate communities in European river basins using structural and functional approaches. De Castro Núria, Sylvain Dolédec; Elenni Kalogianni; Nikolaos Th. Skoulikidis; Momir Paunovic; Bozica Vasiljevic; Sergi Sabater; Elisabet Tornés; Isabel Muñoz
2019 A bilayer coarse-fine infiltration system minimizes bioclogging: the relevance of depth-dynamics Perujo, N., Romaní, A.M., Sanchez-Vila, X.
2019 A conceptual framework for understanding the biogeochemistry of dry riverbeds through the lens of soil science María Isabel Arce; Clara Mendoza-Lera; María Almagro; Núria Catalán; Anna M. Romaní; Eugènia Martíg; Rosa Gómez; Susana Bernal; Arnaud Foulquier; Michael Mutz; Rafael Marcé; Annamaria Zoppini; Giulia Gionchetta; Gabriele Weig
2019 A GIS-based model for assessing contaminants fate in the global river network. Geoscientific Model Development Font, Carme, Francesco Bregoli, Vicenç Acuña, Sergi Sabater, and Rafael Marcé
2019 A randomized trait community clustering approach to unveil consistent environmental thresholds in community assembly Xavier Triadó-Margarit; Jose A. Capitán; Mateu Menéndez-Serra; Rüdiger Ortiz-Álvarez; Vicente J. Ontiveros; Emilio O. Casamayor; David Alonso
2019 Aquatic macroinvertebrates under stress: Bioaccumulation of emerging contaminants and metabolomics implications Ana Previši&#263;; Marko Rožman; Jordi-René Mor; Vicenç Acuña; Albert Serra-Compte; Mira Petrovi&#263;; Sergi Sabater
2019 Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation of C60 fullerene and C60 epoxide in biofilms and freshwater snails (Radix sp.) Sanchís, J A, Freixa, A, López, J, Santos, L, Sabater, S, Barcelo, D, Abad, E, Farré, M.
2019 Colonization and extinction rates estimated from temporal dynamics of ecological communities: The island r package Vicente J. Ontiveros; José A. Capitán; Rohan Arthur; Emilio O. Casamayor; David Alonso
2019 Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species Pablo González-Moreno; Lorenzo Lazzaro; Montserrat Vilà; Cristina Preda; Tim Adriaens; Sven Bacher; Giuseppe Brundu; Gordon H. Copp; Franz Essl; Emili García-Berthou; Stelios Katsanevakis; Toril LoennechenMoen; Frances E. Luc
2019 Contamination patterns and attenuation of pharmaceuticals in a temporary Mediterranean river Mandaric, L., Kalogiani, E., Skoulidikis, N.Th., Petrovic, M., Sabater, S.
2019 Desiccation events change the microbial response to gradients of wastewater effluent pollution Ferran Romero; Sergi Sabater; Carme Font; José Luís Balcázar; Vicenç Acuña
2019 Direct and indirect impacts of wildfire on faunal communities of Mediterranean temporary ponds David Cunillera-Montcusí; Stéphanie Gascón; Irene Tornero; Jordi Sala; Núria Àvila; Xavier D. Quintana; Dani Boix
2019 Effects of Duration, Frequency, and Severity of the Non-flow Period on stream Biofilm Metabolism Miriam Colls, Xisca Timoner, Carme Font, Sergi Sabater, and Vicenç Acuña
2019 Effects of multiple stressors on river biofilms depend on time scale Romero, Ferran; Acuña, Vicenç; Font, C, Freixa, Anna; Sabater, Sergi
2019 Effects of olive mill wastewater discharge on benthic biota in Mediterranean streams Smeti Evangelia, Eleni Kalogianni, Ioannis Karaouzas, Sofia Laschou, Elisabet Tornés, Núria De Castro, Evangelia Anastasopoulou, Maria Koutsodimou, Argyro Andriopoulou, Leonidas Vardakas, Isabel Muñoz, Sergi Sabater, Nikolaos
2019 Estudio de las poblaciones de las especies de cangrejo utilizadas como carnada en las islas Canarias: situación actual, influencia del marisqueo y tipo de hábitat. Forner, A.; Bas-Silvestre, M.; Martín-Hernández, A.;Álvarez-Canali, D.; Collazo, N.
2019 Exposure to single and binary mixtures of fullerenes and triclosan: Reproductive and behavioral effects in the freshwater snail Radix balthica López-Doval Julio, Anna Freixa, Lucia H.M.L.M. Santos, Josep Sanchis, Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz, Marinel·la Farré, Damià Barceló, Sergi Sabater
2019 Global meta-analysis reveals that invertebrate diversity is higher in permanent than in temporary lentic water bodies Anton-Pardo M; Ortega JCG; Melo AS; Bini LM
2019 GLOBAL-FATE (version 1.0.0): A GIS-based model for assessing contaminants fate in the global river network Font, Carme, Francesco Bregoli, Vicenç Acuña, Sergi Sabater, and Rafael Marcé
2019 How do zooplankton respond to coastal wetland restoration? the case of newly created salt marsh lagoons in la Pletera (NE Catalonia) CABRERA, S.; COMPTE, J.; GASCÓN, S.; BOIX, D.; CUNILLERA-MONTCUSÍ, D.; BARRERO, L; QUINTANA, X.D.
2019 Immediate and legacy effects of urban pollution on river ecosystem functioning: a mesocosm experiment Pereda, Olatz, Vicenç Acuña, Daniel von Schiller, Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi
2019 Impact and mitigation of global change on freshwater-related ecosystem services in Southern Europe Jordà-Capdevila, D., Gampe, D., Huber-García, V., Ludwig, R., Sabater, S., Vergoñós, L., Acuña, V. 2019. Impact and mitigation of global change on freshwater-related ecosystem services in Southern Europe. Science of the Total
2019 Impact of fullerenes in the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of venlafaxine, diuron and triclosan in river biofilms. Santos, Lúcia H.M.L.M.; Anna Freixa; Sara Insa; Vicenç Acuña; Josep Sanchís; Marinella Farré; Sergi Sabater; Damià Barceló; Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz.
2019 Interplay between sediment properties and stream flow conditions influences surface sediment organic matter and microbial biomass in a Mediterranean river Ann, V., Freixa A., Butturini A., Romaní A.M.
2019 Invertebrate community responses to urban wastewater effluent pollution under different hydro-morphological conditions. MOR J.R., S. DOLÉDEC, V. ACUÑA, S. SABATER, I. MUÑOZ
2019 Key role of streambed moisture and flash storms for microbial resistance and resilience to long- term drought Gionchetta Giulia; Francesc Oliva; Margarita Menéndez; Pilar Lopez Laseras; Anna M. Romaní
2019 Microbial organic matter utilization in high-Arctic streams: key enzymatic controls Pastor, A., Freixa, A., Skovsholt, L.J., Wu, N., Romaní, A.M., Riis, T.
2019 Modeling the salinity &#64258;uctuations in salt marsh lagoons Xavier Casamitjana; Anna Menció; Xavier D Quintana; David Soler; Jordi Compte; Mònica Martinoy; Josep Pascual
2019 Multiple stressor effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean temporary river Smeti, Evangelia; Daniel von Schiller; Ioannis Karaouzas; Sofia Laschou; Leonidas Vardakas; Sergi Sabater; Elisabet Tornés; Luis Simón Monllor-Alcaraz; Nuria Guillem-Argiles; Elena Martinez; Damià Barceló; Miren Lopez de Alda
2019 Nutrient attenuation dynamics in effluent dominated watercourses. Water Research Acuña, V., Romero, F., Font, C., Sabater, S.
2019 Protecting and restoring Europe's waters: an analysis of the future development needs of the Water Framework Directive Carvalho, Laurence, E. Mackay; Ana Cristina Cardoso; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Sebastian Birk; Kirsty L Blackstock; Gábor Borics; Angel Borja; Christian K Feld; Maria T Ferreira; Lidija Globevnik; Bruna Grizzetti; Sarah Hend
2019 Rapid invasion of the American blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula FUENTES, M.A. ; TORRENT, L. ; BARRERA, S. ; BOIX, D.
2019 Responses of microbial activity in hyporheic pore water to biogeochemical changes in a drying headwater stream Harjung, A., Perujo, N., Butturini, A., Romaní, A.M., Sabater, F
2019 Responses of resident (DNA) and active (RNA) microbial communities in fluvial biofilms under different polluted scenarios Argudo María; Gich Frederic; Bonet Berta; Espinosa Carmen; Gutiérrez Marina; Guasch Helena.
2019 The synergistic effect of enzymatic detergents on biofilm cleaning from different surfaces Tsiaprazi-Stamoua A., Ylla Monfort I., Romaní A.M., Bakalisa S., Gkatzionisa K.
2019 The vertical distribution of maraena whitefish (Coregonus maraena) early juveniles in different times of day in a newly created oligotrophic lake Tomas Juza, Vladislav Drastic,Martin Cech, Zuzana Sajdlova, Maria Anton-Pardo, Petr Blabolil, Jiri Peterka
2019 Tracking environmental changes in restored Mediterranean dune slacks. Olmo C; Antón-Pardo M; Ortells R; Armengol X
2019 Upstream refugia and dispersal ability override benthic-community responses to high-Andean streams deforestation González-Trujillo, Juan David, Ph.D.; Danielle K. Petsch, Ph.D.; Gabriela Córdoba-Ariza; Katterine Rincón-Palau; Jhon Ch. Donato-Rondon; Maria I. Castro-Rebolledo; Sergi Sabater
2018 Assessing the ecological effects of water stress and pollution in a temporary river - implications for water management Karaouzas I., Smeti E., Vourka A., Vardakas L., Mentzafou A., Tornés E., Sabater S., Muñoz. I., Skoulikidis N.Th, Kalogianni E.
2018 Behind the scenes: Mechanisms regulating climatic patterns of dissolved organic carbon uptake in headwater streams N. Catalán; J.P. Casas-Ruiz; M. I. Arce; M. Abril; A.G. Bravo; R. del Campo; E. Estévez; A.Freixa; P. Giménez-Grau; A. M. González-Ferreras; Ll. Gómez-Gener; A. Lupon; A. Martínez; C. Palacin-Lizarbe; S. Poblador; R. Rasines-
2018 Bilayer infiltration system combines benefits from both coarse and fine sands promoting nutrient accumulation in sediments and increasing removal rates N. Perujo; A.M. Romaní; X. Sanchez-Vila
2018 Changes in food-web structure in response to river regulation Mor, Jordi-René; Ruhi, Albert; Tornés, Elisabet; Valcárcel, Héctor; Muñoz, Isabel; Sabater, Sergi.
2018 Composition of pelagic microbial communities in Mediterranean coastal aquatic ecosystems under extreme drought conditions. Àvila, N; López-Flores R; Quintana X.D.
2018 Contribution to the knowledge of the aquatic fauna of some temporary ponds in the Rif mountains (northern Morocco) BOIX, D. ; ESCORIZA, D. ; SALA, J.
2018 Decomposition processes in coastal lagoons and their implications for the assessment of ecological health Margarita Menéndez, Meritxell Abril, Miriam Colls and Xavier Quintana
2018 Diatom responses to sewage inputs and hydrological alteration in Mediterranean streams Tornés, E., Mor, J.R., Mandaric, L., Sabater, S.
2018 Dispersal mode and spatial extent influence distance-decay patterns in pond metacommunities Tornero, I.; Boix, D.; Bagella, S.; Pinto-Cruz, C.; Caria, M.C.; Belo, A.; Lumbreras, A.; Sala, J.; Compte, J.; Gascón, S.
2018 Does the severity of non-flow periods influence ecosystem structure and function of temporary streams? A mesocosm study Muñoz, Isabel; Abril, Meritxell; Casas-Ruiz, Joan Pere; Casellas, Maria; Gómez-Gener, Lluís; Marcé, Rafael; Menendez, Margarita; Obrador, Biel; Sabater, Sergi; von Schiller, Daniel; Acuña, Vicenç
2018 Ecotoxicological effects of carbon based nanomaterials in aquatic organisms Freixa A, Acuña V, Sanchís J, Farré M, Barceló D and Sabater S.
2018 Effects of human-driven water stress on river ecosystems: a meta-analysis Sergi Sabater, Francesco Bregoli, Vicenç Acuña, Damià Barceló, Arturo Elosegi, Antoni Ginebreda, Rafael Marcé, Isabel Muñoz, Laia Sabater-Liesa, Verónica Ferreira
2018 Effects of water pollution and river fragmentation on population genetic structure of invasive mosquitofish Díez-del-Molino, D; García-Berthou E.; Araguas R.M.; Alcaraz C.; Vidal O.; Sanz N.; García-Marín J.L.
2018 Emerging contaminants and nutrients synergistically affect the spread of class 1 integron-integrase (intI1) and sul1 genes within stable streambed bacterial communities Jessica Subirats, Xisca Timoner; Alexandre Sànchez-Melsió; José Luis Balcázar; Vicenç Acuña; Sergi Sabater; Carles Borrego
2018 First record of the asp Leuciscus aspius introduced into the Iberian Peninsula Merciai R., Almeida D., Aparicio E., Cruset E., Fuentes M.Á., Pou-Rovira Q., Rocaspana R., Vila-Gispert A. & García-Berthou E.
2018 Fish shift the feeding behaviour and trophic niche diversification of their prey in subarctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Bartrons, M.; Arranz, I.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Sgarzi, S.; Lauridsen, T.L.; Landkildehus, F.; Quintana, X.D.; Brucet, S.; Jeppesen, E.
2018 Fullerenes influence the toxicity of organic micro contamimants to river biofilms Freixa A, Acuña V, Gutierrez, M., Sanchís J, Santos, LHMLM, Rodriguez-Mozaz, S., Farré M, Barceló D and Sabater S.
2018 Impact of urban chemical pollution on water quality in small, rural and effluent-dominated Mediterranean streams and rivers Mandaric, L.; Mor, J.R.; Sabater, S.; Petrovic, M.
2018 Inter-population variability in growth and reproduction of invasive bleak <i>Alburnus alburnus</i> (Linnaeus, 1758) across the Iberain Peninsula Latorre, D.; Masó, G.; Hinckley, A.; Verdiel-Cubedo, D.; Tarkan, A.S.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Copp, G.H.; Cucherousset, J.; da Silva, E.; Fernández-Delgado, C.; García-Berthou, E.; Miranda, R.; Oliva-Paterna, F.J.; Ruiz-Navarro, A
2018 Linking biofilm spatial structure to real-time microscopic oxygen decay imaging Rubol S., A. Freixa, X. Sanchez-Vila, A. M. Romaní
2018 Microbial decomposition is highly sensitive to leaf litter emersion in a permanent temperate stream Mora-Gómez J., Duarte S., Cássio F., Pascoal C., Romaní A.M.
2018 Multiple stressor effects on biological quality elements in the Ebro River: present diagnosis and future scenarios Herrero, A., C. Gutiérrez-Cánovas, O. Vigiak, S. Lutz, R. Kumar, D. Gampe, V. Huber-García, R. Ludwig, R. Batalla, S. Sabater
2018 Multistressor effects on river biofilms under global change conditions. Ferran Romero, Sergi Sabater, Xisca Timoner, Vicenç Acuña.
2018 Mutual interaction between Arsenic and biofilm in a mining impacted river Barral-Fraga, L; Martiñá-Prieto, D; Barral, MT; Morin, S; Guasch, H.
2018 Protecting U.S. temporary waterways Jonathan C. Marshall, Vicenç Acuña, Daniel C. Allen, Núria Bonada, Andrew J. Boulton, Stephanie M. Carlson, Clifford N.Dahm, Thibault Datry, Catherine Leigh, Peter Negus, John S. Richardson, Sergi Sabater, R. Jan Stevenson, A
2018 Response of macroinvertebrate communities to hydrological and hydrochemical alterations in Mediterranean streams Menció, A.; Boix, D.
2018 The map of biodiversity. From local to global scales Anton-Pardo, M.
2018 Transport of sediment borne persistent contaminants in a mediterranean river during a high flow event Herrero, A., Judit Vila, Ethel Eljarrat, Antoni Ginebreda, Sergi Sabater, Ramon J. Batalla, Damià Barceló
2018 Water diversion reduces abundance and survival of two Mediterranean cyprinids Merciai, Roberto, Bailey, Larissa L., Bestgen, Kevin R., Fausch, Kurt D., Zamora, Lluís, Sabater, Sergi, García-Berthou, Emili
2017 A mechanistic model (BCC-PSSICO) to predict changes in the hydraulic properties for bio-amended variably saturated soils Carles Brangarí A., Sanchez-Vila X., Freixa A., Romaní A.M., Rubol S., Fernàndez-Garcia D.
2017 A new tool for the assessment of severe anthropogenic eutrophication in small shallow water bodies Serrano, L., Reina, M., Quintana, X.D., Romo, S., Olmo, C., Soria, J.M., Blanco, S., Fernández-Aláez, C. Fernández-Aláez, M., Caria, C., Bagella, S., Kalettka, T., Pätzig, M.
2017 A tale of pipes and reactors: Controls on the in-stream dynamics of dissolved organic matter in rivers J. P. Casas-Ruiz; N. Catalán; L. Gómez-Gener; D. von Schiller; B Obrador; D. N. Kothawala; P. López; S. Sabater; R. Marcé
2017 Biochemical quality of basal resources in a forested stream: effects of nutrient enrichment Sanpera-Calbet I.; Ylla I.; Romaní AM; Sabater S.; Muñoz I.
2017 Biofilm phosphorus uptake capacity as a tool for the assessment of pollutant effects in river ecosystems. Proia L., Romaní A.M., Sabater, S.
2017 Carbon dioxide emissions from dry watercourses D. von Schiller; R. Marcé; B. Obrador; L. Gómez-Gener; J.P. Casas-Ruiz; V. Acuña; M. Koschorreck
2017 Changes in bacterioplankton density and viability in the Tordera river due to the input of effluents from waste water treatment plants. Vivas Z., Perujo N., Freixa A., Romaní AM.
2017 Colombian ecosystems at the crossroads after the new peace deal Sabater S., González-Trujillo JD, Elosegi A, Donato Jh Ch.
2017 Combined effects of hydrologic alteration and cyprinid fish in mediating biogeochemical processes in a Mediterranean stream Rubio-Gracia F; Almeida D; Bonet B; Casals F; Espinosa C; Flecker AS; García-Berthou E; Martí E; Tuulaikhuu BA; Vila-Gispert A; Zamora L Guasch H.
2017 Contamination sources and distribution patterns of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the Alpine rivers strongly affected by tourism. Ladislav Mandaric; Elena Diamantini; Elisa Stella; Karina Cano Paoli ; Jennifer Valle-Sistac; Daniel Molins-Delgado; Alberto Bellin; Gabriele Chiogna; Bruno Majone; M. Silvia Diaz-Cruz; Sergi Sabater ; Damia Barcelo; M Petrov
2017 Contrasting intra-annual patterns of six biotic groups with different dispersal mode and ability in Mediterranean temporary ponds BOIX, D.; CARIA, M.C.; GASCÓN, S.; MARIANI, M.A.; SALA, J.; RUHÍ, A.; COMPTE, J.; BAGELLA, S.
2017 Crustacean assemblages of coastal wetlands from fragmented and low isolated islands compared to the mainland Lucena-Moya, P., Gascón, S., Boix, D., Pardo, I., Sala, J. & Quintana, X.D.
2017 Deconvolution model to resolve cytometric microbial community patterns in flowing waters. Amalfitano S., Fazi S., Ejarque E., Freixa A., Romaní A.M., Butturini A.
2017 Defining the importance of landscape metrics for large branchiopod biodiversity and conservation: the case of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands Sala, Jordi; Gascón, Stéphanie; Cunillera-Montcusí, David; Alonso, Miguel; Amat, Francisco; Cancela da Fonseca, Luís; Cristo, Margarida; Florencio, Margarita; Garcia-De-Lomas, J; Machado, Margarida; Miracle, María Rosa; Miró,
2017 Drought effects on resource quality in a Mediterranean stream: fatty acids and sterols as indicators. Sanpera-Calbet I., Ylla I., Romaní AM, Sabater S., Muñoz I.
2017 Els valors ecològics de la maresma de la Pletera QUINTANA, X.D. ; BOIX, D. ; COLOMER, A. ; COMPTE, J.
2017 Environmental stressors as a driver of the trait composition of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in polluted Iberian rivers Maja Kuzmanovic, Sylvain Dolédec, Nuria de Castro-Catala, Antoni Ginebreda, Sergi Sabater, Isabel Muñoz and Damià Barceló
2017 Examining predictors of chemical toxicity in freshwater fish using the random forest technique Tuulaikhuu, BA.; Guasch, H.; García-Berthou, E.
2017 Fluvial biofilms exposed to desiccation and pharmaceutical pollution: New insights using metabolomics Albert Serra-Compte; Natàlia Corcoll; Belinda Huerta; Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz; Sergi Sabater; Damià Barceló; Diana Álvarez-Muñoz
2017 Groundwater dependence of coastal lagoons: The case of La Pletera salt marshes (NE Catalonia) Anna Menció; Xavier Casamitjana; Josep Mas-Pla; Narcís Coll; Jordi Compte; Mònica Martinoy; Josep Pascual; Xavier D. Quintana
2017 How threatened are large branchiopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in the Iberian Peninsula? GARCÍA-DE-LOMAS, J.; SALA, J.; BARRIOS, V.; PRUNIER, F.; CAMACHO, A.; MACHADO, M.; ALONSO, M.; KORN, M.; BOIX, D.; HORTAS, F.; GARCÍA, C.M.; SERRANO, L; MUÑOZ, G.
2017 Interaction between physical heterogeneity and microbial processes in subsurface sediments: a laboratory-scale column experiment N. Perujo; X. Sanchez-Vila; L. Proia; A.M. Romaní
2017 Local and regional drivers of headwater stream metabolism: insights from the first AIL collaborative project Ada Pastor, Anna Lupon, Lluís Gómez-Gener, Tamara Rodríguez-Castillo, Meritxell Abril, María Isabel Arce, Ibon Aristi, Maite Arroita, Andrea G. Bravo, Núria de Castro-Català, Rubén del Campo, Joan Pere Casas-Ruiz, Edurne Esté
2017 Low contribution of internal metabolism to carbon dioxide emissions along lotic and lentic environments of a Mediterranean fluvial network Gómez-Gener, Ll. von Schiller, D., Marcé, R., Arroita, M., Casas-Ruiz, Staehr, P.A., Acuña, V., Sabater, S., Obrador, B. 2017.
2017 Modeling the sedimentary response of a large pyrenean basin to global change. 2017. Journal of Soils and Sediments Herrero, A., Buendía C., G. Bussi, Sabater, S., Vericat, D., Palau, A., Batalla, R.J.
2017 Non-perennial Mediterranean rivers in Europe: Status, pressures, and challenges for research and management Skoulikidis Th. Nikolaos, Sabater Sergi, Datry Thibault, Morais Manuela, Buffagni Andrea, Dörflinger Gerald, Zogaris Stamatis, Sánchez-Montoya Maria del Mar, Bonada Nuria, Kalogianni Eleni, Rosado Joana, Vardakas Leonidas, De
2017 Patterns of morphological variation among native and non-native pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) populations: shared and unique aspects of diversification Vila-Gispert, A., Yavno, S., Naspleda, J., Zamora, L., Moreno-Amich, R. Fox, M.G.
2017 Quality and reactivity of dissolved organic matter in a Mediterranean river across hydrological and spatial gradients. Ejarque E., Freixa A., Vazquez E., Guarch-Ribot A., Amalfitano S., Fazi S., Romaní A.M., Butturini A.
2017 Responses of microbial decomposers to drought in streams may depend on the environmental context Duarte S., Mora-Gómez J., Romaní A.M., Cássio F., Pascoal C.
2017 Responses of microbially driven leaf litter decomposition to stream nutrients depend on litter quality Bastias E., Ribot M., Romaní A.M., Mora-Gómez J., Sabater F., López P., Martí E.
2017 River ecosystem processes: a synthesis of approaches, criteria of use and sensitivity to environmental stressors Daniel von Schiller; Vicenç Acuña; Ibon Aristi; Maite Arroita; Ana Basaguren; Alberto Bellin; Luz Boyero; Andrea Butturini; Antoni Ginebreda; Eleni Kalogianni; Aitor Larrañaga; Bruno Majone; Aingeru Martínez; Silvia Monroy; I
2017 Role of predation in biological communities in naturally eutrophic sub-Arctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Sgarzi, S., Arranz, I., Quintana, X.D., Ersoy, Z., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Brucet, S.
2017 Size-based interactions and trophic transfer efficiency are modified by fish predation and cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Freshwater Biology, 62:1942-1952. Ersoy, Z., Jeppesen, E., Sgarzi, S., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Quintana, X.D., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Bartrons, M. & Brucet, S.
2017 Temporary wetlands: challenges and solutions to conserving a 'disappearing' ecosystem CALHOUN, A.J.K.; MUSHET, D.M.; BELL, K.P.; BOIX, D.; FITZSIMONS, J.A.; ISSELIN-NONDEDEU, F.
2017 The fluvial sediment budget of a dammed river (upper Muga, southern Pyrenees). Piqué, G., Batalla, R.J. , López, R., Sabater, S.
2017 Warmer night-time temperature promotes microbial heterotrophic activity and modifies stream sediment community. Freixa A., Acuña V., Casellas M., Pecheva S., Romaní A.M.
2017 Wastewater pollution differently affects the antibiotic resistance gene pool and biofilm communities across streambed compartments Jèssica Subirats; Xavier Triadó-Margarita; Ladislav Mandaric; Vicenç Acuña; José Luis Balcázar; Sergi Sabater; C.M. Borrego
2017 Water abstraction affects abundance, size-structure and growth of two threatened cyprinid fishes Merciai , R., Molons-Sierra C., Sabater S., García-Berthou, E.
2016 <i>Linderiella jebalae</i> sp. nov (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca), a new species from the Rif mountains (northern Morocco) BOIX, D.; SALA, J.; ESCORIZA, D.; ALONSO, M.
2016 An appraisal of the sediment yield in western mediterranean river basins Buendia, C.; Herrero, A.; Sabater, S.; Batalla, R.J
2016 Attenuation of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving river ecosystem Aymerich, I., V. Acuña, D. Barceló, M.J García, M. Petrovic, M. Poch, S. Sabater, S. Rodriguez-Mozaz, D. Von Schiller, Corominas Ll.
2016 Balsas ganadera: oasis de biodiversidad en ecosistemas semiáridos. VERDIELL, D. ; MURCIA, J. ; BOIX, D.
2016 Bioaccumulation and magnification of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in a Mediterranean river food web Ruhí Albert, Vicenç Acuña, Damià Barceló, Belinda Huerta, Jordi-Rene Mor, Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz, Sergi Sabater
2016 Compound feeds and cereals as potential tools for improved carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) production Hlavac D, Masilko J, Anton-Pardo M, Hartman P, Regenda J, Vejsada P, Mráz J, Adamek Z.
2016 Determination of a broad spectrum of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in biofilm from a WWTP-impacted river Huerta B, Rodriguez-Mozaz S, Nannou C, Nakis L, Ruhí A, Acuña V, Sabater S, Barcelo D.
2016 Differences in the sensitivity of fungi and bacteria to season and invertebrates affect leaf litter decomposition in a Mediterranean stream Mora-Gómez J.; Elosegi A.; Duarte S.; Cássio F.; Pascoal C.; Romaní A.M.
2016 Drought-induced discontinuities in the source and biodegradation of dissolved organic matter in a Mediterranean river Casas-Ruiz, Joan Pere; Tittel, Jörg; von Schiller, Daniel; Catalán, Núria; Gómez-Gener, Lluís; Obrador, Biel; Zwirnmann, Elke; Sabater, Sergi; Marcé, Rafa
2016 Ecotoxicological risk assessment of chemical pollution in four Iberian river basins and its relationship with the aquatic macroinvertebrate community status Kuzmanovi&#263;, Maja ; López-Doval, Julio C. ; Castro-Català, Núria de ; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; Ginebreda, Antoni ; Petrovi&#263;, Mira ; Guasch i Padró, Helena ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damiàttp://
2016 Effects of afforestation on runoff and sediment load in an upland mediterranean catchment Cristina Buendia, Gianbattista Bussi; Jordi Tuset; Damia Vericat; Sergi Sabater; Antoni Palau; Ramon J Batalla
2016 Effects of biofilm on river-bed scour Piqué, Gemma; Vericat, Damià; Sabater, Sergi; Batalla, Ramon J.
2016 Effects of nutrient enrichment on epipelic diatom assemblages in a nutrient-rich lowland stream, Pampa Region, Argentina Licursi, M.; Gómez, N.; Sabater, S.
2016 Effects of size and sex on swimming performance and metabolism of invasive mosquitofish <i>Gambusia holbrooki</i> Srean P.; D. Almeida; F. Rubio-Gracia; Y. Luo; E. García-Berthou
2016 Environmental factors affecting the balance of autotrophs versus heterotrophs in the microbial food web of temporary ponds Àvila, N; López-Flores R; Boix, D; Gascón, S; Quintana X.D
2016 Environmental filtering determines metacommunity structure in wetland microcrustaceans Gascón, S.; Arranz, I.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Nebra, A.; Ruhí, A.; Rieradevall, M.; Caiola, N.; Sala, J.; Ibàñez, C.; Quintana X.D.; Boix, D.
2016 Flow regulation increases food-chain length through omnivory mechanisms in a Mediterranean river network Ruhí, Albert; Isabel, Muñoz; Tornés, Elisabet; Batalla, Ramon J.; Vericat, Dami; Ponsatí, Lydia; Acuña, Vicenç; von Schiller, Daniel; Marcé, Rafael; Bussi, Gianbattista; Francés, Félix; Sabater, Sergi
2016 Fluvial biofilms from upper and lower river reaches respond differently to wastewater treatment plant inputs Perujo, N.; Freixa, A.; Vivas, Z.; Gallegos, A.M.; Butturini, A.; Romaní, A.M.
2016 Hydrological characterisation of dammed rivers in the NW Mediterranean region Piqué, Gemma; Batalla, Ramon J.; Sabater, Sergi
2016 Hydrological conditions control in situ DOM retention and release along a Mediterranean river Butturini A.; Guarch A.; Romaní A.M.; Freixa A.; Amalfitano S.; Fazi S.; Ejarque E.
2016 Influence of biotic variables on invertebrate size structure and diversity in coastal wetlands of Southeastern Spain. María Antón-Pardo; Xavier Armengol.
2016 Influence of grazing on triclosan toxicity to stream periphyton Guasch, H.; Ricart, M.; López-Doval, J.; Bonnineau, C.; Proia, L.; Morin, S.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2016 Influence of regional hydrogeological systems at a local scale: analyzing the coupled effects of hydrochemistry and biological activity in a Fe and CO<sub>2</sub> rich spring Menció, A.; Guasch, H.; Soler, D.; Canelles, A.; Zamorano, M.; Brusi, D.
2016 Integrating ecosystem services in the implementation of river basin management plans Terrado, Marta; Momblanch, Andrea; Bardina, Mònica; Boithias, Laurie; Munné, Antoni; Sabater, Sergi; Solera, Abel; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç; Siqueira, Tadeu
2016 Inter-­population plasticity in dietary traits of invasive bleak <i>Alburnus alburnus</i> (Linnaeus, 1758) in Iberian fresh waters D.Latorre; G.Masó; A.Hinckley; F.Rubio-Gracia; A.Vila-Gispert; D.Almeida
2016 Inter-population plasticity in dietary traits of invasive bleak Alburnus alburnus (L., 1758) in Iberian fresh waters. Latorre D.; Masó G.; Hinckley A.; Rubio-Gracia F.; Vila-Gispert A.; Almeida D
2016 Inter-population plasticity in growth and reproduction of invasive bleak, Alburnus alburnus (Cyprinidae, Actinopterygii), in northeastern Iberian Peninsula Masó G.; Latorre D.; Tarkan A.S.; Vila-Gispert A.; Almeida D.
2016 Is ecosystem size more important than locality in determining the environmental characteristics of temporary ponds? Ballón, C.; Àvila, N.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Romo, S.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Gascón, S.
2016 Linderiella baetica Alonso & Garcia-de-Lomas 2009 (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca): ¿al borde de la extinción? GARCÍA DE LOMAS, J.G.; GARCIA, C.M.; HORTAS, F.; PRUNIER, F.; BOIX, D.; SALA, J.; LEON, D.; SERRANO, L.; PRENDA, J.; GILBERT, J.D.; GUERRERO, F.J.; MARRONE, F.; SAHUQUILLO, M.; CAMACHO, A.; OLMO, C.; MIRACLE, M.R.; ZAMORA-MUÑ
2016 Low-dose pharmaceutical pollutants produce non-additive effects on microbial populations and communities Rodea-Palomares Ismael, Miguel Gonzalez-Pleiter, Soledad Gonzalo, Roberto Rosal, Francisco Leganes, Sergi Sabater, Maria Casellas, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena & Francisca Fernández-Piñas
2016 Mediterranean Temporary Ponds: new challenges from a neglected habitat BAGELLA, S.; GASCÓN, S.; FILIGHEDDU, R.; COGONI, A.; BOIX, D.
2016 Microbial carbon processing along a river discontinuum Proia, L.; von Schiller, D.; Gutierrez, C.; Casas-Ruiz, J.P.; Gómez-Gener, Ll.; Marcé, R.; Obrador, B.; Acuña, V.; Sabater S.
2016 Microhabitat selection and diel patterns of zooplankton in a Mediterranean temporary pond Compte, J.; Montenegro, M.; Ruhí, A.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Boix, D.
2016 Model development for the assessment of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in conservation planning Terrado, Marta ; Sabater, Sergi ; Chaplin-Kramer, Becky ; Mandle, Lisa ; Ziv, Guy ; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
2016 Multiple-stressor effects on river biofilms under different hydrological conditions Ponsatí, Lydia; Petrovic, Mira; Picó, Yolanda; Ginebreda, Antoni; Tornés, Elisabet; Corcoll, Natàlia; Guasch, Helena; Barceló, Damià; Sabater, Sergi
2016 Niche conservatism determines the occurrence of allopatric populations of Hyla meridionalis in different biogeographical scenarios ESCORIZA, D.; BEN HASSINE, J.; BOIX, D.
2016 Nutrients versus emerging contaminants - or a dynamic match between subsidy and stress effects on stream biofilms Aristi I., Casellas M., Elosegi A., Insa S., Petrovic M., Sabater, S., Acuña V.
2016 Pond size effect on macrofauna community structure in a highly connected pond network Irene Tornero; Jordi Sala; Stéphanie Gascón; Núria Àvila; Xavier D. Quintana; Dani Boix
2016 Regulation causes nitrogen cycling discontinuities in Mediterranean rivers von Schiller, Daniel ; Aristi, Ibon ; Ponsatí Sánchez, Lídia ; Arroita, Maite ; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç ; Elosegi, Arturo ; Sabater, Sergi
2016 Sediment microbial communities rely on different dissolved organic matter sources along a Mediterranean river continuum Freixa A.; Ejarque E.; Crognale S.; Amalfitano S.; Fazi S.; Butturini A.; Romaní A.M.
2016 Shared effects of organic microcontaminants and environmental stressors on biofilms and invertebrates in impaired rivers Sabater, S.; Barcelo, D.; De Castro-Català, N.; Ginebreda, A.; Kuzmanovic, M.; Petrovic, M.; Pico, Y.; Ponsati, L.; Tornés, E.; Muñoz, I.
2016 Supplementary feeding with thermally treated cereals in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) pond farming and its effects on water quality, nutrient budget and zooplankton and zoobenthos assemblages Hlavac D, Anton-Pardo M, Masilko J, Hartman P, Regenda J, Vejsada P, Baxa M, Pechar L, Valentova O, Vsetickova L, Drozd B, Adamek Z.
2016 The ecology and biogeochemistry of stream biofilms Battin T.J.; Besemer K.; Bengtsson M.M.; Romani A.M.; Packmann A.I.
2016 The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter: An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank Freixa, Anna; Rubol, Simonetta; Carles-Brangarí, Albert; Fernàndez-Garcia, Daniel; Butturini, Andrea; Sanchez-Vila, Xavier; Romaní, Anna
2016 The environmental and zooplankton community changes in restored ponds over 4 years. Olmo C; Armengol X; Antón-Pardo M; Ortells R
2016 The microbial food web in the Doñana marshland: Influence of trophic state and hydrology Àvila, N; López-Flores, R; Quintana, X.D; Serrano, L
2016 Update: A non-parametric method for the measurement of size diversity, with emphasis on data standardization. The measurement of the size evenness Quintana, X.D.; Egozcue, J.J.; Martínez-Abella, O.; López-Flores, R.; Gascón, S.; Brucet, S.; Boix, D.
2016 When water vanishes: magnitude and regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from dry temporary streams Gómez-Gener Lluís, Biel Obrador, Rafael Marcé, Vicenç Acuña, Núria Catalán, Joan Pere Casas-Ruiz, Sergi Sabater, Isabel Muñoz, Daniel von Schiller
2016 Women in limnology in the Iberian Peninsula: biases, barriers and recommendations Sánchez-Montoya M, Pastor A, Aristi I, del Arco AI, Antón-Pardo M, Bartrons M, Ruíz C, Feio MJ, Gallardo B, Chappuis E, Catalán N.
2016 Zoophagy in the larvae of Ibero-Maghrebian spade-foot toads ESCORIZA, D.; BEN HASSINE; J. SALA, J.; BOIX, D.
2015 Arsenic toxicity effects on microbial communities and nutrient cycling in indoor experimental channels mimicking a fluvial system Tuulaikhuu, Baigal-Amar; Romani, Anna M.; Guasch, Helena
2015 Assessing thermal impacts in rivers from equilibrium temperature. Buendía, C., Sabater, S., Palau, A., Batalla, R.J., Marcé, R.
2015 Balancing the health benefits and environmental risks of pharmaceuticals: Diclofenac as an example Acuña V, Ginebreda A., Mor J.R., Petrovic M., Sabater S., Sumpter J., Barceló D.
2015 Consequences of warming and resource quality on the stoichiometry and nutrient cycling of a stream shredder Mas-Martí E.; A.M. Romaní; I. Muñoz
2015 Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of <i>Chaoborus</i> species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula, with notes on the spatial and temporal segregation among them Arranz, I.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Ruhí, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Amoedo, J.; Martinoy, M.; Boix, D.
2015 Cumulative Stressors Trigger Increased Vulnerability of Diatom Communities to Additional Disturbances Morin, Soizic; Bonet, Berta; Corcoll, Natalia; Guasch, Helena; Bottin, Marius; Coste, Michel
2015 Cumulative stressors trigger increased vulnerability of diatom communities to additional perturbations. Freshwater Biology Morin S; Bottin M; Bonet B; Corcoll N; Guasch H; Coste M.
2015 Detection and attribution of global change effects on river nutrient concentration dynamics in a Mediterranean basin Aguilera, Rosana; Marcé, Rafael; Sabater, Sergi.
2015 Development of an analytical method for the determination of multi-class pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in freshwater invertebrates. Huerta, Belinda; Ana Jakimska; Marta Llorca; Albert Ruhi; George Margoutidis; Vicenç Acuña; Sergi Sabater; Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz; Damià Barceló
2015 Diel cycle and effects of water flow on activity and use of depth by Common Carp Benito J.; Benejam L.; Zamora L.; García-Berthou E.
2015 Effect of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) supplementary feeding with modified cereals on pond quality and nutrient budget Hlavac, D.; Masilko, J.; Hartman, P.; Blaha, M.; Pechar, L.; Anton-Pardo, M.; Adamek, Z.
2015 Effects of flow intermittency and pharmaceutical compounds on the structure and metabolism of stream biofilms Corcoll, N.; Casellas, M.; Huerta, B.; Guasch, H.; Acuña, V.; Rodríguez-Mozaz, S.; Serra-Compte, A.; Barceló, D.; Sabater, S.
2015 Effects of low arsenic concentration exposure on freshwater fish in the presence of fluvial biofilms Tuulaikhuu, Baigal Amar; Bonet, Berta; Guasch, Helena
2015 Factors controlling seasonality in leaf litter breakdown for a Mediterranean intermittent stream Mora-Gómez, J ; Elosegui, A ; Mass-Marti, E ; Romani, A. M
2015 Flood disturbance effects on benthic diatom community structure in a semiarid river network Elisabet Tornés, Vicenç Acuña, Clifford N. Dahm, Sergi Sabater.
2015 Hydrological transitions drive dissolved organic matter quantity and composition in a temporary Mediterranean stream von Schiller, Daniel, Daniel Graeber, Miquel Ribot, Xisca Timoner, Vicenç Acuña, Eugènia Martí, Sergi Sabater, Klement Tockner
2015 Increasing flow intermittency extent leads temporary waterways to heterotrophy Acuña V., M. Casellas, N. Corcoll, X. Timoner, S. Sabater.
2015 Influence of the interaction between phosphate and arsenate on periphyton's growth and its nutrient uptake capacity Rodriguez Castro, Ma. Carolina; Urrea, Gemma; Guasch, Helena
2015 Is the toxicity of pesticide mixtures on river biofilm accounted for solely by the major compounds identified? Tiam, Sandra Kim; Morin, Soizic; Bonet, Berta; Guasch, Helena; Feurtet-Mazel, Agnes; Eon, Melissa; Gonzalez, Patrice; Mazzella, Nicolas
2015 Les comunitats d'animals de les basses, estanys, llacunes i aiguamolls mediterranis Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Compte, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2015 Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity: the GLOBAQUA project Navarro-Ortega, Alícia; Acuña, Vicenç; Bellin, Alberto; Burek, Peter; Cassiani, Giorgio; Choukr-Allah, Redouane; Dolédec, Sylvain; Elosegi, Arturo; Ferrari, Federico; Ginebreda, Antoni; Grathwohl, Peter; Jones, Colin; Ker Rau
2015 Nutrient and enzymatic adaptations of stream biofilms to changes in nitrogen and phosphorus supply. Artigas, J., Romani A.M., Sabater, S.
2015 Pharmaceuticals and pesticides in reclaimed water: Efficiency assessment of a microfiltration-reverse osmosis (MF-RO) pilot plant Rodriguez-Mozaz, S.; Ricart, M.; Köck-Schulmeyer, M.; Guasch, H.; Bonnineau, C.; Proia, L.; Lopez de Alda, M.; Sabater, S.; Barceló. D.
2015 Predation and competition effects on the size diversity of aquatic communities Quintana, X.D.; Arim, M.; Badosa, Anna; Blanco, J.M.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; Compte, J.; Egozcue, J.J.; de Eyto, E.; Gaedke, U.; Gascón, S.; de Solá, L.G.; Irvine, K.; Jeppesen, E.; Lauridsen, T.L.; López-Flores, R.; Mehner, T
2015 Short-term arsenic exposure reduces Diatom cell size in biofilm communities Barral-Fraga, Laura; Morin, Soizic; Rovira, Marona; Urrea, Gemma; Magellan, Kit; Guasch, Helena
2015 Small weirs, big effects: disruption of water temperature regimes with hydrological alteration in a mediterranean stream Bae, Mi-Jung; Merciai, Roberto; Benejam Vidal, Lluís; Sabater, Sergi; García-Berthou, Emili
2015 Subsidy or stress? Mixed effects of effluents from a wastewater treatment plant on river ecosystem metabolism. Ibon Aristi, Daniel von Schiller, Maite Arroita, Damià Barceló, Lídia Ponsatí, María Jesús García-Galán, Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi & Vicenç Acuña.
2015 Successful reproduction of common carp Cyprinus carpio in irrigation waterways Adamek, Z.; Antón-Pardo, M.; Vilizzi, L.; Roberts, J.
2015 The challenge: assessing the effects of chemicals in freshwaters under multiple stress. Sergi Sabater, Helmut Segner, Damià Barceló, Leo Posthuma, Scott Dyer, José Tarazona.
2015 The role of zooplankton as food in carp pond management: a review Anton-Pardo, M.; Adamek, Z.
2015 Weak coherence in abundance patterns between bacterial classes and their constituent OTUs along a regulated river Clara Ruiz-González, Guillem Salazar, Ramiro Logares, Lorenzo Proia, Josep M. Gasol, and Sergi Sabater
2015 Zooplankton biodiversity and community structure vary along spatiotemporal environmental gradients in restored peridunal ponds Antón-Pardo M; Armengol X; Ortells R
2014 A compositional analysis approach to phytoplankton composition in coastal Mediterranean wetlands: Influence of salinity and nutrient availability López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X.D.; Romaní, A.M.; Bañeras, Ll.; Ruiz-Rueda, O.; Compte, J.; Green, A.J. Egozcue, J.J.
2014 Analysis of stream-aquifer relationships: A comparison between mass balance and Darcy's law approaches Menció, A.; Galán, M.; Boix, D.; Mas-Pla, J.
2014 Antioxidant enzyme activities in biofilms as biomarker of Zn pollution in a natural system: an active bio-monitoring study Bonet, B.; Corcoll, N.; Tlili, A.; Morin, S.; Guasch, H.
2014 Aquatic invertebrate assemblages in ponds from coastal Mediterranean wetlands Maria Anton-Pardo; Xavier Armengol
2014 Aquatic macrofauna of Vila Nova de Milfontes temporary ponds, with the first record of Cyphon hilaris Nyholm, 1944 (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) from Portugal TORNERO, I.; SALA, J.; GASCÓN, S.; ÀVILA, N.; QUINTANA, X.D.; BOIX, D.
2014 Aquatic macrofauna of Vila Nova de Milfontes temporary ponds, with the first record of Cyphon hilaris Nyholm, 1944 (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) from Portugal. Tornero, I., Sala, J., Gascón, S., Àvila, N., Quintana, X.D. & Boix, D.
2014 Assessing the impact of multiple stressors on aquatic biota: the receptor’s side matters Segner, H.; Schmitt-Jansen, M.; Sabater, S
2014 Assessment of multi-chemical pollution in aquatic ecosystems using toxic units: Compound prioritization, mixture characterization and relationships with biological descriptors Ginebreda, A.; Kuzmanovic, M.; Guasch, H; López de Alda, M.; López-Doval, J.C.; Muñoz, I.; Ricart, M.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Barceló, D.
2014 Balancing conservation needs with uses of river ecosystems (Compatibilizando las necesidades con los usos en la conservación de los ecosistemas fluviales) Sabater Sergi; Arturo Elosegi. 2014.
2014 Behavioural and physiological effects of arsenic exposure in fish are aggravated by aquatic algae Magellan, Kit; Barral-Fraga, Laura; Rovira, Marona; Srean, Pao; Urrea, Gemma; García-Berthou, Emili; Guasch, Helena
2014 Biofilm functional responses to the rehydration of a dry intermittent stream Timoner, X; Acuña, V; Frampton, L; Pollard, P; Sabater, S; Bunn, SE
2014 Biofilm responses to flow regulation by dams in Mediterranean rivers. Ponsatí Lydia, Aristi, Ibon, Arroita Maite, Larrañaga Aitor, von Schiller Daniel, Elosegi Arturo, and Acuña Vicenç, Sabater Sergi
2014 Biofilms responses to flow regulation by dams in Mediterranean rivers Ponsatí, Lídia; Acuña, Vicenç; Aristi, Ibon; Arroita, Maite; García-Berthou, Emili; von Schiller, Daniel; Elosegi, Arturo; Sabater, Sergi
2014 Comparative effects of polar passive sampler extracts and reconstituted mixture: Is the toxicity of pesticides mixtures to river biofilm explained by the major identified compounds? Kim Tiam S; Morin S; Bonet B; Guasch H; Feurtet&#8208;Mazel A; Eon M; Gonzalez P; Mazzella N.
2014 Connecting bacterial colonization to physical and biochemical changes in a sand box infiltration experiment S. Rubol; A. Freixa; A. Carles-Brangarí; D. Fernàndez-Garcia; A.M. Romaní; X. Sanchez-Vila.
2014 Diatom responses to zinc contamination along a Mediterranean river Morin, S.; Corcoll, N.; Bonet, B.; Tlili, A.; Guasch, H.
2014 Effects of warming on stream biofilm organic matter use capabilities. Microbial Ecology Ylla, I.; Canhoto, C.; Romaní, A.M.
2014 Efficiency of cadmium chelation by phytochelatins in Nitzschia palea (Kützing) W. Smith Figueira, E.; Freitas, R.; Guasch, H. ;Almeida, S.F.
2014 Environmental filtering determines community patterns in temporary wetlands: a multi-taxon approach RUHÍ, A.; E. CHAPPUIS; D. ESCORIZA; M. JOVER; J. SALA; D. BOIX; S. GASCÓN; E. GACIA
2014 Epilithic biofilm metabolism during the high water flow period in an Andean Neotropical stream Jhon Donato; Yaira Abuhatab; Sergi Sabater
2014 Experimental evaluation of the contribution of acidic pH and Fe concentration to the structure, function and tolerance to metals (Cu and Zn) exposure in fluvial biofilms Luís, A.T.; Bonet, B.; Corcoll, N.; Almeida, S.F.P.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Figueira, E.; Guasch, H.
2014 Factors explaining patterns of benthic chlorophyll-a distribution in a large agricultural Iberian watershed (Guadiana River) Urrea Clos, Gemma; García-Berthou, Emili; Sabater, Sergi
2014 Factors regulating the invasive success of an alien frog: a comparison of the ecology of the native and alien populations ESCORIZA, D.; J. BEN HASSINE; D. BOIX
2014 Fitness in animals correlates with proximity to discontinuities in body mass distributions: contrasting patterns in stressed and near-pristine ecosystems Angeler, D.; Allen, C.R., Vila-Gispert, A. and D. Almeida
2014 Foreword to the Special Issue “Algae for Monitoring Rivers” Mateo, P.; F. Fernández-Piñas; E. Perona; S. Sabater.
2014 Hydrological variation modulates pharmaceutical levels and biofilm responses in a Mediterranean river Osorio V; L Proia; M Ricart; S Pérez; A Ginebreda; JL Cortina; S Sabater; Barceló, D.
2014 Impact of climatic extremes on hydrological ecosystem services in a heavily humanized Mediterranean basin Terrado, Marta; Acuña, Vicenç; Ennaanay, Driss; Tallis, Heather; Sabater, Sergi
2014 Impact of dry-rewetting on bioavailability of dissolved organic matter molecular weight fractions in a Mediterranean stream Vazquez, E.; Ejarque, E.; Ylla, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Butturini, A.
2014 Integrating chemical and biological status assessment: assembling lines of evidence for the evaluation of river ecosystem risk Muñoz, Isabel; Sabater Sergi
2014 Intercalibration of ecological quality in European Mediterranean rivers M.T. Ferreira; S. Sabater
2014 Least Disturbed Condition for European Mediterranean rivers M.J. Feio; F.C. Aguiar; S.F.P. Almeida; J. Ferreira; M.T. Ferreira; C. Elias; S.R.S. Serra; A. Buffagni; J. Cambra; C. Chauvin; F. Delmas; G. Dörflinger; S. Erba; N. Flor; M. Ferréol; M. Germ; L. Mancini; P. Manolaki; S. Marc
2014 Macroinvertebrate biodiversity patterns during primary succession in manmade ponds in north-eastern Spain MIGUEL-CHINCHILLA, L.; BOIX, D.; GASCÓN, S.; COMÍN, F.A.
2014 Modelling epilithic biofilms combining hydrodynamics, invertebrate grazing and algal traits Myriam Graba; Sabine Sauvage; Nabil Majdi; Benoît Mialet; Frédéric Y. Moulin; Gemma Urrea; Evelyne Buffan–Dubau; Michèle Tackx; Sergi Sabater; José–Miguel Sanchez–Pérez.
2014 Natural diet of mirror and scaly carp (Cyprinus carpio) phenotypes in earth ponds Anton-Pardo, M; Hlavac, D; Masilko, J.; Hartman, P.; Adamek, Z.
2014 Pollution-induced community tolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs (NSAIDs) in fluvial biofilm communties affected by WWTP effluents Corcoll, Natàlia; Acuña, Vicenç; Barceló, Damià; Casellas, Maria; Guasch, Helena; Huerta, Belinda; Petrovic, Mira; Ponsatí, Lídia; Rodríguez-Mozaz, Sara; Sabater, Sergi
2014 Primeros datos sobre la distribución de grandes branquiópodos (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) en la Región de Murcia (SE España) VERDIELL-CUBEDO, D.; BOIX, D.
2014 Reproductive habitat selection in alien and native populations of the genus Discoglossus ESCORIZA, D.; D. BOIX
2014 Reservoirs override seasonal variability of phytoplankton communities in a regulated Mediterranean river Tornés, E.; M.C. Pérez-Baliero; C. Durán; S. Sabater
2014 Shifts in carbon substrate utilization in sediment microbial communities along the Llobregat river Freixa, A.; Romaní, A.M.
2014 Shifts in microbial community structure and function in light and dark grown biofilms driven by warming Romaní, A.M.; Borrego, C.; Díaz-Villanueva, V.; Freixa, A; Gich, F.; Ylla, I.
2014 Spatio-temporal variability of faunal and floral assemblages in Mediterranean temporary wetlands ROUISSI, M.; BOIX, D.; MULLER, S.D.; GASCÓN, S.; RUHÍ, A.; SALA, J.; BOUATTOUR, A.; BEN HAJ JILANI, I.; GHRABI-GAMMAR, Z.; BEN SAAD-LIMAM,S.; DAOUD-BOUATTOUR, A.
2014 Streambeds change in colour when they dry? Photosynthetic pigment changes in biofilms during flow intermittency Timoner X., Acuña V., Buchaca, T., Sabater S.
2014 Taxonomic and functional successional patterns in macroinvertebrates related to flying dispersal abilities: a case study from isolated manmade ponds at reclaimed opencast coal mines MIGUEL-CHINCHILLA, L.; D. BOIX; S. GASCÓN; F.A. COMÍN
2014 The dynamics of biofilm bacterial communities is driven by flow wax and wane in temporary streams Timoner, Xisca; Borrego, Carles M.; Acuña, Vicenç; Sabater, Sergi
2014 The ecological role of ponds in a changing world CÉRÉGHINO, R.; D. BOIX; H.-M. CAUCHIE; K. MARTENS; B. OERTLI
2014 Trace metal concentration and fish size: variation among fish species in a Mediterranean river Merciai, Roberto; Guasch, Helena; Kumar, Awadhesh; Sabater, Sergi; García-Berthou, Emili
2014 Water provisioning management under scarcity: new insights into optimal management scale to mitigate the impact of global change in a Mediterranean River Boithias, L.; Acuña, V.; Sabater, S.
2014 Water quality assessment of rivers using diatom metrics across Mediterranean Europe: a methods intercalibration exercise Salomé F. P. Almeida; Carmen Elias; João Ferreira; Elisabet Tornés; Camilla Puccinelli; François Delmas; Gerald Dörflinger; Gorazd Urbani&#269;; Stefania Marcheggiani; Juliette Rosebery; Laura Mancini; Sergi Sabater
2014 Why Should We Care about Temporary Waterways? V. Acuña; T. Datry; J. Marshall; D. Barceló; C. N. Dahm; A. Ginebreda; G. McGregor; S. Sabater; K. Tockner; M. A. Palmer
2013 Changes of the phenol-degrading bacterial community during the decomposition of submersed Platanus acerifolia leaves Ramió-Pujol, S.; Bañeras, L.; Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.
2013 Delayed response of microbial epipelic biofilm to nutrient addition in a Pampean stream Cochero, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Gómez, N.
2013 Different diversity-functioning relationship in lake and stream bacterial communities Ylla, I.; Peter, H.; Romaní, A. M.; Tranvik, L. J.
2013 Drought episode modulates biofilm response to pulses of Triclosan. Proia L., C.Vilches, C.Boninneau, L. Kantiani, M. Farré, A.M. Romaní, S.Sabater, H.Guasch.
2013 Effect of restoration on zooplankton community in a permanent interdunal pond Maria Anton-Pardo; Carla Olmo; Juan M. Soria; Xavier Armengol
2013 Effects of hydromorphological impacts on river ecosystem functioning: a review and suggestions for monitoring Elosegi, A.; Sabater, S.
2013 Effects of large river dam-regulation on bacterioplankton community structure Ruiz-González, Clara; Lorenzo Proia; Isabel Ferrera; Josep M. Gasol; Sergi Sabater. .
2013 Effects of pesticides and pharmaceuticals on biofilms in a highly impacted river Proia L.; Osorio V.; Soley S.; Köck-Schulmeyer M.; Pérez S.; Barceló D.; Romaní A.M.; Sabater S.
2013 Estanys de l'Albera i basses dels secans de Lleida: quines característiques ambientals determinen les seves comunitats i la seva biodiversitat? JOVER, M.; A. RUHÍ; E. CHAPPUIS; D. ESCORIZA; J. SALA; D. BOIX; S. GASCÓN; E. GACIA
2013 Examining the demand for ecosystem services: the value of stream restoration for drinking water treatment managers in the Llobregat River, Spain Honey-Rosés, Jordi; Vicenç Acuña; Mònica Bardina; Nicholas Brozovic; Rafael Marcé; Antoni Munné; Sergi Sabater; Montserrat Termes; Fernando Valero;Àlex Vega; Daniel W. Schneider
2013 Fourteen years of hydro-biogeochemical monitoring in a Mediterranean catchment E. Vazquez; V. Acuña; J. Artigas; S. Bernal; E. Ejarque; A. Gaudes; I. Ylla; E. Martí; E. Mas-Martí; A. Guarch; I. Muñoz; A. Romaní; S. Sabater; F. Sabater; D. Von Schiller; A. Butturini
2013 Functional and phylogenetic relatedness in temporary wetland invertebrates: current macroecological patterns and implications for future climatic change scenarios RUHÍ, A.; BOIX, D.; GASCÓN, S.; SALA, J.; BATZER, D.P.
2013 Gene flow and maintenance of genetic diversity in invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Diez-del-Molino D, Carmona-Catot G, Araguas RM, Vidal O, Sanz N, Garcia-Berthou E, García-Marin JL
2013 Global pressures, specific responses: environmental differences in streams result in contrasting effects after nutrient enrichment Artigas, Joan; Delia E. Bauer; Maria I. Castro; Joaquín Cochero; Darío C. Colautti; Agustina Cortelezzi;, Jhon C. Donato; Arturo Elosegi; Claudia Feijoó; Emili García-Berthou; Adonis Giorgi; Nora Gómez; Leonardo Leggieri; Isa
2013 Impacts of biological invasions: what’s what and the way forward Simberloff, D; Martin, J.L; Genovesi, P; Maris. V; Wardle, D.A; Aronson, J; Courchamp, F; Galil, B; García-Berthou, E; Pascal, M; Pyšek, P; Sousa, R; Tabacchi, E; Vilà, M.
2013 Interaction between local hydrodynamics and algal community in epilithic biofilm Graba, M.; Sauvage, S.; Moulin, F.; Urrea, G.; Sabater S.; J.M. Sanchez-Pérez
2013 Microbial biofilm structure and organic matter use in Mediterranean streams Romaní, A M; Amalfitano, S; Artigas, J; Fazi, S; Sabater, S; Timoner, X; Ylla, I; Zoppini, A
2013 Modeling nutrient retention at the watershed scale: does small stream research apply to the whole river network? Aguilera, Rosana; Marcé, Rafael; Sabater, Sergi
2013 Morphological differences between native and non-native pumpkinseed in traits associated with locomotion S. Yavno; M.G. Fox; A. Vila-Gispert y Y. Bhagat
2013 Nestedness and successional trajectories of macroinvertebrate assemblages in man-made wetlands Ruhí, A., Boix, D., Gascón, S., Sala, J., Quintana, X.D.
2013 Response of biofilm bacterial communities to antibiotic pollutants in a Mediterranean river Proia L.; Lupini G.; Osorio V.; Barceló D.; Schwartz T.; Amalfitano S.; Fazi S.; Romaní A.M.; Sabater, S.
2013 Tekwani, N., N. Majdi, B. Mialet, E. Tornés, G. Urrea-Clos, E. Buffan-Dubau, S. Sabater, M. Tackx. 2013. Contribution of epilithic diatoms to benthic-pelagic coupling in a temperate river Tekwani, N.; N. Majdi; B. Mialet; E. Tornés; G. Urrea-Clos; E. Buffan-Dubau; S.Sabater; M. Tackx.
2013 Temperature-specific competition between invasive mosquitofish and an endangered cyprinodontid fish Carmona-Catot G., Magellan K. & García-Berthou E.
2013 The effects of <i>Aphanius iberus</i> predation on an aquatic community: diel changes and the role of vegetation Gascón, S., Llopart, X., Ruiz-Navarro, A., Compte, J., Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Boix, D., Oliva-Paterna, F.J., Quintana, X.D., Torralva, M.
2013 The use of antioxidant enzymes in freshwater biofilms: Temporal variability vs. toxicological responses. BONNINEAU, C; A. TLILI; L. FAGGIANO; B. MONTUELLE & H. GUASCH
2013 Un fòssil vivent a la nostra fauna. 'Triops', un crustaci que ja nedava abans de l'aparició dels dinosaures. MASÓ, A. ; BOIX, D.
2012 A benthic macroinvertebrate size spectra index for implementing the Water Framework Directive in coastal lagoons in Mediterranean and Black Sea ecoregions. Basset, A., Barbone, E., Borja, A., Brucet, S., Pinna, M., Quintana, X.D., Reizopoulou, S., Rosati, I. & Simbour, N.
2012 A rapid bioassessment tool for the evaluation of the water quality of transitional waters CAÑEDO-ARGÜELLES, M.; D. BOIX; N. SÁNCHEZ-MILLARUELO; J. SALA; N. CAIOLA; A. NEBRA; M. RIERADEVALL
2012 A technical note on seasonal growth models García-Berthou, E.; Carmona-Catot, G.; Merciai, R; Ogle, D.H.
2012 Antioxidant enzyme activities as biomarkers of Zn pollution in fluvial biofilms Bonet, B, Corcoll, N., Guasch, H.
2012 Assessing and forecasting the impacts of global change on Mediterranean rivers. The SCARCE Consolider project on Iberian basins Navarro-Ortega, A; Acuña, V; Batalla,R.J; Blasco, J; Conde, C; Elosegi, A; Francés, F; La-Roca, F; Muñoz, I; Petrovic, M; Picó, Y; Sabater, S; Sanchez-Vila, X; Schuhmacher, M; Barceló, D.
2012 Assessing the Potential Impact of an Invasive Species on a Mediterranean Amphibian Assemblage: A Morphological and Ecological Approach ESCORIZA, D.; BOIX, D.
2012 Assessing the potential impact of an invasive species on a Mediterranean amphibian assemblage: a morphological and ecological approach ESCORIZA, D.; D. BOIX
2012 Change in biological traits and community structure of macroinvertebrates through primary succession in a man-made Swedish wetland RUHÍ, A.; J. HERRMANN; S. GASCÓN; J. SALA; J. GEIJER; D. BOIX
2012 Changes in the microbial communities along the environmental gradient created by a small Fe spring. Guasch, H., Garcia Acosta, X., Urrea, G. i Bañeras, Ll.
2012 Classification strength of reference conditions in rivers. Is the biological classification of benthic diatom communities concordant with ecoregions? Tonrés, E; Leira, M; Sabater, S.
2012 Crustacis dels estanys de l'Albera Boix, D., Compte, J., Gascón, S., Quintana, X., Sala, J.
2012 Distribution of the White-headed Duck <i>Oxyura leucocephala</i> is affected by environmental factors in a Mediterranean wetland. Atiénzar, F.; Antón-Pardo, M.T.; Armengol, X.; Barba, E.
2012 Effects of temperature, salinity and fish in structuring the macroinvertebrate community in shallow lakes: implications for effects of climate change Brucet, S., Boix, D., Nathansen, L.W., Quintana, X.D., Jensen, E., Balayla, D., Meerhoff, M. & Jeppesen, E.
2012 Emergent macrophytes act selectively on ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea Trias, R., Ruiz-Rueda, O., García-Lledó, A., Vilar-Sanz, A., López-Flores, R., Quintana, X. D., Hallin, S. and Bañeras, L.
2012 Establishing causal relationships between the presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals and the benthic community in a European river basin. Brix, R.; López-Doval, J.; Ricart, M.; Guasch, H; López de Alda, M.J.; Muñoz, I.; Orendt, C.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Barceló, D.
2012 Experimental assessment of the effects of a Neotropical nocturnal piscivore (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) on juvenile native and invasive fishes Santos A.F.G.N., Alcaraz C., Santos L.N., Hayashi C. & García-Berthou E.
2012 First record of <i>Holocentropus stagnalis</i> (Albarda, 1874) (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae) for the Iberian Peninsula BOIX, D.; RUHÍ, A.; GASCÓN, S.; SALA, J.
2012 Fish catchability and comparison of four electrofishing crews in Mediterranean streams Benejam, L.; Alcaraz, C.; Benito, J.; Caiola, N.; Casals, F.; Maceda-Veiga, A.; de Sostoa, A.; García-Berthou, E.
2012 Functional responses of stream biofilms to flow cessation, desiccation and rewetting. Timoner, X; Acuña, V; von Schiller, D; Sabater, S.
2012 Growth and yield of Chinese hybrid rice in Battambang, Cambodia Srean P., Houm S., Touch B., Zhou H., Wang W., Shi Y., Wei S., Liu B.
2012 How do early successional patterns differ between man-made wetlands in the cold temperate and Mediterranean regions? RUHÍ, A.; J. HERRMANN; S. GASCÓN; J. SALA; D. BOIX
2012 Identifying reference benthic diatom communities in an agricultural watershed (Guadiana River, SW Spain) Urrea–Clos, G; Sabater, S.
2012 Labile and recalcitrant organic matter utilization by river biofilm under increasing water temperature. Ylla, I; Romaní, A. M; Sergi, S.
2012 Light history influences the response of fluvial biofilms to Zn exposure Corcoll, N., Bonet, B., Leira, M., Montuelle, B., Tlili, A., Guasch, H.
2012 Light history modulates antioxidant and photosynthetic responses of biofilms to natural (light) and chemical (herbicides) stressors BONNINEAU, C, I. GALLARDO; G. URREA & H. GUASCH
2012 Linking in-stream nutrient flux to land use and hydrological variability at the watershed scale Aguilera, R; Marcé, R; Sabater, S.
2012 Man-made Mediterranean Temporary Ponds as a tool for amphibian conservation RUHÍ, A.; O. SAN SEBASTIAN; C. FEO; M. FRANCH; S. GASCÓN; A. RICHTER-BOIX; D. BOIX; G. LLORENTE
2012 Morphological variation between non-native lake-and stream-dwelling pumpkinseed in the Iberian Peninsula J. Naspleda; A. Vila-Gispert; M.G. Fox; L. Zamora y A. Ruiz-Navarro
2012 Nutrient and light effects on the function and architecture in a stream biofilm Proia L., Romaní, A.M; Sabater; S.
2012 Nutrients and light effects on stream biofilms: a combined assessment with CLSM, structural and functional parameters Proia, L.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2012 Patterns of biofilm formation in two streams from different bioclimatic regions: analysis of microbial community structure and metabolism Artigas, J.; Fund, K.; Kirchen, S.; Morin, S.; Obst, U.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Schwartz, T
2012 Phosphorus use by planktonic communities in a large regulated Mediterranean river Artigas, J.; Soley, S.; Pérez-Baliero, M.C.; Romaní, A.M.; Ruiz-González, C.; Sabater, S.
2012 Pond research and management in Europe: 'Small is Beautiful' BOIX, D.; J. BIGGS; R. CÉRÉGHINO; A.P. HULL; T. KALETTKA; B. OERTLI
2012 Seasonal changes in antioxidant enzyme activities of freshwater biofilms in a metal polluted Mediterranean stream. Bonet, B, N Corcoll, V Acu&#328;a, L Sigg, R Behra, H Guasch.
2012 Spatial characteristics and species niche attributes modulate the response by aquatic passive dispersers to habitat degradation GASCÓN, S.; M. MACHADO; J. SALA; L. CANCELA DA FONSECA; M. CRISTO; D. BOIX
2012 The effect of metals on photosynthesis processes and diatoms metrics of biofilm from a metal contaminated river: a translocation experiment. Corcoll N., B. Bonet, S.Morin, M.Leira, H.Guasch.
2012 The Effects of Land Use Changes on Streams and Rivers in Mediterranean Climates Cooper, S.D; Lake, P.S; Sabater, S; Melack, J.M; Sabo, J.L.
2012 The effects of small fish presence on a species-poor community dominated by omnivores: Example of a size-based trophic cascade. Compte, J., Gascón, S., Quintana, X.D. & Boix, D.
2012 The role of plant type and salinity in the selection for the denitrifying community structure in the rhizosphere of wetland vegetation. Bañeras, L., Ruiz-Rueda, O., López-Flores, R. & Quintana, X.D.
2012 The use of wood sticks to assess stream ecosystem functioning: comparison with leaf breakdown rates Arroita, M ; Aristi, I ; Flores, L ; Díez, J ; Mora-Gómez, J ; Romaní, A.M ; Elosegi, A
2012 The use of wooden sticks to assess stream ecosystem functioning: Comparison with leaf breakdown rates Arroita, M.; Aristi, I.; Flores, L.; Larrañaga, A.; Díez, J.; Mora, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Elosegi, A.
2012 Understanding effects of global change on water quantity and quality in river basins- The SCARCE Project Navarro-Ortega, A; Sabater, S; Barceló, D.
2011 A Network-based approach to the analysis of ontogenetic diet shifts: an example with an endangered, small-sized fish Ramos-Jiliberto, R.; Valdovinos, F.S.; Arias, J.; Alcaraz, C.; García-Berthou E.
2011 Are pharmaceuticals more harmful than other pollutants to aquatic invertebrate species. A hypothesis tested using multi-biomarker and multi-species responses in field collected and transplanted organisms Damasio, J; Barceló, J; Brix, R; Postigo, D; Gros, M; Petrovic, M; Sabater, S; Guasch, H; López de Alda, M; Barata, C.
2011 Artificial macrophytes as fish habitat in a Mediterranean reservoir subjected to seasonal water level disturbances Santos, L.; Agostinho, A.A; Alcaraz, C.; Carol, J.; Santos, A.F.G.N.; Tedesco, P.; Garcia-Berthou, E.
2011 Biofilm formation at warming temperature: acceleration of microbial colonization and microbial interactive effects Díaz-Villanueva, V.; Font, J.; Schwartz, T.; Romaní, A.M.
2011 Can large branchiopods shape zooplankton communities in Mediterranean temporary wetlands? Waterkeyn, A.; Grillas, P.; Anton-Pardo, M.; Vanschoenwinkel, B.; Brendonck, L.
2011 Catalase in fluvial biofilms: a comparison between different extraction methods and example of application in a metal-polluted river. Bonnineau, C., B. Bonet, N. Corcoll, and H. Guasch.
2011 Chl-a fluorescence parameters as biomarkers of metal toxicity in fluvial biofilms: an experimental study. Corcoll, N., B. Bonet, M. Leira, H. Guasch. Hydrobiologia.
2011 Combined scenarios of chemical and ecological quality under water scarcity in the Mediterranean Rivers Petrovic, M; Ginebreda, G; Acuña, V; Batalla, R.J; Elosegi, A; Guasch, H; López de Alda, M; Marcé, R; Muñoz, I; Navarro-Ortega, A; Navarro, E; Vericat, D; Sabater, S; Barceló, D.
2011 Comparing latitudinal and upstream-downstream gradients: life-history traits of invasive mosquitofish Carmona-Catot, G.; Benito, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2011 Contraction, fragmentation and expansion dynamics determine nutrient availability in a Mediterranean forest stream von Schiller, D; Acuña , V; Graeber, D; Martí, E; Ribot, M; Sabater, S; Timoner, X; K. Tockner.
2011 Cross-taxon congruence in Mediterranean temporary wetlands: vascular plants, crustaceans, and coleopterans BAGELLA, S.; S. GASCÓN; M. C. CARIA; J. SALA; D. BOIX
2011 Development and evaluation of a fish-based index to assess biological integrity of Mediterranean streams Aparicio, E.; Carmona-Catot, G.; Moyle, P.B.; García-Berthou, E.
2011 Effects of photosynthetic photon flux and supporting material on the growth and development of Dendrobium sp. plantlets in vitro Srean P., Mosaleeyanon K. and Kirdmanee C.
2011 Effects of salinity and water temporality on zooplankton community in coastal Mediterranean ponds. Anton-Pardo, M; Armengol, X;
2011 Environmental Influence on Flight Activity and Arrival Patterns of Aerial Colonizers of Temporary Ponds BOIX, D.; A. K. MAGNUSSON; S. GASCÓN; J. SALA; D. D. WILLIAMS
2011 Estat de conservació de les nàiades al Baix Ter. POU, Q.; FEO, C.; ARAUJO, R.; CAMPOS, M.; BOIX, D.
2011 Fish colonization of artificial reefs in a large Neotropical reservoir: material type and successional changes Santos L.N., García-Berthou E., Agostinho A.A., Latini J.D.
2011 Fish effects on benthos and plankton in a Mediterranean salt marsh. Compte, J., Gascón, S., Quintana, X. D. & Boix, D.
2011 Fungal and bacterial colonization of submerged leaf litter in a Mediterranean stream Artigas, J.; Gaudes, A.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2011 How to choose a biodiversity indicator – Redundancy and complementarity of biodiversity metrics in a freshwater ecosystem. Gallardo, B., Gascón, S., Quintana, X.D. & Comín, F.A.
2011 In situ spatio-temporal changes in pollution-induced community tolerance to zinc in autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm communities Tlili, A., N. Corcoll, B. Bonet, S. Morin, B. Montuelle, A. Bérard and H. Guasch
2011 La Restauración de sistemas acuáticos continentales y su interés para la conservación: el ejemplo de las malladas en el parque natural de l'albufera Antón-Pardo M; Olmo C; Ortells R; Armengol X
2011 Long-term moderate nutrient inputs enhance autotrophy in a forested Mediterranean stream Sabater, S.; Artigas, J.; Romaní, A. M.; Gaudes, A.; Muñoz, I.; Urrea, G.
2011 Moderate long-term nutrient input enhances autotrophy in a forested Mediterranean stream Sabater, S; Artigas,J; Gaudes, A; Muñoz, I; Urrea, G; Romaní, A.M.
2011 Multifunctionality and Diversity in Bacterial Biofilms Peter, H.; Ylla, I; Gudasz, C.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S; Tranvik, L.J.
2011 Multifunctionality in microbial biofilms is constrained by diversity. Hannes,P; Ylla, I; Gudasz, C; Romaní, A.M; Sabater, S; Tranvik, L.J.
2011 Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions Kühn, I., Kowarik, I., Kollmann, J., Starfinger, U., Bacher, S., Blackburn, T.M., Bustamante, R.O., Celesti-Grapow, L., Chytrý, M., Colautti, R., Essl, F., Foxcroft, L.C., Gollasch, S., García-Berthou, E., Hierro, J., Hufbaue
2011 Organic matter characteristics in a Mediterranean stream through amino acid composition: changes driven by intermittency Ylla, I.; Sanpera-Calbet; Romaní, A:M.; Muñoz, I.; Sabater, S.
2011 Patterns of mercury and methylmercury bioaccumulation in fish species downstream of a long-term mercury-contaminated site in the lower Ebro River (NE Spain). Carrasco L., Barata C., García-Berthou E., Tobias A., Bayona J.M. & Díez S.
2011 Preconditioning effects of intermittent stream flow on leaf litter decomposition Dieter, D; Von Schiller, D; García-Roger, E.M ; Sánchez-Montoya, M.M ; Gómez, R ; Mora-Gómez, J; Sangiorgio, F ; Gelbrecht, J; Tockner. K
2011 Primera cita de <i>Chaoborus crystallinus</i> (De Geer, 1776) (Diptera: Chaoboridae) para la provincia de Zaragoza (noreste de España) ALARCÓN-ELBAL, P. M.; A. CASANOVA; I. RUIZ-ARRONDO; S. DELACOUR; P. PINAL; D. BOIX; J. SALA; J. LUCIENTES
2011 Recent perspectives on temporary river ecology. Datry, T; Arscott, D.B.; Sabater, S.
2011 Resistance and recovery of river biofilms receiving short pulses of triclosan and diuron Proia, L; Morin, S; Peipoch, M; Romaní, A.M; Sabater, S.
2011 Structural and functional changes in microbial community during the leaf colonization process: interaction between fungi and bacteria Artigas,J; Gaudes, A; Muñoz, I; Urrea, G; Romaní, A. M; Sabater, S
2011 Water toxicity assessment and spatial pollution patterns identification in a Mediterranean River Basin District. Tools for water management and risk analysis. Carafa, R, L. Faggiano, M. Real, A. Munné, A. Ginebreda, H. Guasch, M. Flo, L. Tirapu and P. Carsten von der Ohe. 2011.STOTEN. 409:
2010 <b>Zooplankton community from restored peridunal ponds in the mediterranean region (l'Albufera natural park, Valencia, Spain)</b> M. Antón-Pardo; X. Armengol
2010 Age and growth of the European catfish (<i>Silurus glanis</i>) in a Turkish Reservoir and comparison with introduced populations Alp, A.; Kara, C.; Üçkardes, F.; Carol, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2010 Assessing effects of water abstraction on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams Benejam, L.; Angermeier, P.L.; Munné, A.; García-Berthou, E.
2010 Brook trout removal as a conservation tool to restore Eagle Lake rainbow trout Carmona-Catot, G.; Moyle, P.B.; Aparicio, E.; Crain, P.K.; Thompson, L.C.; García-Berthou E.
2010 Comparing fish assemblages and trophic ecology of permanent and intermittent reaches in a Mediterranean stream Mas-Martí, E.; Garcia-Berthou, E.; Sabater, S.; Tomanova, S.; Muñoz, I.
2010 Conservation biogeography of freshwater fishes: recent progress and future challenges Olden, J.D.; Kennard, M.J.; Leprieur, F.; Tedesco, P.A.; Winemiller, K.O.; García-Berthou, E.
2010 Decreases in condition and fecundity of freshwater fish in a highly polluted reservoir Benejam, L.; Benito, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2010 Discharge and the response of biofilms to metal exposure in Mediterranean rivers Guasch, H.; Atli, G.; Bonet, B.; Corcoll, N.; Leira, M.; Serra,A.
2010 Does Grazing Pressure Change Modify Diuron Toxicity in a Biofilm Community? López-Doval, J.C.; Ricart, M.; Guasch, H.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Muñoz, I.
2010 Effects of a bactericide on the structure and survival of benthic diatom communities Morin S.; Proia L.; Ricart M.; Bonnineau C.; Geiszinger A.; Ricciardi F.; Guasch H.; Romaní A.M.; Sabater S.
2010 Factors influencing zooplankton size structure at contrasting temperatures in shallow lakes: Implications for effects of climate change Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; Quintana, X.D.; Jensen, E.; Nathansen, L.W.; Trochine, C.; Meerhoff, M.; Gascón, S.; Jeppesen, E.;
2010 Fluvial biofilms: A pertinent tool to assess &#946;-blockers toxicity Bonnineau, C.; Guasch, H.; Proia, L.; Ricart, M.; Geiszinger, A.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2010 Foreword: Global change and River Ecosystems- implications for structure, function and ecosystem services Sabater, S.; Stevenson, J.
2010 Freshwater fish introductions in Mediterranean-climate regions: are there commonalities in the conservation problem? Marr, S.M.; Marchetti, M.P.; Olden, J.D.; García-Berthou, E.; Morgan, D.L.; Arismendi, I.; Day, J.A.; Griffiths, C.L.; Skelton, P.H.
2010 Identifying key environmental factors related to plant and crustacean assemblages in Mediterranean temporary ponds Bagella, S.; Gascón, S.; Caria, M. C.; Sala, J.; Mariani, M. A.; Boix, D.
2010 Influence of phosphorus on copper sensitivity of fluvial periphyton: the role of chemical, physiological and community-related factors Serra, A.; Guasch, H.; Admiraal, W.; Van Der Geest, H.G.; Van Beusekom, S.
2010 Invasion ecology fifty years after Elton's book García-Berthou, E.
2010 Is Microtox® toxicity related with potential harmful algae proliferation in Mediterranean salt marshes? López-Flores, R.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; Brucet, S.; Quintana, X.D.
2010 Key findings and recommendations for reaching the EU Water Framework Directive 's quality objectives Umweltwis Schadst Forsch<i> </i> Hein, M.; Deckere, E.; Zwart, D.; Foekema, E.M.; Marcomini, A.; Muñoz, I:; Posthuma, L.; Rotter, S.; Sabater, S.; Schmitt, C.; Schmitt-Jansen, M.; Segner, H.; Semenzin, E.; van Gils, J.; van Hattum, B.; van Vliet, L.A.; von d
2010 La Calidad ecológica de los embalses Navarro, E; García-Berthou, E.
2010 Llacunes de nova creació. Oasis d'optimisme enmig de la degradació. Ruhí, A.; Boix, D.; Sala J., Gascón, S.; Quintana, X.D.
2010 Organic matter availability during pre- and post-drought periods in a Mediterranean stream Ylla, I.; Sanpera-Calbet, I.; Vázquez, E.; Romaní, A.M.; Muñoz, I.; Butturini, A.; Sabater, S.
2010 Origin and genetic diversity of mosquitofish (<i>Gambusia holbrooki</i>) introduced to Europe Vidal Fàbrega, O.; García-Berthou, E.; Tedesco, P.A.; García-Marín, J.L.
2010 Patterning ecological risk of pesticide contamination at the river basin scale Faggiano, L.; de Zwart, D.; García-Berthou, E.; Lek, S.; Gevrey, M.
2010 Presence of the exotic weevil <i>Stenopelmus rufinasus</i> Gyllenhal, 1836 (Coleoptera: Erirhinidae) in Ter River (NE Iberian Peninsula) Mor, J.-R.; Sabater, L. C.; Masferrer, J.; Sala, J.; Font, J.; Boix, D.
2010 Primary and complex stressors in polluted Mediterranean rivers: pesticide effects on biological communities Ricart, M.; Guasch, H.; Barceló, D.; Brix, R.; Conceição, M.H.; Geiszinger, A.; López de Alda, M.J.; López-Doval, J.C.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Villagrasa, M.; Sabater, S.; Postigo, C.;Postigo, C.
2010 Response of community structure to sustained drought in Mediterranean rivers Boix, D.; García-Berthou, E.; Gascón, S.; Benejam, L.; Tornés, E.; Sala, J.; Benito, J.; Munné, A.; Solà, C.; Sabater, S.
2010 Top-predator effects of jellyfish <i>Odessia maeotica</i> in Mediterranean salt marshes Compte, J.; Gascón, S.; Quintana, X. D.; Boix, D.
2010 Triclosan persistence through wastewater treatment plants and its potential toxic effects on river biofilms Ricart, M.; Guasch, H.; Alberch, M.; Barceló, D.; Bonnineau, C.; Geiszinger, A.; Farré, M.; Ferrer, J.; Ricciardi, F.; Romaní, A.M.; Morin, S.; Proia, L.; Sala, Ll.; Sureda, D.; Sabater, S.
2010 Understanding global change in River Ecosystems: Science to support Policy in a Changing World Stevenson, J.; Sabater, S.
2010 Unintentional human-mediated dispersal of aquatic invertebrates via foot wear and motor vehicles in a Mediterranean wetland area. Waterkeyn, A.; Vanschoenwinkel, B.; Elsen, S.; Anton-Pardo, M.; Grillas, P.; Brendonck, L.
2010 Variable discharge alters habitat suitability for benthic algae and cyanobacteria in a forested Mediterranean stream Tornés, E.; Sabater, S.
2010 Water quality and assessment under scarcity. Prospects and challenges in Mediterranean watersheds Barceló, D.; Sabater, S.
2010 What do we still need to know about the ecohydrology of riparian zones? Burt, T.; Pinay, G.; Sabater, S.
2009 <b>Changes in zooplankton and macroinvertebrates in shallow lakes of Southeastern Spain</b> M. Antón-Pardo y X. Armengol
2009 Algal communities from the Rivers Tinto, Odiel and Piedras (SW Spain) Urrea-Clos, G.; Sabater, S.
2009 Are different biodiversity metrics related to the same factors? A case study from Mediterranean wetlands Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.
2009 Availability of glucose and light modulates the structure and function of a microbial biofilm Ylla, I.; Borrego, C. M.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2009 Biology and habitat use of three-spined stickleback (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>) in intermittent Mediterranean streams Clavero, M.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Zamora, L.
2009 Bridging levels of pharmaceuticals in river water with biological community structure in the Llobregat River basin (NE Spain) Muñoz, I.; López-Doval; J.; Ricart, M.; Villagrasa, M.; Brix, R.; Geiszinger, A.; Ginebreda, A.; Guasch, H.; López, M.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Barceló, D.
2009 Climate change and the future of freshwater biodiversity in Europe: a primer for policy-makers Moss, B.; D. Hering; A.J. Green; A. Aidoud; E. Becares; M. Beklioglu; H. Bennion; D. Boix; S. Brucet; L. Carvalho; B. Clement; T. Davidson; S. Declerk; M. Dobson; E. Van Donk; B. Dudley; H. Feuchtmayr; N. Friberg; G. Grenouil
2009 Contribution of microbial and invertebrate communities to leaf litter colonization in a Mediterranean stream Gaudes, A.; Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Muñoz, I.
2009 Copper accumulation and toxicity in fluvial periphyton: the influence of exposure history Serra, A.; Corcoll, N.; Guasch, H.
2009 Could native predators help to control invasive fishes? Microcosm experiments with the Neotropical characid, <i>Brycon orbignyanus</i> Santos, A.F.G.N.; Santos, L.N.; García-Berthou, E.; Hayashi, C.
2009 Ecological classification of a set of Mediterranean reservoirs applying the EU Water Framework Directive: a reasonable compromise between science and management Navarro, E.; Caputo, L.; Marcé, R.; Carol, J.; Benejam, L. García-Berthou, E.; Armengol, J.
2009 Effects of chronic copper exposure on fluvial systems: Linking structural and physiological changes of fluvial biofilms with the in-stream copper retention Serra, A.; Guasch, H.
2009 Effects of low concentrations of the phenylurea herbicide diuron on biofilm algae and bacteria Ricart, M.; Barceló, D.; Geiszinger, A.; Guasch, H.; López, M.; Romaní, A.M.; Vidal, G.; Villagrasa, M.; Sabater, S.
2009 Effects of sediment deposition on periphytic biomass, photosynthetic activity and algal community structure Izagirre, O.; Serra, A.; Guasch, H.; Elosegi, A.
2009 Environmental factors affecting bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics in confined Mediterranean salt marshes (NE Spain) López-Flores, R.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; Brucet, S.; Quintana, X.D.
2009 Epilithic diatom assemblages and their relationship to environmental characteristics in an agricultural watershed (Guadiana River, SW Spain) Urrea-Clos, G.; Sabater, S.
2009 Growth and diet of European cafish (<i>Silurus glanis</i>) in early and late invasion stages Carol, J.; Benejam, L.; Benito, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2009 Impact of different developmental stages of <i>Daphnia magna</i> (Straus) on the plankton community under different trophic conditions Compte, J.; Brucet, S.; Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; López Flores. R.; Quintana, X. D.
2009 Is chemical contamination linked to the diversity of biological communities in rivers? Ricciardi, F.; Bonnineau, C.; Faggiano, L.; Geiszinger, A.; Guasch, H.; López-Doval, J.; Muñoz, I.; Proia, L.; Ricart, M.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2009 Life history and parasites of the invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) along a latitudinal gradient Benejam, L.; Alcaraz, C.; Sasal, P.; Simon-Levert, G.; García-Berthou, E.
2009 L'Impacte ecològic dels peixos introduïts a Catalunya García-Berthou, E.; Alcaraz, C.; Benejam, L.; Benito, J.; Carol, J.; Faggiano, L.; Santos, A.F.G.N.; Santos, L.N.
2009 Measuring in-stream retention of copper by means of constant-rate additions Serra, A.; Guasch, H.; Martí, E.; Geiszinger, A.
2009 Modelling the response of floodplain aquatic communities across the lateral hydrological connectivity gradient Gallardo, B.; Gascón, S.; González-Sanchís, M.; Cabezas, A.; Comín, F.A.
2009 Organic matter availability structures microbial biomass and activity in a Mediterranean stream Artigas, J.; Romaní, A. M.; Gaudes, A.; Muñoz, I.; Sabater, S.
2009 Patterns in size and species diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean salt marshes Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X.D
2009 Presence of the alien chinese pond mussel <i>Anodonta woodiana</i> (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the Iberian Peninsula Pou-Rovira, Q.; Araujo, R.; Boix, D.; Clavero, M.; Feo, C.; Ordeix, M.; Zamora, L.
2009 Quantification of the effect of nonphotochemical quenching on the determination of in vivo Chl a from phytoplankton along the water column of a freshwater reservoir Serra T.; Borrego C.M.; Quintana X.D.; Calderer L.; López-Flores R.; Colomer J.
2009 Relationship between invertebrate traits and lateral environmental gradients in a Mediterranean river-floodplain Gallardo, B.; Gascón, S.; Cabezas, A.; González, M.; García, M.; Comín, F.A.
2009 Scientific uncertainty and the assessment of risks posed by non-native freshwater fishes Leprieur, F.; Brosse, S.; García-Berthou, E.; Oberdorff, T.; Olden, J.D.; Townsend, C.R.
2009 Spatial and temporal patterns of pioner macrofauna in recently created ponds: taxonomic and functional approaches Ruhí, A.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón S.; Quintana, X. D.
2009 Species richness of crustacean zooplankton and trophic structure of brackish lagoons in contrasting climate zones: north temperate Denmark and Mediterranean Catalonia (Spain) Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; SØndergaard, M.; Lauridsen, T.L.; Jeppesen, E.
2009 Testing the response of macroinvertebrate functional structure and biodiversity to flooding and confinement Gallardo, B.; Gascón, S.; García, M.; Comín, F.A.
2009 The relevance of the community approach linking chemical and biological analyses in pollution assessment Geiszinger, A.; Bonnineau, C.; Faggiano, L.; Guasch, H.; López-Doval, J.; Proia, L.; Ricart, M.; Ricciardi, F.; Romaní, A.M.; Rotter, S.; Muñoz, I.; Schmitt-Jansen, M.; Sabater, S.
2009 Use of multivariate analyses to investigate the contribution of metal pollution to diatom species composition: search for the most appropriate cases and explanatory variables Guasch, H.; Leira, M.; Montuelle, B.; Geiszinger, A.; Roulier, J.L.; Tornés, E.; Serra, A.
2009 Voracious invader or benign feline? A review of the environmental biology of European catfish <i>Silurus glanis</i> in its native and introduced range Copp, G.H.; Britton, R.; Cucherousset, J.; García-Berthou, E.; Kirk, R.; Peeler, E.; Stak&#279;nas, S.
2008 A non-parametric method for the measurement of size diversity, with emphasis on data standardisation Quintana, X. D.; Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Gascón, S.; Badosa, A.; Sala, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Egozcue, J.J.
2008 Algal response to nutrient enrichment in forested oligotrophic stream Veraart, A.; Romaní, A.M.; Tornés, E.; Sabater, S.
2008 Alterations of the Global Water Cycle and their effects on river structure, function and services Sabater, S
2008 Assessing fish metrics and biotic indices in a Mediterranean stream: effects of uncertain native status of fish Benejam, L.; Aparicio, E.; Vargas, M.J.; Vila-gispert, A.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 Effect of climate on the trophic structure of temperate forested streams. A comparison of Mediterranean and Atlantic streams Sabater, S.; Elosegi, A.; Acuña, V.; Basaguren, A.; Muñoz, I.; Pozo, J.
2008 Effect of nutrients on the sporulation and diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes on submerged substrata in a Mediterranean stream Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2008 European eel distribution and body condition in a river floodplain: effect of longitudinal and lateral connectivity Lasne, E., Acou, A., Vila-Gispert, A. y Laffaille, P.
2008 Feeding of nauplii, copepodites and adults of Calanipeda aquaedulcis (Calanoida) in Mediterranean salt marshes Brucet, S.; Compte, J.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X.D.
2008 Life-history correlates and extinction risk of capital breeding fishes Jager, H.I.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Rose, K.A.
2008 Longitudinal development of chlorophyll and phytoplankton assemblages in a regulated large river (the Ebro River) Sabater, S.; Artigas, J.; Durán, C.; Pardos, M.; Romaní A.M.; Tornés, E.; Ylla, I.
2008 Patterns of composition and species richness of crustaceans and aquatic insects along environmental gradients in mediterraean water bodies Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Badosa, A.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2008 Patterns of composition and species richness of crustaceans and aquatic insects along environmental gradients in mediterraean water bodies Quintana, X. D.; Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Gascón, S.; Badosa, A.; Sala, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Egozcue, J.J.
2008 Relating nutrient molar ratios of microbial attached communities to organic matter utilization in a forested stream Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2008 Relation between macroinvertebrate life strategies and habitat traits in Mediterranean salt marsh ponds (Empordà wetlands, NE Iberian Peninsula) Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2008 Relevance of polymeric matrix enzymes during biofilm formation Romaní, A.M.; Fund, K.; Artigas, J.; Schwartz, T.; Sabater, S.; Obst, U.
2008 Salinity mediates the competitive interactions between invasive mosquitofish and an endangered fish Alcaraz, C.; Bisazza, A.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 Seasonal variation in transcript abundance in cork tissue analyzed by real time RT-PCR Soler, M.; Serra, O.; Molinas, M.; García-Berthou, M.; Caritat, A.; Figueras, M.
2008 Short-term effects of a partial drawdown on fish condition in a eutrophic reservoir Benejam, L.; Benito, J.; Ordóñez, J.; Armengol, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 Short-term variation in the ecological status of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (NE Iberian Peninsula) after a man-made change of hydrological regime Badosa, A.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X. D.
2008 Size-independent age effects on reproductive effort in a small, short-lived fish Tedesco, P.; Benito, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 Use Of a flooded salt marsh habitat by an endangered cyprinodontid fish (<i>Aphanius iberus</i>) Alcaraz, C.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; García-Berthou, E.
2007 Changes on macrobenthic fauna of a Mediterranean salt marsh (Empordà Wetlands, NE Iberian Peninsula) after a severe drought, with special emphasis on the Corophium orientale population Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2007 Comparative biodiversity of crustaceans and aquatic insects from various water body types in coastal Mediterranean wetlands Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Brucet, S.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X. D.
2007 Comparing the response of biochemical indicators (biomarkers) and biological indices to giagnose the ecological impact of an oil spillage in a Mediterranean river (NE Catalunya, Spain) Damasio, J.B.; Barata, C.; Munné, A.; Ginebreda, A.; Guasch, H.; Sabater, S.; Caixac, J.; Porte, C.
2007 Comparison of the effects of hydrological disturbance events on benthos and plankton salt marsh communities Gascón, S.; Brucet, S.; Sala, J.; Boix, D.; Quintana, X. D.
2007 Differential effects of nutrients and light on the primary production of stream algae and mosses Ylla, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2007 Efectes de la contaminació urbana sobre la composició algal en el Fluvià Guasch, H.; Geiszinger, A.; Serra, A.; Tornés, E.; Leira, M.
2007 Effects of the dry-wet hydrological shift on dissolved organic carbon dynamics and fate across stream-riparian interface in a Mediterranean catchment Vázquez, E.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, F.; Butturini, A.
2007 Factors limiting denitrification in a Mediterranean riparian forest Bernal, S.; Butturini, A.; Sabater, F.; Sabater, S.
2007 Food of an endangered cyprinodont (<i>Aphanius iberus</i>): ontogenetic diet shift and prey electivity Alcaraz, C.; García-Berthou, E.
2007 Gillnet selectivity and its relationship with body shape for eight freshwater fish species Carol, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2007 Indicator taxa of benthic diatom communities: a case study in Mediterranean streams Tornés, E.; Cambra, J.; Gomà, J.; Leira, M.; Ortiz, R.; Sabater, S.
2007 Influence of phosphate on the response of periphyton to atrazine exposure Guasch, H.; Lehmann, V.; van Beusekom, B.; Sabater, S.; Admiraal, W.
2007 Les rieres de la Costa Brava: evolució històrica recent, estat actual i perspectives de futur. Sala, L.; Sala, J.; Ordeix, M.; Boix, D.; Couso, J.; Serra, M.
2007 Life history variation of an invasive fish (<i>Gambusia holbrooki</i>) along a salinity gradient Alcaraz, C.; García-Berthou, E.
2007 Life-history traits of introduced Iberian pumpkinseed (<i>Lepomis gibbosus</i>) relative to native populations: can differences explain colonization success? Fox, M.G.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Copp, G.H.
2007 Meteorological and riparian influences on organic matter dynamics in a forested Mediterranean stream Acuña, V.; Giorgi, A.; Muñoz, I.; Sabater, F.; Sabater, S.
2007 Metodología para el establecimiento del Estado Ecológico según la Directiva Marco en la Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro. Protocolos de muestreo y análisis para fitoplancton, fitobentos (microalgas bentónicas), macrófitos, invertebrados bentónicos, ictifoauna Vicente, E.; de Hoyos, C.; Sánchez, P.; Cambra, J.; Ector, L.; Sabater, S.; irujano, S.; Gutiérrez, C.; Alba-Tercedor, J.; Pardo, I.;, Prat, N.; Pujante, A.; Sostoa, A.; García de Jalón, D.; Garcia-Berthou, E.
2007 Monitoring the effect of chemicals on biological communities: the biofilm as an interface Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Ricart, M.; Romaní, A.M.; Vidal, G.; Klünder, C.; Schmitt-Jansen, M.
2007 Morphological variation in non-native pumpkinseed (<i>Lepomis gibbosus</i>) introduced into Iberian lakes and reservoirs; adaptations to habitat type and diet? Vila-Gispert, A.; Fox, M.G.; Zamora, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2007 On the spread of the European catfish (<i>Silurus glanis</i>) in the Iberian Peninsula: first record in the Llobregat river basin Benejam, Ll.; Benito, J.; Carol, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2007 Preliminary telemetry data on the movement patterns and habitat use of European catfish (<i>Silurus glanis</i>) in a reservoir of the River Ebro, Spain Carol, J.; Zamora, L.; García-Berthou, E.
2007 Presència de la larva de <i>Calamoceras marsupus </i>(Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae) a les comarques gironines Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Boix, D.
2007 Presència d'Ephoron virgo(Ephemeroptera: Polymitarcyidae) al tram baix del Ter Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.
2007 Short-term effects of changes in water management on the limnological characteristics and zooplankton of a eutrophic Mediterranean coastal lagoon (NE Iberian Peninsula) Badosa, A.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X. D.
2007 State of the art in the functioning of shallow mediterranean lakes: workshop conclusions Beklioglu, M.; Romo, S.; Kagalou, I.; Quintana, X.D.; Bécares, E.
2007 The Characteristics of invasive fishes: what has been learned so far? García-Berthou, E.
2007 Zooplankton taxonomic and size diversity in Mediterranean coastal lagoons (NE Iberian Peninsula): Influence of hydrology, nutrient composition, food resource availability and predation Badosa, A.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.; Gascón, S.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Assessing the ecological integrity after nutrient inputs in streams: the relevance of the observation scale Sabater, S.; Acuña, V.; Giorgi, A.; Guasch, H.; Guerra, E.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.
2006 Colonisation of introduced timber by algae and invertebrates, and its potential role in aquatic ecosystem restoration Bond, N.R.; Sabater, S.; Glaister, A.; Roberts, S.; Vanderkruk, K.
2006 Comparative composition and dynamics of harmful dinoflagellates in Mediterranean salt marshes and nearby external marine waters López-Flores, R.; Garcés, E.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; Brucet, S.; Masó, M.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Crustacean and aquatic insect assemblages in the mediterranean coastal ecosystems of Empordà Wetlands (NE Iberian Peninsula) Martinoy, M.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Gifre, J.; Argerich, A.; de la Barrera, R.; Brucet, S.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; Méndez, M.; Utgé, J.M.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Els ambients aquàtics del 'Parc Natural' del Baix Ter Badosa, A.; Barriocanal, C.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Compte, J.; Gascón, S.; Por-Rovira, Q.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Els Escarabats d'aigua Martinoy, M.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Montserrat, E.
2006 Fish ecology in Lake Banyoles (NE Spain): a tribute to Ramon Margalef Moreno-Amich, R.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Zamora, L.; Garcia-Berthou, E.
2006 Homogenization dynamics and introduction routes of invasive freshwater fish in the Iberian Peninsula Clavero, M.; García-Berthou, E.
2006 Hydrology, light and the use of organic and inorganic materials as structuring factors of biological communities in Mediterranean streams. The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.
2006 Interactions of bacteria and fungi on decomposing litter: differential extracellular enzyme activities Romaní, A.M.; Fischer, H.; Mille-Lindblom, C.; Tranvik, L.J.
2006 Interpopulation variation in body form, fins and feeding structures in pumpkinseed populations introduced into Catalonian lakes and reservoirs Fox, M.G.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Zamora, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2006 Les basses de les Gavarres Sala, J.; Montserrat, E.; Martinoy, M.; Gascón, S.; Boix, D.
2006 Litter production in a Quercus suber forest of Montseny (NE Spain) and its relationship to meteorological conditions Caritat, A.; García-Berthou, E.; Lapeña, R.; Vilar, L.
2006 Microbial availability and size fractionation of dissolved organic carbon after drought in a intermittent stream: biogeochemical link across the stream-riparian interface Romaní, A.M.; Vázquez, E.; Butturini, A.
2006 Monitoring of nutrients, pesticides and metals in waters, sediments and fish of a wetland. Salvadó, V., Quintana, X.D., Hidalgo, M.
2006 Monitoring the effect of chemicals on biological communities. The biofilm as an interface Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.;
2006 Nematode assemblages and their responses to disturbances: a case study from the Empordà wetlands (NE Iberian Peninsula) Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Nutrients and zooplankton composition and dynamics in relation to the hydrological pattern in a confined Mediterranean salt marsh (NE Iberian Peninsula) Badosa, A.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Organic carbon and nutrient (P,N) concentrations of water and sediment in several aquatic environment types of Mediterranean salt marshes (Empordà wetlands, NE Iberian Peninsula) Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2006 Pigment composition and size distribution of phytoplankton in a confined Mediterranean salt marsh ecosystem López-Flores, R.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; Brucet, S.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Predation in a temporary pond with special attention to the trophic role of Triops cancriformis (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Notostraca) Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Brucet, S.
2006 Protocol d'avaluació de la qualitat biológica dels rius. Protocol 1 Sabater, S.; Tornés, E.; Leira, M.; Trobajo, R.; Cambra, J.; Goma, J.; Ortiz, R.; Ector, L.
2006 Size and species diversity of zooplankton communities in fluctuating Mediterranean salt marshes Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Badosa, A.; Quintana, X. D.
2006 Territory size and density in the Dartford Warbler across post-fire succession in Spain. Pons, P.; Prodon, R.; Roura-Pascual, N.; García-Berthou, E.; Bas, J.M.
2006 The effects of limnological features on fish assemblages in fourteen Spanish reservoirs Carol, J.; Benejam, L.; Alcaraz, C.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Zamora, L.; Navarro, E.; Armengol Llobet, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2006 The influence of a hydrothermal plume on fish distribution in a Mediterranean karstic lake Zamora, L; Serra, T; Colomer, J; Moreno-Amich, R; Vila, A; Garcia-Berthou, E
2006 The influence of water level and salinity on plant assemblages of a seasonally flooded Mediterranean wetland Watt, S.C.L.; García-Berthou, E. ; Vilar, L.
2006 The Nematode community in cyanobacterial biofilms of the Llobregat River, Spain Gaudes, A.; Sabater, S.; Vilalta, E.; Muñoz, I.
2005 A new index of water quality assessment in Mediterranean wetlands based on crustacean and insect assemblages: the case of Catalunya (NE Iberian peninsula) Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2005 Body pigmentation pattern to assess introgression by hatchery stocks in native brown trout (Salmo trutta) from Mediterranean streams. Aparicio, E.; García-Berthou, E.; Araguas, R.M.; Martinez, P.; García-Marín, J.L.
2005 Changes in the shape of zooplankton biomass-size spectra at ecological scaling in a fluctuating ecosystem (Emporda wetlands, NE Spain) Brucet, S.; Quintana, X. D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Boix, D.
2005 Diatom assemblages distribution in Catalan rivers,  NE Spain, in relation to chemical and physiographical factors Leira, M.; Sabater, S.
2005 Drought and post-drought recovery cycles in an intermittent Mediterranean stream: structural and functional aspects Acuña, V.; Muñoz, I.; Giorgi, A.; Omella, M.; Sabater, F.; Sabater, S.
2005 Effects of nutrient inputs in a forested Mediterranean stream under moderate light availability Sabater, S.; Acuña, V.; Giorgi, A.; Guerra, E.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.
2005 Estudi del silur (<i>Silurus glanis</i>) als embassaments de Flix i Riba-roja d'Ebre García-Berthou, E.; Zamora, L.; Carol, J.
2005 First record of the common bream (Abramis brama) to the Iberian Peninsula García-Berthou, E.; Carol, J.; Benejam, L.
2005 Habitat use and feeding ecology of chub [Squalius cephalus (L.)] in Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) Zamora, L.; Clavero, M.; García-Berthou, E.
2005 Introduction pathways and establishment rates of invasive aquatic species in Europe García-Berthou, E.; Alcaraz, C.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Zamora, L.; Coenders, G.; Feo, C.
2005 Invasive species are a leading cause of animal extinctions Clavero, M.; García-Berthou, E.
2005 Life-history traits of invasive fish in small Mediterranean streams Vila-Gispert, A.; Alcaraz, C.; García-Berthou, E.
2005 Metodología para el establecimiento del Estado Ecológico según la Directiva Marco. Protocolos de muestreo y análisis para fitobentos (algas bentónicas) Cambra, J.; Ector, L.; Sabater, S.
2005 Ontogenic changes of amino acid composition in planktonic crustacean species Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Badosa, A.; Quintana, X. D.
2005 Presence of the nearctic water boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis (Fieber, 1851) (Heteroptera: Corixidae) in the Algarve region (S Portugal) Sala, J.; Boix, D.
2005 Profiling invasive fish species: the importance of phylogeny and human use Alcaraz, C.; Vila-Gispert, A.; García-Berthou, E.
2005 Reproductive potential in Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande in response to water permanence Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.; Quintana, X. D.
2005 Size-related and diel variations in microhabitat use of three endangered small fishes in a Mediterranean coastal stream Clavero, M.; Blanco-Garrido, F.; Zamora, L.; Prenda, J.
2005 Structural heterogeneity in cyanobacterial mats is associated with geosmin production in rivers Vilalta, E.; Sabater, S.
2005 To be, or not to be, a non-native freshwater fish? Copp, G.H.; Bianco, P.G.; Bogutskaya, N.G.; Eros, T.; Falka, I.; Ferreira, M.T.; Fox, M.G.; Freyhof, J.; Gozlan, R.E.; Grabowska, J.; Kovac, V.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Naseka, A.M.; Penaz, M.; Povz, M.; Przybylski, M.; Robillard,
2005 Uso de las comunidades de algas en la categorización y seguimiento de masas de agua continentales. Algunas potencialidades y limitaciones Sabater, S
2005 Variability of benthic assemblages in relation to the hydrological pattern in Mediterranean salt marshes (Empordà wetlands, NE Iberian Peninsula) Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2005 Variació temporal de la producció de fullaraca en boscos de Quercus suber al Parc Natural del Montseny i la seva relació amb el clima Caritat, A.; Vilar, L. ; García-Berthou, E.; Bas, J.M.
2005 Zooplankton structure and dynamics in permanent and temporary Mediterranean salt marshes: taxon-based and size-based approaches Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; López-Flores, R.; Badosa, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Quintana, X. D
2004 Age and growth of European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) in the Wieprz-Krzna Canal, Poland Przybylski, M.; García-Berthou, E.
2004 Autotrophic vs. heterotrophic biofilms as sources or sinks of fluvial DOC Romaní, A.M.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Ruana, J.; Vilalta, E.; Schwartz, T.; Emitiazi, F.; Sabater, S.
2004 Benthic microalgal colonization in streams of differing riparian cover and light availability Simon, R.; Sabater, S.; Beardall, J.
2004 Biofilm structure and function and possible implications for riverine DOC dynamics Romaní, A.M.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Ruana, J.; Vilalta, E.; Schwartz, T.; Emtiazi, F.; Sabater, S.
2004 Comentario del libro <b>'</b>Ecología y ambiente' Sabater, S
2004 Contaminación de los ríos por metales pesados Navarro, E.; Sabater, S.
2004 Distribució espacial i ús de l’hàbitat de la comunitat de peixos a l’Estany de Banyoles Zamora, L.
2004 Ecologia d’un riu forestat al Montnegre i el Corredor: la Riera de Fuirosos Sabater, S.; Acuña, V.; Artigas, J.; Gaudes, A.; Giorgi, A.; Guerra, E.; Muñoz, I.; Omella, M.; Romaní, A.M.
2004 El curs baix del riu Ter Sabater, S.
2004 Els peixos Pou-Rovira, Q.; Alcaraz, C.; Feo, C.; Zamora, L.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Carol, Q.; García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2004 Estructura y dinámica del sistema bentónico en lagunas costeras de los Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Gascón, S.
2004 Factors affecting the periphytic diatom community in Mediterranean coastal wetlands (Empordà wetlands, NE Spain) Trobajo, R.; Quintana, X. D.; Sabater, S.
2004 Flow extremes and benthic organic matter shape the metabolism of a headwater Mediterranean stream Acuña, V.; Giorgi, A.; Muñoz, I.; Uehlinger, U.; Sabater, S.
2004 Geosmin occurrence in riverine cyanobacterial mats: is it causing a significant health hazard? Bláha, L; Sabater, S.; Babica, P.; Vilalta, E.; Marsálek, B.
2004 Incongruence between test statistics and P values in medical papers García-Berthou, E.; Alcaraz, C.
2004 La importància ecològica de les basses i llacunes temporàries Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Brucet, S.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 La restauració dels aiguamolls del Baix Ter: Projecte LIFE Badosa, A.; Quintana, X. D.; Gesti, J.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.
2004 Life-time growth patterns of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus introduced to Europe, relative to North American populations Copp, G.H.; Fox, M.G.; Przybylski, M.; Godinho, F.N.; Vila-Gispert, A.
2004 Limnología de los humedales costeros mediterráneos. El caso de Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Quintana, X. D.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; Brucet, S.; Gascón, S.; Gesti, J.; López-Flores, R.; Pou-Rovira, Q.;Trobajo, R.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2004 Nuisance odours produced by benthic cyanobacteria in a Mediterranean River Vilalta, E.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.; Valero, F.; Rodriguez, J.J.; Alcaraz, R.; Sabater, S.
2004 Organic matter decomposition by fungi in a Mediterranean forested stream: contribution of streambed substrata Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2004 Organic matter use of rock and sand river biofilms under different nutrient supply Romaní, A.M.; Giorgi, A.; Acuña, V.; Sabater, S.
2004 Phosphate limitation influences the sensitivity to copper in periphytic algae Guasch, H.; Navarro, E.; Serra, A.; Sabater, S.
2004 Proposal of a rapid methodology to assess the conservation status of Mediterranean wetlands and its application in Catalunya (NE Iberian peninsula) Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Gesti, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 Succession of the animal community in a Mediterranean temporary pond Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X. D.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2004 The effects of some environmental variables on the morphology of Nitzschia frustulum (Bacillariophyta), in relation its use as a bioindicator Trobajo, R.; Cox, E.J.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 The influence of substratum type and nutrient supply on biofilm organic matter utilization in streams Romaní, A.M.; Giorgi, A.; Acuña, V.; Sabater, S.
2003 Comparison of nutrient and contaminant fluxes in two areas with different hydrological regimes (Empordà Wetlands, NE Spain) Lòpez-Flores, R.; Quintana, X.D.; Salvadó, V.; Hidalgo, M.; Sala, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2003 Condition of Barbus sclateri from semi-arid aquatic systems: effects of habitat quality disturbances Oliva-Paterna, F.J.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Torralva, M.
2003 Contrasting effects of organic and inorganic toxicants on freshwater periphyton Guasch, H.; Admiraal, W.; Sabater, S.
2003 Distribució i avaluació de les poblacions de peixos a la conca del riu Daró Zamora, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2003 Distribution patterns of benthic diatoms in a pampean river exposed to seasonal floods: the Cuarto river (Argentina) Martínez de Fabricius, A.L.; Maidana, N.; Gómez, N.; Sabater, S.
2003 Ecological factors that co-occur with geosmin production by benthic cianobacteria. The case of the Llobregat River Vilalta, E.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Navarro, E.; Romaní, A.; Valero, F.; Rodríguez, J.J.; Alcaraz, R.; Sabater, S.
2003 Ecological implications of mass growth of benthic cyanobacteria in rivers Sabater, S.; Vilalta, E.; Gaudes, A.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.
2003 Gradients of life-history variation: an intercontinental comparison of fishes Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Garcia-Berthou, E.
2003 Influences of the stream groundwater hydrology on nitrate concentration in unsaturated riparian area bounded by an intermittent Mediterranean stream Butturini, A.; Bernal, S.; Hellin, C.; Nin, E.; Rivero, L.; Sabater, S.; Sabater, F.
2003 Leaf litter dynamics in a Mediterranean riparian forest: implications in nitrogen retention Butturini, A.; Bernal, S.; Nin, E.; Sabater, S.; Sabater, F.
2003 Life-history strategies of native and introduced fish species from a Mediterranean lake Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2003 Nitrogen removal by riparian buffers under various N loads along a European climaric gradient: patterns and factors of variation Sabater, S.; Butturini, A.; Clement, J.C.; Burt, T.; Dowrick, D.; Hefting, M.; Maître, V.; Pinay, G.; Postolache, C.; Rzepecki, M.; Sabater, F.
2003 Noves introduccions i composició actual de la comunitat de peixos a l’Estany de Banyoles Zamora, L.; Pou, Q.
2003 Structure and function of benthic algal communities in an extremely acid river Sabater, S.; Buchaca, T.; Cambra, J.; Catalan, J.; Guasch, H.; Ivorra, N.; Muñoz, I.; Navarro, E.; Real, M.; Romaní, A.
2003 The effect of copper exposure on a simple aquatic food chain Real, M.; Muñoz, I.; Guasch, H.; Navarro. E.; Sabater, S.
2003 Variability in Zinc Tolerance, measured as incorporation of radio-labeled carbon dioxide and thymidine, in periphyton communities sampled from 15 european river stretches Blanck, H.; Admiraal, W.; Cleven, R.F.M.J.; Guasch, H.; van den Hoop, M.A.G.T.; Ivorra, N.; Nyström, B.; Paulsson, M.; Petterson, R.P.; Sabater S.; Tubbing, G.M.J.
2002 Aigües estancades als aiguamolls Quintana, X. D.
2002 Aportació al coneixement de la distribució d’anostracis i notostracis (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) en l’àmbit iberobalear Boix, D.
2002 Biomass-size spectra in aquatic communities in shallow fluctuating Mediterranean salt marshes (Empordà wetlands, NE Spain) Quintana, X. D.; Comín, F.A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Determination of the Biological Diatom Index (IBD NF T 90 - 354): results of an intercomparison exercise Prygiel, J.; Carpentier, P.; Almeida, S.; Coste, M.; Druart, J.C.; Ector, L.; Guillard, D.; Honoré, M.A.; Iserentant, R.; Ledeganck, P.; Lalanne-Cassou, C.; Lesniak, C.; Mercier, I.; Moncaut, P.; Nazart, M.; Nouchet, N.; Pere
2002 Ecological factors afecting ostracod distribution in lentic ecosystems of Empordà wetlands (NE Spain) Gifré, J.; Quintana, X. D.; de la Barrera, R.; Martinoy, M.; Marquès, E.
2002 Effect of copper on algal communities from oligotrophic calcareous streams Guasch, H.; Paulsson, M.; Sabater, S.
2002 Effects of copper on algal communities at different water velocities Sabater, S.; Navarro, E.; Guasch, H.
2002 Estimation of water circulation in a Mediterranean salt marsh and its relationship with flooding causes Quintana, X. D.
2002 Extracellular enzymatic activities in epilithic biofilms of the Breitenbach: microhabitat differences Romaní, A. M.; Marxsen, J.
2002 Fauna aquàtica de l’estanyol temporani d’Espolla Boix, D.
2002 Fish zonation in a Mediterranean stream: effects of human disturbances Vila-Gispert, Anna; García-Berthou, Emili; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Life-history patterns of 25 species from European freshwater fish communities Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Measuring the intensity of disturbance in zooplankton communities of Mediterranean salt marshes using multivariate analysis Quintana, X. D.
2002 Model of alternative predominance of phytoplankton-periphyton-macrophytes in relation to nutrient level in lentic systems in Mediterranean coastal wetlands Trobajo, R.; Quintana, X. D.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Ontogenetic diet shifts and interrupted piscivory in introduced largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) García-Berthou, E.
2002 Phytoplankton composition of Empordà salt marshes and its response to flux regulation Quintana, X. D.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Population dynamics of Triops cancriformis (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Notostraca) of the Espolla temporary pond in the northeastern Iberian peninsula Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Quantifying the activity and movement of perch in a temperate lake by integrating acoustic telemetry and a geographic information system Zamora, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Responses of biofilms to combined nutrient and metal exposure Ivorra, N.; Hetelaar, J.; Kraak, M.H.S.; Sabater, S.; Admiraal, W.
2002 Riqueza y rareza de los insectos acuáticos de la laguna temporal de Espolla (Pla de l’Estany, Catalunya) Boix, D.; Sala, J.
2002 Seasonal development of a turbid hydrothermal lake plume and the effects on the fish distribution Serra, T.; Colomer, J.; Zamora, Ll.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Casamitjana, X.
2002 The effect of biological factors on the efficiency of river biofilms in improving water quality Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Romaní, A.; Muñoz, I.
2002 The influence of riparian-hyporheic groundwater on the hydrological responses in a intermittent stream Butturini, A.; Bernal, S.; Sabater, S.; Sabater, F.
2002 Use of microbenthic algal communities on ecotoxicological tests for the assessment of water quality Navarro, E.; Guasch H.; Sabater, S.
2001 Fish condition analysis by a weighted least squares procedure: testing for geographical differences of the endangered Iberian cyprinodont, <i>Lebias ibera</i> (Valenciennes 1846) Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2001 Long-term atrazine effects on periphyton under grazing pressure Muñoz, I.; Real, M.; Guasch, H.; Navarro, E.; Sabater, S.
2001 Mass-length relationship of Mediterranean barbel (<i>Barbus meridionalis</i>) as an indicator of environmental status in South-west European stream ecosystems Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2001 On the misuse of residuals in ecology: testing regression residuals vs. the analysis of covariance García-Berthou, E.
2001 Size- and depth-dependent variation in habitat and diet of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) García-Berthou, E.
2001 Sprouting of seedlings of three <i>Quercus</i> species (<i>Q. humilis</i> Miller, <i>Q. ilex</i> L. and <i>Q. suber</i> L) in relation to repeated pruning and the cotyledonary node Verdaguer, D.; García-Berthou, E.; Pascual, G.; Puigderrajols, P.
2001 Structure and activity of rock and sand biofilms in a Mediterranean stream Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2001 Succession of the macroinvertebrate community in a temporary pond Boix, D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Sala, J.
2001 Survey of the naturalised plants and vertebrates in peninsular Spain Vilà, M.; García-Berthou, E.; Sol, D.; Pino, J.
2001 Testing alternative methods of analysing differences in fish condition, with an example using the mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2001 The faunal composition of Espolla pond (NE Iberian peninsula): the neglected biodiversity of temporary waters Boix, D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Sala, J.
2001 Wood and leaf debris input in a Mediterranean stream: the influence of riparian vegetation Sabater, S.; Bernal, A.; Butturini, A., Nin, E.; Sabater, F.
2000 <i>Nostoc verruscosum</i> (Cyaniobacteria) colonized by a chironomid larva in a stream Sabater, S., Muñoz, I.
2000 Characterization of extracellular enzyme kinetics in two Mediterranean streams Romaní, A.M.
2000 Diatom communities as indicators of environmental stress in a Guadiamar River, S-W. Spain, following a major mine tailings spill Sabater, S.
2000 Differences in the sensitivity of benthic microalgae to Zn and Cd regarding biofilm development and exposure history Ivorra, N.; Bremer, S.; Guasch, H.; Kraak, M.H.S.; Admiraal, W.
2000 Effects of riparian vegetation removal on nutrient retention in a Mediterranean stream Sabater, F.; Butturini, A.; Martí, E.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Wray, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2000 Fecundity and spawning mode of three introduced fish species in lake Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain) in comparison with other localities Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Food of introduced pumpkinseed sunfish: ontogenetic diet shift and seasonal variation García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Influence of algal biomass on extracellular enzyme activity in river biofilms Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
2000 Introduction of exotic fish into a Mediterranean lake over a 90-year period García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Les nàiades de l'Estany de Banyoles Boix, D.; Feo, C.; Gascón, S.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Sala, J.; Zamora, L.
2000 Planes para recuperar un humedal costero de Gerona donde hay Fartet Quintana, X. D.
2000 Resource limitation by freshwater snail (<i>Stagnicola vulnerata</i>) grazing pressure: an experimental study Muñoz, I.; Real, M.; Guasch, H.; Navarro, E.; Sabater, S,.
2000 Rudd (<i>Scardinius erytrophthalmus</i>) introduced to the Iberian peninsula: feeding ecology in Lake Banyoles García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Stromatolitic communities in Mediterranean streams: adaptations to a changing environment Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Romaní, A.M.; Muñoz, I.
2000 Structure and architecture of a riverine Mediterranean stromatolite Sabater, S.
2000 Use of the condition of Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis) to assess habitat quality in stream ecosystems Vila-Gispert, A.; Zamora, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Uso de los ríos artificiales en ecotoxicología Navarro, E.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Real, M.; Sabater, S.
2000 Variability of heterotrophic activity in Mediterranean stream biofilms: A multivariate analysis of physical-chemical and biological factors Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
1999 Common errors in the authority of scientific names of fish: a cautionary note<i> <br></i> García-Berthou, E.
1999 Density dependent growth and size specific competitive interactions in young fish Byström P; Garcia Berthou, Emili
1999 Dinámica del heleopláncton en relación a las fluctuaciones hidrológicas en Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (NE de la Península Ibérica). Propuesta de un método sencillo de monitorización basado en la abundancia de grupos taxonómicos Moreno-Amich, R.; Quintana, X.D.; Suñer, L.; Trobajo, R.; Gascón, S.
1999 Effect of primary producers on the heterotrophic metabolism of a stream biofilm Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
1999 Epilithic ectoenzyme activity in a nutrient-rich Mediterranean river Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
1999 Food of introduced mosquitofish: ontogenetic diet shift and prey selection García-Berthou, E.
1999 Nutrientes y renovación del agua en Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (NE de la Península Ibérica). Uso potencial de agua residual para la inundación de zonas húmedas Quintana, X.D.; Suñer, L.; Trobajo, R.; Gascón, S.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1999 Pseudoreplication in hermit crab shell selection experiments: comment to Wilber García-Berthou, E.; Hurlbert, S.H.
1999 Short-term toxicity of zinc to microbenthic algae and bacteria in ametal-polluted stream Admiraal, W.; Blanck, H.; Buckert-de Jong, M.; Guasch, H.; Ivorra, N.; Lehmann, V.; Nystrom, B.; Paulsson; Sabater, S.
1999 Spatial heterogeneity in roach (<i>Rutilus rutilus</i>) diet among contrasting basins within a lake García-Berthou, E.
1998 A stromatolitic cyanobacterial crust in a Mediterranean stream optimizes organic matter use Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
1998 Community composition and sensitivity of periphyton to atrazine in flowing waters: the role of environmental factors Guasch, H.; Ivorra, N.; Lehmann, V.; Paulson, M.; Real, M.; Sabater, S.
1998 De verd a negre. Impacte ambiental i socioeconòmic de l'incendi de 1994 Degea L.; González R.; Jordana R.; Martínez J.J.; Mas X.; Massaneda A.; Pujadas I.; Pujolràs A.; Ruset C.; Taberner R.; Tornés E.; Tornés A.M.; Viader A.
1998 Diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide in two low-order streams Guasch, H.; Armengol, J.; Martí, E.; Sabater, S.
1998 Effects of removal of riparian vegetation on algae and heterotrophs in a Mediterranean stream Sabater, S.; Butturini, A.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Wray, J.; Sabater, F.
1998 Estimation of the annual primary production of stream epilithic biofilms based on photosynthesis-irradiance relations Guasch, H.; Sabater, S.
1998 Heterotrophic metabolism in a forest stream sediment: surface versus subsurface zones Romaní, A.M.; Butturini, A.; Sabater, F., Sabater, S.
1998 Light history influences the sensitivity to atrazine in periphytic algae Guasch, H.; Sabater, S.
1998 Nutrient and plankton dynamics in a Mediterranean salt marsh dominated by incidents of flooding. Part 1: Differential confinement of nutrients Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Comín, F.A.
1998 Nutrient and plankton dynamics in a Mediterranean salt marsh dominated by incidents of flooding. Part 2: response of zooplankton community to disturbances Quintana, X.D.; Comín, F. A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1998 Recommendations for the routine sampling of diatoms for water quality assessment in Europe Kelly, M.G.; Cazaubon, A.; Coring, E.; Dell'Uomo A.; Ector, L.; Goldsmith, B.; Guasch, H.; Hürlimann, J.; Jarlman, A.; Kawecka, B.; Kwandrans, J.; Laugaste, R.; Lindstrom, A.; Leitao, M.; Marvan, P.; Padisak, J.; Pipp, E.; Pr
1998 Seasonal abundance and deph distribution of <i>Blennius fluviatilis</i> and introduced <i>Lepomis gibbosus</i>, in Lake Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain) Vila Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1998 Seasonal abundance and depth distribution of Blennius fluviatilis and introduced Lepomis gibbosus, in Lake Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain) Ramon Moreno-Amich
1997 <i>Tapinoma pygmaeum</i> (Dufour, 1857) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), not a rare species Espadaler, X.; García-Berthou, E.
1997 Changes in atrazine toxicity trhougout succession of stream periphyton communities Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Rosés, N.; Sabater, S.
1997 Metabolism recovery of a stromatolitic biofilm after drought in a Mediterranean stream Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.
1996 El lago de Banyoles: una historia de introducción de especies exóticas Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.
1996 Feeding habits of longfin gurnard, Aspitrigla obscura (L.1764), along the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean) Ramon Moreno-Amich
1996 La introducció de peixos continentals exòtics en els rius gironins García-Berthou, E.
1996 Metabolic changes associated with biofilm formation in an undisturbed Mediterranean stream Sabater, S.; Romaní, A.M.
1996 Stock assesment, biomass and fish production in two Mediterranean river basins Zamora, L.; Saavedra, L.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1995 Ecología alimentaria de la comunidad de peces del lago de Banyoles García-Berthou, E.
1995 La introducción de especies: terminología establecida García-Berthou, E.
1995 Nutrient enrichment effects on biofilm metabolism in a Mediterranean stream Guasch, H.; Martí, E.; Sabater, S.
1995 Relaciones entre el peso seco y la longitud en <i>Aedes</i>, <i>Culex</i> y <i>Gammarus</i></p> Quintana, X.D.
1995 Seasonal variations in photosynthesis-irradiance responses by biofilms in Mediterranean streams Guasch, H.; Sabater, S.
1994 Feeding habits of grey gurnard, Eutrigla gurnardus (L. 1758), along the Catalan coast (northwestern Mediterranean). Ramon Moreno-Amich
1994 Primary production of epilithic communities in undisturbed Mediterranean streams Guasch, H.; Sabater, S.
1994 Spatial distribution of native and introduced fish of Banyoles Lake (NE Spain). Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Boix, D.; García-Berthou, E.
1994 The Role of drought in the impact of climatic change on the microbiota of peatland streams Freeman, C.; Gresswell, R.; Guasch, H.; Hudson, J.; Lock, M.A.; Reynolds, B.; Sabater, F.; Sabater S.
1993 A computer program for estimating population size by the removal method García-Berthou, Emili
1993 Fish assemblage of two small coastal Mediterranean lagoons García-Berthou, E.; Boix, D.; Zamora, Ll.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1993 L'Estany de Banyoles: una historia d'introducció d'espècies exòtiques Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.
1993 Multivariate analysis of covariance in morphometric studies of the reproductive cycle. García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1992 Age and growth of an Iberian cyprinodont, <i>Aphanius iberus </i>(Cuv. &amp; Val.), in its most northerly population Moreno-Amich, R-; García-Berthou, E.
1992 Feeding habits of red gurnard, Aspitrigla cuculus (L. 1758) (Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae), along the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean). Ramon Moreno-Amich
1992 L'Estany de Banyoles: una historia d'introducció d'espècies exòtiques Garcia Berthou, Emili; Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1992 The Ter, a Mediterranean river system in Spain Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Martí, E.; Armengol, J.; Vila, M.; Sabater, F.
1991 Ecología del fartet, <i>Aphanius iberus</i> (Cyprinodontidae), en las marismas del Alto Ampurdán García-Berthou, Emili
1991 Fish introduction in a Mediterranean karstic lake Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Garcia Berthou, E.
1991 New records of <i>Aphanius iberus</i> (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) and review of the geographical distribution of cyprinodontiform fishes in Catalonia (NE-Spain) García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1991 Population dynamics of a threatened Mediterranean cyprinodont, Aphanius iberus García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1990 Aporte de nutrientes por los tributarios superficiales del Lago de Banyoles Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1990 Différentiation génétique de <i>Merluccius merluccius</i> sur le littoral espagnol García-Marín, J.L., Vila-Gispert, A., Utter, F.M.; Pla, C.
1990 Genetic variation in the Iberian toothcarp, <i>Aphanius iberus</i> (Cuvier et Valenciennes) García-Marín, J.L.; Vila-Gispert A.; Pla, C.
1990 La Conca del Gaià: un estudi ecològic integrat Guasch, H.; Noguero, J.
1990 La ecosondación como método de estudio de la dinámica poblacional de peces Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1989 A new bathymetric map based on echo-sounding and morphometrical characterization of the Lake of Banyoles (NE-Spain). Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.
1989 Adaptacions dels peixos al seu ambient Ramon Moreno-Amich
1989 Caractérisation biométrique et genétique de Aphanius iberus (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae) en Catalogne Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.; García-Marín, J.L.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Pla, C.
1989 Introducció a l'estudi limnològic de la llacuna del Ter Vell (Baix Empordà) Quintana, X.D.; Comín, F.A.
1989 La piscicultura: una alternativa per a las comarques gironines Ramon Moreno-Amich
1989 Utilisation des méthodes génétiques comme instrument de gestion piscicole Pla C, García-Marín, J.L. Vila A.
1988 Citació de fraret (Fratercula arctica, Linnaeus) al Golf de Lleó Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1988 Citación de fraret (<i>Fratercula arctica</i>, L.) en el Golfo de León Vila Gispert A.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1987 Anotacions sobre el coneixement dels lepidòpters ropalòcers del massís del Montgrí Vicens, N.; Quintana, X.D.; Sunyer, D.
1987 Avaluació d'indicadors físico-químics de contaminació als recs de sortida de l'Estany de Banyoles Torrent, C.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Abellà, C.; Vila i Portella, X.
1986 Limnology of a rice field: a case approach to 'aiguamolls de l'Alt Empordà' (Girona, Catalonia) Abellà, C.; Ribas i de Pouplana, Ll.; Moreno, R.
1986 Tres noves surgències a l'Estany de Banyoles: IX, X, XI Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1986 Tres nuevas surgencias en el Lago de Banyoles: IX, X, XI. Moreno-Amich, R.; Garcia-Berthou, E.
1985 A computer program for gut-contents analyses Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1985 Addenda al catàleg de peixos del mar català de les col·leccions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1985 Adenda al catálogo de peces del mar catalán de les colecciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Moreno-Amich, R.; Garcia-Berthou, E.
1985 Aproximació a la fauna malacològica del Llac de Banyoles (Girona) mitjançant l'anàlisi de les restes retingudes en el sediment Casadevall, M.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila Gispert, A.
1985 Els Peixos del Mar Català de les col·leccions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1985 Un programa de tractament de referències bibliogràfiques per a ordinadors personals de 64 Kb i amb dues unitats de disquets Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1983 Étude du régime alimentaire de Lepidotrigla cavillone (Lacépède, 1802) (Pisces: Triglidae) dans la mer Catalane. Ramon Moreno-Amich
1900 Bacterioplankton and phytoplankton biomass in two salt marsh basins with differences in catchment area Quintana, Xavier de
1900 Environmental factors affecting bacterioplankton or phytoplankton dominance and relationships in a Mediterranean saltmarsh Xavier de Quintana
1900 Improvement of the Status of Iberian Toothcarp (Aphanius iberus, Valenciennes, 1846) Populations in the Baix Ter Wetlands by Habitat Recovery Xavier de Quintana
1900 Life-history strategies of species from a Mediterranean lake Ramon Moreno-Amich
1900 Life-history strategies of species from European freshwater fish assemblages Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1900 Nutrient composition of Empordà salt marshes sediment Moreno-Amich, Ramon
1900 Short- and long-term effects of confinement on nutrient and zooplankton dynamics in a Mediterranean salt marsh (NE iberian peninsula) Quintana, Xavier de

Articles de Divulgació

Data Títol Autor(s)
2020 First detection of invasive coypu, Myocastor coypus Molina, 1782 (Mammalia: Roentia: Myocasteridae) into lake Banyoles (Catalonia, north-east Iberian Peninsula) Dani Latorre; Miquel Campos; Gerard Dalmau; Albert Cicres; Albert Tubert
2018 La restauració de la Pletera: crònica de la desurbanització Quintana, X.D.; Capellà, J.; Colomer, A.; Hors, X.; Marí, M.; Pié, R.
2010 Les diatomees com a indicadors de canvis ambientals: El riu Llémena i les seves fonts GUASCH, H; M. RICART & G. URREA
2003 Monstruos en el Ter García-Berthou, E.; Carol, J.; Benejam, L.; Zamora, L.; Pou-Rovira, Q.
2002 El efecto Frankenstein (o la introducción de peces exóticos) García-Berthou, E.; Alcaraz, C.
2002 La invasión del mejillón cebra Boix, D.; García-Berthou, E.
1997 Els llibres de text universitaris i l'entorn del catedràtic Quintana García-Berthou, E.; Guix, G.

Articles Pendents de Publicació

Data Títol Autor(s)
2024 Untangling the roles of centrality and environmental drivers in biodiversity patterns across spatial scales Tornero, I.; Gascón, S.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Sala, J., Compte, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Boix, D.
2023 Patterns and correlates in the distribution, design and management of garden ponds along an urban-rural gradient A. J. HAMER; B. BARTA; Z. MÁRTON; C. F. VAD; B. SZABÓ; I. TORNERO; Z. HORVÁTH
2019 Distinct responses from bacterial, archaeal and fungal streambed communities to severe hydrological disturbances Gionchetta G.; Romaní A.M.; Oliva F.; Artigas J.
2012 Contribution of epilithic diatoms to benthic-pelagic coupling in a temperate river. Tekwani, N; Majdi,M; Mialet, B; Tornés, E; Urrea-Clos, G; Buffan-Dubau, E; Sabater, S; Tackx, M.
2012 Effects of large river dam-regulation on bacterioplankton community structure. Ruiz-González,C; Proia, L; Ferrera, I; Gasol, J.M; Sabater, S.
2012 Response of biofilm bacterial communities to antibiotic pollutants in a Mediterranean river. Proia L., Lupini G., Osorio V., Barceló D., Schwartz T., Amalfitano S., Fazi S., Romaní A. and Sabater S.
2008 Benthic structure and metabolism in a Mediterranean stream: from biological communities to the whole stream ecosystem function Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Gaudes, A.; Muñoz, I.; Sabater, S.

Notes Breus


Data Títol Autor(s)
2018 A one dimensional model as a tool to predict hydrological regime of two coastal lagoons in La Pletera salt marshes Xavier Casamitjana; Anna Menció; Xavier Quintana; David Soler; Jordi Compte; Mònica Martinoy; Josep Pascual
2007 Ecological quality of natural waters using biofilms Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Geiszinger, A.; Muñoz, I.; Ricart, M.; Romaní, A.M.
2003 Restauració de les llacunes del Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.
2000 Dinàmiques temporals de les larves d'amfibis d'un estanyol temporani Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Triadó, X.
1999 La problemàtica de conservació d’amfibis: el cas de l’estanyol temporani d’Espolla Boix, D.


Actes de Congressos

Data Títol Autor(s)
2022 Reservoirs facilitate fish invasions in Iberian rivers Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; García-Berthou, Emili
2021 Species distribution models: A good tool to evaluate the effects of hydrological alteration on freshwater fish Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; García-Berthou, Emili
2020 A review and statistical analysis of the key factors explaining critical swimming speed in Iberian freshwater fish Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; Argudo, María; Rubio-Gracia, Francesc; Vila-Gispert, Anna; García-Berthou, Emili
2016 Doctoral Meeting in Water Science and Technology: Book of abstracts Guasch, H
2015 Periphyton Ecology and Ecotoxicology—How Much Complexity and Reproducibility are Required to Connect Both Perspectives? KROLL, A.; M. MATZKE; H. GUASCH; M. SCHMITT-JANSEN
2014 Microbenthic communities and their role in arsenic fate in fluvial systems GUASCH, H.; RODRIGUEZ CASTRO, M.C.; GIORGI, A.D.N.
2012 Experiència interdisciplinària de coavaluació: la percepció dels estudiants a la Universitat de Girona. Xarxa d'Innovació Docent sobre Avaluació. Arbat Pujolràs, Gerard ; Pujol Planella, Joan ; Feliu Soley, Lídia ; Roura i Pascual, Núria ; Planas Lladó, Anna ; Montoro Moreno, Lino ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Fraguell i Sansbelló, Rosa Maria ; Zamora Hernández, Lluís
2012 Forest research for green belt of Mongolian capital city Ulaanbaatar Baigal-Amat T., Munkhsaikhan B., Undram R.
2011 Influences of some water retention materials on seed germination of Siberian larch /<i>Larix sibirica</i> Ldb./ Davaasuren N., Baigal-Amar T., Tumurtogtokh E., Erdenetsogt N., Sasaki Ichiro
2010 Aquatic insect community and their relevance with water chemistries of some streams in Western Mongolia Baigal-Amat T., Buyanjargal B.
2009 Importancia del seguimiento limnológico en ambientes variables: caso del P. N. El Hondo Javier Armengol Díaz y María Antón Pardo
2006 Gypsy moth population in Hovsgol Region, Mongolia Paul W. Schaefer, Baigal-Amar T.
2005 Asian gypsy goth, <i>Lymantria dispar dispar</i> (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) outbreak in the Lake Hovsgol Area of north – central Mongolia Baigal-Amar T., Paul W. Schaefer, Ganbat D.
2005 Some results of Siberian larch (<i>Larix sibiricus</i>)seed research in the Lake Hovsgol area of north - central Mongolia Khishigjargal M., Baigal-Amar T.
2003 Dynamics of biodiversity loss and permafrost thaw at Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia C. E. Goulden, J. Tsogtbaatar, N. Sharkhuu, B. Oyunsanaa, L. Ariuntsetseg, N. Saruul, T. Baigal-Amar
1995 Climate change: Man's indirect influence on wetland microbial activity and the biofilms of a wetland stream. FREEMAN, C.; GRESSWELL, R.; LOCK, M.A.; SWANSON, C.; GUASCH, H.; SABATER, F.; SABATER, S.; HUDSON, J.; HUGHES, S.; REYNOLDS, B.

Altres Publicacions

Data Títol Autor(s)
2022 Colirrojo tizón (<i>Phoenicurus ochruros</i>) Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2022 Collalba negra (<i>Oenanthe leucura</i>) Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2022 Pinzón vulgar (<i>Fringilla coelebs</i>) Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2022 Verderón común (<i>Chloris chloris</i>) Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2022 Zorzal charlo (<i>Turdus viscivorus</i>) Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2021 Analyzing the key factors that explain swimming performance variability in freshwater fish Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; Argudo, María; Rubio-Gracia, Francesc; Vila-Gispert, Anna; García-Berthou, Emili
2021 Conociendo los peces continentales ibéricos Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Radinger, Johannes; García-Berthou, Emili
2021 El paraje de las canteras de yeso de Valdemoro se encuentra en un estado lamentable Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Caballero-Díaz, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2021 La gran nevada, tras el paso de la borrasca Filomena, dejó sin aves los medios agrícolas Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2021 Las canteras de Valdemoro: un ejemplo de las amenazas a los anfibios del sur Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Caballero-Díaz, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2020 Comportamiento migratorio de la avefría europea durante el invierno cálido de 2019 - 2020 en el sur de la Comunidad de Madrid Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2020 Condiciones meteorológicas estables y persistentes provocan la reproducción temprana de la lagartija verdosa (<i>Podarcis virescens</i>) en el centro peninsular Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2020 Crías muy tempranas de lagartija ibérica en la Comunidad de Madrid Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2019 Avaluació de l'estat ecològic en arrossars i closes als aiguamolls de l'Empordà Bou J.; Sala J.; Boix D.; Gascón S.; Vilar L.; Quintana X
2018 Desurbanización y recuperación de la funcionalidad ecológica en los sistemas costeros de La Pletera Acción D1 Seguimiento del estado ecológico Informe final de proyecto Compte, J; Bas-Silvestre, M.; Boix, D.; Menció, A.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Tornero, I.; Quintana, X.
2018 Diagnosi de la qualitat química de l'aigua de la riera d'Osor. Helena Guasch, Maria Argudo i Francesc Rubio
2017 Els valors ecològics de la maresma de la Pletera. Quintana, X.D., Boix, D., Colomer, A. & Compte, J.
2017 Una acción a escala local en el sureste madrileño favorece al amenazado sapo partero común Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Martínez, Bárbara; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2016 Burning waters: wildfire effects on aquatic systems David Cunillera-Montcusí
2016 The sensitivity of intermittent stream's microbial communities to drought impacts GIONCHETTA, Giulia. «The sensitivity of intermittent stream's microbial communities to drought impacts», a GUASCH, Helena (ed.) DOCTORAL MEETING in WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Book of abstracts [en línia] [Girona: Universit
2015 Ayudemos al sapo corredor allí donde el agua escasea Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2015 Querida alumna Anton-Pardo, M
2012 Experiencia interdisciplinar de coevaluación: la percepción de los estudiantes en la Universidad de Girona. Percepciones sobre la coevaluación Planas Lladó, A.; Arbat Pujolràs, G.; Feliu Soley, L.; Frangeull Sansbelló, R.M.; Montoro Moreno, L.; Pujol Planella, J.; Roura-Pascual, N.; Suñol i Martínez, J.J:; Zamora Hernández, Ll.M.
2012 Experimental research for planting <i>Elaeagnus moorcrftii</i> using water retentive material in a greenhouse Baigal-Amar T., Urantuul O.
2012 Regeration survey in green belt of the capital city Undram R., Baigal-Amat T.
2012 Surveys for trees and shrubs in the public garden in Bayanzurkh district of Ulaanbaatar city Purevjargal B., Baigal-Amat T.
2011 Chemical substances used to control forest pest insects in Mongolia, and their negative impacts T. Baigal-Amar
2011 Evaluación continua y autogestión del aprendizaje: una visión interdisciplinar Montoro, L.; Planas, A.; Zamora, L.; Fraguell, R. M.; Arbat, G.; Feliu, L.; Pujol, J.; Suñol, J. J.
2011 Innovacions en l'avaluació dels aprenentatges. Experiències des de la xarxa d'innovació docent sobre avaluació Suñol, J. J.; Pujol, J.; Feliu, L.; Arbat, G.; Fraguell, R. M.; Zamora, L.; Planas, A.; Montoro, L.
2010 Implantación de una Red de Innovación Docente para el análisis y la mejora de la evaluación de los estudiantes en la Universidad de Girona Feliu, L.; Florian, B. E.; Fraguell, M. R.; Montoro, L.; Planas, A.; Saurina, J.; Suñol, J.J.; Vila, X.; Zamora, L.
2010 Implantación de una Red de innovación docente para el análisis y mejora de la evaluación de los estudiantes en la Universidad de Girona L. Montoro; M.R. Fraguell; A. Planas; L. Zamora; L. Feliu; J.J. Suñol; X. Vila; B. Florian; J. Saurina
2010 Some results of water quality assessment using bioindices for some streams disgorged from Altai Mountain Baigal-Amar T.,Tumurtsooj D.
2010 Xarxa d'Innovació Docent sobre Avaluació Feliu,L.; Florian, B. E.; Fraguell, M. R.; Montoro, L.; Planas, A.; Saurina, J.; Suñol, J. J.; Vila, X.; Zamora, L.
2009 Seguiment d'ictiofauna a la conca de la Tordera Lluís Benejam, Anna Vilajeliu-Pons, Josep Benito, Emili García-Berthou
2006 Evaluación de la calidad de las aguas de la laguna, Les Basses d'en Coll. Informe de Seguimiento Científico Badosa, A.; Barriocanal, C.; Compte, J.; López-Flores, R.; Quintana, X. D.
2005 Life-history traits of invasive fish in small Mediterranean streams Vila-Gispert, A.; Alcaraz, C.; García-Berthou, E.
2004 Gypsy Moth /<i>Lymantria dispar</i> L/ effect on Larch Sapling Baigal-Amar T., Khishigjargal M.
2002 Restauració de les llacunes del Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.
2000 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1999 Distribution of Diatom Species in A Metal Polluted Belgium-Dutch River: An Experimental Analysis W. Admiraal, N. Ivorra, M. Jonker, S. Bremer, C. Barranguet, H. Guasch
1999 Use of lotic Periphyton as Indicators of Sensitivity to Certain Toxicants Guasch, H; Admiraal, W.; Blanck, H.; Ivorra, N.; Lehmann, V.; Real, M.; Sabater, S
1997 Genetic variation in the European hake, <i>Merluccius merluccius</i>. Description of protein loci and genetic divergence between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations Vila-Gispert, A.; Pla, C.
1996 Can periphyton be used to detect pollution with chemicals? Tubbing, D.M.J.; Admiraal, W.; Blanck, H.; S. Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.
1995 Poblament piscícola del riu Daró. Determinació, avaluació i estat de les poblacions Agell, G.; Agustí, N.; Guirado, A.; Sais, M.; Zamora, L.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1988 Reserva integral dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà. Limnologia comparada i incidència de les activitats humanes en la seva degradació Moreno-Amich, Ramón
1982 Catalunya des del Mar Moreno-Amich, R.
1981 Els nostres peixos Moreno-Amich, R.

Capítols de Llibre

Data Títol Autor(s)
2024 Class Hexapoda: general introduction BOIX, D.; BONADA, N.; MUÑOZ, I.; BAQUERO, E.; JORDANA, R.; CUNILLERA-MONTCUSÍ, D.; TORNERO, I.; FORTUÑO, P.; ACOSTA, R.; GASCÓN, S.; SALA, J.
2023 Class Hexapoda: General Introduction Dani Boix; Núria Bonada; Isabel Muñoz; Enrique Baquero; Rafael Jordana; David Cunillera-Montcusí; Irene Tornero; Pau Fortuño; Raúl Acosta; Stéphanie Gascón; Jordi Sala
2021 Consecuencias de la borrasca Filomena sobre las aves de los medios agrícolas Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2021 Fenología migratoria a largo plazo de cuatro especies transaharianas en la Comunidad de Madrid Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2020 Caracterización fenológica, una herramienta clave para la climatología: estudio de la migración en cuatro especies estivales Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2020 Conservation of Temporary Wetlands BOIX, D. ; CALHOUN, A.J.K. ; MUSHET, D.M. ; BELL, K.P. ; FITZSIMONS, J.A. ; ISSELIN-NONDEDEU, F.
2020 Linderiella baetica: e.T98562533A98562540 GARCÍA DE LOMAS, J. ; SALA, J. ; BARRIOS, V. ; PRUNIER, F. ; CAMACHO, A. ; MACHADO, M. ; ALONSO, M. ; KORN, M. ; BOIX, D. ; HORTAS, F. ; GARCÍA, C. ; SERRANO, L. ; MUÑOZ, G.
2020 Triops baeticus: e.T117059920A117060444. GARCÍA DE LOMAS, J. ; SALA, J. ; BARRIOS, V. ; PRUNIER, F. ; CAMACHO, A. ; MACHADO, M. ; ALONSO, M. ; KORN, M. ; BOIX, D. ; HORTAS, F. ; GARCÍA, C. ; SERRANO, L. ; MUÑOZ, G.
2020 Triops emeritensis: e.T117060520A117060582 GARCÍA DE LOMAS, J. ; SALA, J. ; BARRIOS, V. ; PRUNIER, F. ; CAMACHO, A. ; MACHADO, M. ; ALONSO, M. ; KORN, M. ; BOIX, D. ; HORTAS, F. ; GARCÍA, C. ; SERRANO, L. ; MUÑOZ, G.
2020 Triops gadensis: e.T117060599A117060610. GARCÍA DE LOMAS, J. ; SALA, J. ; BARRIOS, V. ; PRUNIER, F. ; CAMACHO, A. ; MACHADO, M. ; ALONSO, M. ; KORN, M. ; BOIX, D. ; HORTAS, F. ; GARCÍA, C. ; SERRANO, L. ; MUÑOZ, G.
2020 Triops vicentinus: e.T117060633A117060641. GARCÍA DE LOMAS, J. ; SALA, J. ; BARRIOS, V. ; PRUNIER, F. ; CAMACHO, A. ; MACHADO, M. ; ALONSO, M. ; KORN, M. ; BOIX, D. ; HORTAS, F. ; GARCÍA, C. ; SERRANO, L. ; MUÑOZ, G.
2019 Does a bigger glass eel mean better recruitment? Brian C.;Fernández-Delgado C.;Zamora Hernández L.;Jiménez F.; Evans D.;E. Díaz
2019 El importante papel de las series largas en fenología Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2019 L'anguila europea a la Plana del Baix Ter: noves eines per a una gestió sostenible de la pesca d'angules Zamora,L.
2019 Un Estudio dinámico de las comunidades microbianas del parque nacional de aigüestortes i estany de sant maurici: oportunidades para la conservación Vicente J. Ontiveros; Joan Cáliz; Xavier Triadó-Margarit; Emilio O. Casamayor; David Alonso
2018 Fenología de los pasos migratorios del Papamoscas Cerrojillo (<i>Fidecula hypoleuca</i>). Seguimiento a largo plazo en el centro y sur de la Comunidad de Madrid Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2018 La duración de los pasos migratorios del papamoscas cerrojillo (<i>Fidecula hypoleuca</i>) se reduce en los últimos cuarenta años en el centro y sur de la Comunidad de Madrid Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2018 Management and restoration actions of confined Mediterranean coastal lagoons in the Empordà and Baix Ter wetlands Quintana, X. D.; Boix, D.; Casamitjana, X.; Colomer, À.; Compte, J.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Gascón, S.; Gich, F.; Menció, A.; Martinoy, M.; Montaner, J.; Pascual, J.; Sala, J.; Solà, J; Tornero, I.
2018 The malladas of La Devesa de El Saler: The recovery of a set of coastal interdunal lagoons in the Albufera Natural Park. Armengol X, Antón-Pardo M, Ortells R, Olmo-Rodríguez C.
2017 Cómo afectan las condiciones meteorológicas al comportamiento de las aves Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2017 El patrimonio hidrogeológico de las marismas litorales: el caso de La Pletera (NE Cataluña). Menció, A., Quintana, X.D., Compte, J. & Mas-Pla, J.
2017 Microbial Biomarkers Guasch, Helena; Bonet, Berta; Bonnineau, Chloé; Barral, Laura
2016 An introduction to freshwater wetlands and their invertebrates BATZER, D. ; BOIX, D.
2016 Aquatic biofilms and biogeochemical processes Leff L.; Van Gray J.B.; Martí E.; Merbt S.N.; Romaní A.M.
2016 Ecosistemes aquàtics continentals Sabater, S., Acuña, V., Batalla, R.J., Borrego, C., Butturini, A., Felip, M., García-Berthou, E., Gascón, S., Marcé, R., Martí, E., Menéndez, M., Muñoz, I., Quintana, X.,Sabater, F.
2016 Efectos del cambio climático sobre las aves Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2016 El comportamiento hidrogeológico de las lagunas de la Pletera. Análisis de la evolución hidroquímica de sus aguas Menció, A.; Compte, J.; Boix, D.; Gich, F.; Quintana, X.D. Mas-Pla, J.
2016 Invertebrate assemblages and their ecological controls across the world's freshwater wetlands BOIX, D. ; BATZER, D.
2016 Invertebrates of freshwater temporary ponds in Mediterranean climates Boix, D.; Kneitel, J.; Robson, B.J.; Duchet, C.; Zúñiga, L.; Day, J.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Blaustein, L.
2016 Microbes in aquatic biofilms under the effect of changing climate Romaní, A.M.; Boulêtreau, S.; Villanueva, V.D.; Garabetian, F.; Marxsen, J.; Norf, H.; Pohlon, E.; Weitere, M.
2016 Microbial Diversity in Lakes Changes over Time. Jiménez Ontiveros, Vicente Luis; Alonso, David.
2016 New tools to analyse the ecological status of Mediterranean wetlands and shallow lakes Quintana, X.D.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Nebra, A.; Gascón, S.; Rieradevall, M.; Caiola, N.; Sala, J.; Ibàñez, C.; Sánchez-Millaruelo, N.; Boix, D.
2016 The use of biofilms to assess the effects of chemicals on freshwater ecosystems Guasch, H.; J.Artigas; B. Bonet; C. Bonnineau; O. Canals; N. Corcoll; A. Foulquier; J. López-Doval; S. Kim-Tiam; S. Morin; E. Navarro; S. Pesce; L. Proia; H. Salvadó; A.Serra
2015 Limits of the biofilm concept and types of aquatic biofilms Mora-Gómez, J ; Freixa, A; Perujo, N; Barral-Fraga, L
2014 La lluvia, la charca y el sapo corredor, una relación de supervivencia en ambientes semiáridos Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2013 Concluding remarks on river conservation Arturo Elosegi, Sergi Sabater and Andrew Boulton
2013 Els rius grans Sabater S., Batalla R.J., García-Berthou E., Muñoz I., Romaní A.
2013 Els rius mitjans Sabater S., Acuña V., Batalla R.J., García-Berthou E., Guasch H., Muñoz I.
2013 Les fonts Aboal, M.; Guasch, Helena; Puig, Mariàngel
2013 Los árboles más resistentes a los extremos climáticos en España Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2013 Opinió critica: ciència i universitat a Catalunya, projecció de futur Sabater, Sergi
2013 River conservation: going against the flow to meet global challenges Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi and David Dudgeon
2012 Advances in the multi-biomarker approach for risk assessment in aquatic ecosystems BONNINEAU, C.; A. MOELLER; C. BARATA; B. BONET; L. PROIA; F. SANS-PICHE; M. SCHMITT-JANSEN; H.GUASCH & H. SEGNER.
2012 Consistency in diatom response to metal-contaminated environments. Morin, S; Cordonier, A; Lavoie, I; Arini, A; Blanco, S; Duong, T.T; Tornés, E; Bonet, B; Corcoll, N; Faggiano, L; Laviale, M; Pérès, F; Becarés, E; Coste, M; Feurtet-Mazel, A; Fortin, C; Guasch, H; Sabater, S.
2012 Ecosystem Services in an Impacted Watershed. The Relevance of Hydrology, Human Influence, and Global Change Marta Terrado, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Vicenç Acuña, and Sergi Sabater
2012 Extracellular Enzymes in Aquatic Biofilms: Microbial Interactions Vs Water Quality Effects in the Use of Organic Matter Romaní, A.M.; Artigas, J.; Ylla, I.
2012 How to link field observations with causality? Field and experimental approaches linking chemical pollution with ecological alterations GUASCH, H; B. BONET, C.BONNINEAU, N.CORCOLL; J.C. LÓPEZ—DOVAL, I.MUÑOZ, M.RICART; A. SERRA; W.CLEMENTS.
2012 In-Stream Nutrient Flux and Retention in Relation to Land Use in the Llobregat River Basi Aguilera, R; Marcé, R; Sabater, S.
2012 Les Mallades. La Universitat de València i els seus entorns naturals Armengol X., Olmo-Rodríguez C., Ortells R., Romo S., Soria J. M., Escrivá A., Verdejo J. & Antón-Pardo M.
2012 Resistiendo extremos: los árboles más increíbles de la Tierra Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2012 The Effect of Multiple Stressors on Biological Communities in the Llobregat Muñoz, I; García-Berthou, E; Sabater, S.
2012 The Llobregat River Basin: A Paradigm of Impaired Rivers Under Climate Change Threats Marcé, R; Honey-Rosés, J; Manzano, A; Moragas, L; Catllar,B; Sabater, S.
2012 The use of attached microbial communities to assess ecological risks of pollutants in river ecosystems. The role of heterotrophs. Proia, L.; Cassio, F.; Pascoal, C.; Tlili, A.; Romaní, A.M.
2012 The use of photosynthetic fluorescence parameters from autotrophic biofilms for monitoring the effect of chemicals in river ecosystems CORCOLL, N.; M.RICART; S. FRANZ; F. SANS-PICHÉ; M. SCHMITT-JANSEN & H. GUASCH
2011 Ecological relevance of key toxicants in aquatic systems. Schmitt-Jansen, M; von der Ohe, P; Franz, S; Rotter, S; Sabater, S; de Zwart, D; Segner, H.
2011 Evaluating ecological integrity in multi-stressed rivers: from the currently used biotic indices to newly developed approaches using biofilms and invertebrates. Muñoz, I; Sabater, S; Barata, C.
2011 Experiences and Lessons Learned on the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Selected European River Basins. Díaz-Cruz, M.S; Darbra,R.M; Ginebreda, A; Hansen, P.D.; Sabater,S; Galbiati, L; Capri, E; Vale,C; Barceló, D.
2011 Fish Moyle P.B.; García-Besthou, E
2011 Phytoplankton composition in shallow water ecosystems: influence of environmental gradients and nutrient availability. López-Flores, R. Romaní, A.M., Quintana, X.D.
2011 Rivers García-Besthou, E; Moyle P.B.
2011 The physical framework and historic human influences in the Ebro River Romaní, A.M; Sabater, S; Muñoz, I.
2010 11. Peixos: La perca García-Berthou, E.
2010 Aquatic and Riparian Biodiversity in the Ebro Watershed: Prospects and Threats. Sabater, S.; Muñoz, I.; Artigas, J.; Romaní, A.M.; Pérez, M.C.; Duran, C.
2010 Distribution of alien bleak Alburnus alburnus(Linnaeus, 1758) in the northeastern Iberian Mediterranean watersheds: past and present Maceda-Veiga, A.; De Sostoa, A.; Solorio-Ornelas, E.; Monroy, M.; Vinyoles, D.; Caiola, N.; Casals, F.; García-Berthou, E.; Munné, A.
2010 Effects of Hydrologic Alterations on the Ecological Quality of River Ecosystems Sabater, S,; Tockner, K.
2010 Els crustacis de zones humides dels Països Catalans BOIX, D., SALA, J. ; GASCÓN, S.
2010 Els peixos continentals invasors García-Berthou, E.
2010 Formas de ayudar al planeta Boix, D., Vigil, J. M.
2010 Invertebrats aquàtics Boix, D.; Ruhí, A.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Compte, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2010 Metal ecotoxicology in fluvial biofilms: potential influence of water scarcity Guasch, H.; Serra, A.; Corcoll, N.; Bonet, B.; Leira, M.
2010 Monitoring biological invasions in freshwater habitats Vilà, M.; García-Berthou, E.
2010 Riparian zone hydrology and biogeochemistry: a review. Burt, T.P.; Pinay, G.; Sabater, S
2010 Salvar la Biodiversidad para salvar la humanidad Boix, D.
2010 Siluro – <i>Silurus glanis</i> Carol, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2010 The Physical Framework and Historic Human Influences in the Ebro River Romaní, A.M.; Sabater, S.; Muñoz, I.
2009 Diatoms Sabater, S
2009 Diseño experimental y análisis de datos García-Berthou, E.; Alcaraz, C.; Benejam, Ll.; Benito-Granell, J.
2009 Fauna aquàtica no desitjada: espècies invasores Boix, D.
2009 Flujo de energía en el ecosistema fluvial. Análisis del metabolismo Acuña, V.; Guasch, H.; Giorgi, A.; Izaguirre, O.
2009 Impacte sobre els peixos continentals Garcia-Berthou, E.
2009 La biota de los ríos: los microorganismos autotróficos Gómez, N.; Donato, J.; Giorgi, A.; Guasch, H.; Mateo, P.; Sabater, S.
2009 La biota de los ríos: los microorganismos heterotróficos. Romaní, A.M.; Artigas, J.; Camacho, A.; Graça, M.A.S.; Pascoal, C.
2009 La biota de los ríos: los peces Zamora, L.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Naspleda, J.
2009 Otros factores físicos de importancia para los seres vivos: luz, temperatura, corriente Sabater, S.; Elosegui, A.
2009 Presentación: importancia de los ríos Sabater, S.; Elosegui, A.
2009 Qualitat i quantitat de l’aigua en la definició de l’estat ecològic dels sistemes fluvials Sabater, S.
2009 Relaciones tróficas en el ecosistema fluvial Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.; Rodrígues-Capítulo, A.; González-Esteban, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2009 Structure of invertebrate assemblages: contribution to the ecological functioning of the Mediterranean temporary ponds Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Ruhí, A.; Quintana, X. D.
2009 The Iberian Rivers Sabater, S.; Feio, M.J.; Graça, M.A.S.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.
2009 Uso de ríos artificiales en ecología fluvial Guasch, H.; Serra, A.
2009 Variació temporal de la producció de virosta en boscos de Quercus suber al Parc Natural del Montseny i la seva relació amb la meteorologia Caritat, A.; Vilar, L.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 ¿Qué son las invasiones biológicas? Vilà, M.; Castro Díez, M.P.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 Calidad y cantidad de agua: el estado ecológico de los sistemas acuáticos continentales Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Romaní,A.M.; Muñoz, I.
2008 Caracterització, regionalització i elaboració d’eines d’establiment de l’estat ecològic de les zones humides de Catalunya. Aplicació de la directiva marc en Política d’aigües de la Unió Europea (2000/60/CE) Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2008 Climate and disturbances affecting rivers: from microbes to ecosystems Sabater, S.
2008 Freshwater Biofilms Romaní, A.M.
2008 Les Poblacions de peixos de la Tordera Benejam, Ll.; Carol, J.; Benito-Granell, J.; García-Berthou, E.
2008 Múltiples orígenes y vías de entrada de las especies invasoras García-Berthou, E.; Ballesteros, E.; Sanz-Elorza, M.
2008 Projectes de restauració als aiguamolls del Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; López-Flores, R.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.; Boix, D.; Barriocanal, C.; Pujol, J.; Brull, S.
2007 Análisis multiescala de la vegetación en los alrededores del Embalse de Chisacá (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Implicaciones para la formulación de proyectos de restauración ecológica a nivel local Mora, J ; Figueroa, Y ; Vivas, T
2007 Comunitats d’algues com a indicadors de la qualitat ecològica dels sistemes fluvials Sabater, S.
2007 Control de sistemes Catalan, J.; Martí, E.; Puig, M. A.; Ventura, M.; Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Sabater, S.; Quintana, X. D.; Deocón, M.; Folch, M.; Huertas, E.; Salgot, M.; Torrens, A.; Arreciado, A.; Benito, G.; Godé, L. X.; Muné, A.; Ab
2007 Estat de conservació de l’espinós (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>) i de la bavosa de riu (<i>Salaria fluviatilus</i>) a la plana del Baix Ter Pou-Rovira, Q.; Clavero, M.; Zamora, L.
2007 Non-indigenous animal species naturalized in Iberian inland waters García-Berthou, E.; Boix, D.; Clavero, M.
2007 The role of floodplains in mitigating diffuse nitrate pollution Burt, T.P.; Hefting, M.M.; Pinay, G.; Sabater, S
2007 Un Entorn particular: la zona cárstica Brusi, D.
2006 Hydrology, light and the use of organic and inorganic materials as structuring factors of biological communities in Mediterranean streams Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Muñoz, I.; Romaní, A.M.
2005 Biofilms as biological indicators in managed aquatic ecosystems Sabater, S.; Admiraal, W.
2004 Ecosistemes: La maresma Quintana, X. D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.; Munill, X.
2004 Els Amfibis i rèptils Boix D.; Franch M.; Mascort R.
2004 Els invertebrats aquàtics Martinoy, M.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascon, S.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2004 Els peixos Pou-Rovira, Q.; Alcaraz, C.; Feo, C.; Zamora, L.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Carol, J.; García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2004 La restauració dels aiguamolls del Baix Ter: Projecte LIFE Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Marinoy, M.; Gifre, J.
2004 Les surgències d'aigua dolça Quintana, X. D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2003 Características ecológicas de los peces invasores españoles García-Berthou, E.; Alcaraz, C.; Benejam, L.; Carol, J.; Vila-Gispert, A.
2003 Environmental Statistics with S-PLUS Garcia-Berthou, E.
2002 Diatom communities and water quality: a case study from streams in Catalonia (NE Spain) Leira, M.; Sabater, S.
2002 Diatomeas bentónicas en humedales continentales Sabater, S
2002 Fish ecology and conservation in Lake Banyoles (Spain): the neglected problem of exotic species Garcia-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 La fauna del Pla de l'Estany Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Sistemes naturals lacustres: l'Estany de Banyoles Moreno-Amich, R.
2002 Sistemes naturals lacustres: l'estanyol intermitent d'Espolla Moreno-Amich, R.; Boix, D.
2002 Sistemes naturals singulars Moreno-Amich, R.; Boix, D.
1999 Distribución geográfica de los ciprinodontiformes en la península Ibérica Moreno-Amich, R.; Panelles-Gomis, M.; Fernández-Delgado, C.; García-Berthou, E.
1999 Ecología y conservación del fartet (<i>Lebias ibera</i>) en las marismas del Ampurdán (Cataluña) García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1999 Edad y crecimiento del fartet <i>Lebias ibera</i> Valenciennes, 1846: comparación entre las poblaciones del ampurdán (Cataluña) y del río Guadalquivir (Andalucía) García-Berthou, E.; Fernández-Delgado, C.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Boix; D.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1999 Edad y crecimiento del fartet Lebias ibera Valenciennes, 1846: comparación entre las poblaciones del Ampurdán (Cataluña) y del río Guadalquivir (Andalucía). POU-ROVIRA, Joaquim
1999 Efecto de la regulación hídrica en la conservación del fartet (Lebias ibera) en Aiguamolls de l'Empordà: importancia de los refugios de población. Moreno-Amich, R.; Pou, J.; Quintana, X.D.; García-Berthou, E.
1998 El poblament de peixos del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Luis Miguel Zamora
1998 Global change and the introduction of exotic species: implications for freshwater fish in Mediterranean systems García-Berthou, E.
1996 Estratègies reproductives de les espècies íctiques de les famílies Centrarchidae i Cyprinidae a l’Estany de Banyoles (Microfitxa) A. Vila-Gispert
1996 Using diatom communities to monitor water quality in a river after the implementation of a sanitation plan (River Ter, Spain) Sabater, S.; Guasch, H.; Picón, A.; Romaní, A.M.; Muñoz, I.
1995 Chironomids in the diet of fish in Lake Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain). Rieradevall, M.; García-Berthou, E.; Prat, N.
1995 The Ter: a Mediterranean river case-study in Spain. Sabater, F., H.Guasch, E. Martí, J. Armengol, S. Sabater
1993 Ecología del fartet, <i>Aphanius iberus</i> (Cyprinodontidae), en las marismas del Alto Ampurdán García-Berthou, E.; Boix, D.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1993 Modificaciones de las relaciones tróficas en marismas tras la aplicación de insecticidas Quintana, X.D.; Comín, F.A.
1991 Benthic diatom communities as descriptors of discontinuities in the River Ter, Spain. Sabater, S. J. Armengol, A. Martí, F. Sabater, H. Guasch
1991 Conopeum-like structures in pennate diatoms Sabater, S.
1991 Size as a factor in centric diatoms distribution: the Spanish reservoirs as an example Sabater, S.
1991 Using the rescaled range analysis for the study of hydrological records: the River Ter as an example. Sabater, S.
1989 Els Mosquits Martinoy, M.; Quintana, X. D.
1989 Invertebrats dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Vila-Gispert, A.; Madeo, J.; Casadevall, M.
1987 Chemical and biological changes in the river Ter induced by a series of reservoirs Puig, M.A.; Armengol, J.; González, G.; Peñuelas, J.; Sabater, S.; Sabater, F.
1987 El Ter Vell, un exemple de llacuna costanera al nostre municipi Quintana, X.D.
1900 Assesment of water quality in Mediterranean wetlands based on insect and crustacean assemblages: the case of Catalunya (NE Iberian Peninsula) SALA, J

Capítols de Llibre Pendent de Publicació

Data Títol Autor(s)
2020 A saúde do río Anllóns María Teresa Barral Silva; Laura Barral Fraga; Rosa Devesa Rey; Diego Martiñá Prieto; David Rubinos González

Capítols Material Docent

Data Títol Autor(s)
2012 Tècniques científiques integrades Jordi Badosa (Física), Imma Bastida (Física), Isabel Casas (Biologia Celul•lar), Gemma Carreras (Biologia Celul•lar), Gracia Coll (Bioquímica), Jesús Colprim (Enginyeria Química), Marta Coma (Enginyeria Química), Marta Doncel

Documents Científico-Tècnics

Data Títol Autor(s)
2021 List of potential aquatic alien species of the Iberian Peninsula (2020). Updated list of the aquatic alien species introduced and established in Iberian inland waters.. Technical Report prepared by LIFE INVASAQUA (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515) OLIVA-PATERNA F.J. ; RIBEIRO, F. ; MIRANDA, R. ; ANASTÁCIO, P.M. ; GARCÍA-MURILLO, P. ; COBO F. ; GALLARDO, B. ; GARCÍA- BERTHOU, E. ; BOIX, D. ; MEDIN,A L. ; MORCILLO, F. ; OSCOZ, J. ; GUILLÉN, A. ; ARIAS, A. ; CUESTA, J.A.
2021 List of potential aquatic alien species of the Iberian Peninsula (2020). Updated list of the potential aquatic alien species with high risk of invasion in Iberian inland waters. Technical Report prepared by LIFE INVASAQUA (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515). OLIVA-PATERNA F.J. ; RIBEIRO, F. ; MIRANDA, R. ; ANASTÁCIO, P.M. ; GARCÍA-MURILLO, P. ; COBO F. ; GALLARDO, B. ; GARCÍA- BERTHOU, E. ; BOIX, D. ; MEDIN,A L. ; MORCILLO, F. ; OSCOZ, J. ; GUILLÉN, A. ; ARIAS, A. ; CUESTA, J.A.
2019 Alburno - Alburnus alburnus Latorre, D. ; Almeida, D.
2018 Desurbanización y recuperación de la funcionalidad ecológica en los sistemas costeros de la Pletera. Acción D1: Seguimiento del estado ecológico. Informe final de proyecto. Compte, J.; Bas, M.; Boix, D.; Menció, A.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Tornero, I.; Quintana, X. D.
2017 Desurbanización y recuperación de la funcionalidad ecológica en los sistemas costeros de la Pletera. Acción D1: Seguimiento del estado ecológico. Informe del segundo año de seguimiento. Compte, J., Boix, D., Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Gascón, S., Sala, J., Tornero, I., y Quintana, X. D.
2011 Experimental research on planting woody plants using compost with bacteria Baigal-Amat T., Munkhtuya Ch.
2010 Avaluació de l’estat ecològic de les zones humides i ajust i intercalibració dels indicadors de qualitat Boix, D., Caiola, N.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Gascón, S.; Nebra, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Rieradevall, M.; Sala, J.; Sánchez-Millaruelo, N.; Solà, C.
2009 Aportació al coneixement de la distribució de grans branquiòpodes (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca, Spinicaudata, Notostraca) a Menorca Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Ruhí, A.; Compte, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2008 Anàlisi del impacte de l’arribada d’aigua potable des del sistema CAT a l’embassament de Gaià Sabater, S.; Armengol, J.; Marcé, R.
2008 Anàlisi del impacte de l’arribada d’aigua potable des del sistema CAT a l’embassament de Riudecanyes Sabater, S.; Armengol, J.; Marcé, R.
2008 Distribució i estat de conservació de l’espinós (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>) a la plana de La Selva Clavero, M.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Zamora, L.
2008 Els peixos i la llúdriga a la Garrotxa. Poden esdevenir una eina per avaluar la qualitat ambiental? Clavero, M.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Zamora, L.; Naspleda, J.
2008 Monitorització de la repoblació d’anguiles a rius de les comarques gironines Zamora, L.; García-Berthou, E.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Naspleda, J.
2007 Determinación de la disponibilidad trófica para el fartet en el área de actuación del proyecto LIFE04 NAT/ES/000035 Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Quintana, X.D.; Canet, F.; Dehesa, H.; Compte, J.; Sala, J.; Ruhí, A.
2007 Distribució i estat de conservació de l’espinós (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>), a les Gavarres. Prospecció i anàlisi de l’estat de les poblacions dels peixos autòctons de les Gavarres Pou-Rovira, Q.; Clavero, M.; Zamora, L.
2007 Experimental studies showed direct and indirect effects of diuron on natural biofilms growing in a Mediterranean river Ricart, M.; Geiszinger, A.; Guasch, H.; Romaní, A.M.; Vidal, G.; Sabater, S.
2007 Prospección de branquiópodos (Crustacea) en las lagunas de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S; Ruhí, A.
2007 Seguimiento de características físicas y químicas del agua en el área de actuación del proyecto LIFE04 NAT/ES/000035 Quintana, X.D.; Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Ruhí, A.; Compte, J.; Conchillo, C.
2006 Avaluació de la qualitat de l’aigua en diferents en diferents trams del Riuet, al parc natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, a partir dels invertebrats aquàtics Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2006 BIORI. Protocol d’avaluació de la qualitat biològica dels rius Sabater, S.; Tornés, E.; Leira, M.; Trobajo R.
2005 Avaluació de la qualitat de l’aigua en diferents sistemes aquàtics del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, a partir dels invertebrats aquàtics Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; Quintana, X.D.
2005 Estat de conservació de l’espinós (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>) i de la bavosa de riu (<i>Salaria fluviatilus</i>) a la plana del Baix Ter. Prospecció i anàlisi de l’estat de les poblacions de petits peixos autòctons a la plana del Baix Ter Pou-Rovira, Q.; Clavero, M.; Zamora, L.
2005 Estat de conservació de la bavosa de riu (<i>Salaria fluviatilis</i>) i les nàiades al Pla de l’Estany Pou-Rovira, Q.; Feo, C.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Boix, D.; Clavero, M.; Zamora, L.
2005 Estudi seguiment de la concentració de nutrients a l’entrada de la llacuna del Cortalet Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Boix, D.; Conchillo, C.; Quintana, X.D.
2004 Avaluació de la qualitat de l’aigua en diferents sectors dels aiguamolls de l’Alt Empordà, a partir de l’estudi dels invertebrats aquàtics Brucet, S.; Boix, D.; Badosa, A.; López, R.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.; Martinoy, M.; Gifré, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2004 Caracterització, regionalització i elaboració d’eines d’establiment de l’estat ecològic de les zones humides de Catalunya Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X.D.
2004 Dictamen tècnic sobre els aspectes i regulacions que hauria de contemplar una llei de pesca continental a Catalunya Prat, N.; Sostoa, A. de; García-Berthou, E.; Vinyoles, D.; Solans, O.
2004 Estudi de la comunitat aquàtica en una llacuna de nova creació en ‘els estanys de Jordà’ Boix D., Sala J., Gascón S., Martinoy M., Gifre J., & Quintana X.D.,
2004 Estudi de la comunitat aquàtica en una llacuna de nova creació en ‘els estanys de Jordà’ Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Gascón, S.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Quintana, X. D.
2004 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter. Informe final de actividad Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2004 Seguimiento de la hidrología y la calidad del agua en la laguna de Ter Vell Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Boix, D.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.
2004 Seguimiento de la hidrología y la calidad del agua en la laguna de Ter Vell. Informe final proyecto LIFE (LIFE 99 NAT/E/006386) Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Boix, D.; Martinoy, M.; Gifre, J.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores, R.
2003 Anàlisi de la viabilitat i proposta d'indicadors fitobentònics de la qualitat de l'aigua per als cursos fluvials de Catalunya Sabater, S.; Tornés, E.; Leira, M.; Trobajo R.; Cambra, J.; Gomà, J.; Ortiz, R.
2003 Caracterització i propostes d'estudi dels embassaments catalans segons la Directiva 2000/60/CE del Parlament Europeu Armengol, J.; Navarro, E.; García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R. (directors)
2003 Contrato del servicio de caracterización de la comunidad íctica de los embalses en Catalunya como elemento para la elaboración de herramientas de establecimiento del potencial ecológico según contempla la directiva marco del agua (2000/60/EC) García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Alcaraz, C.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Zamora, L.
2003 Las comunidades de peces de los embalses catalanes. Elaboración de instrumentos de establecimiento del potencial ecológico según la Directiva 2000/60/EC Carol, J.; Pou-Rovira, Q.; Zamora, L.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.
2003 Recuperación del hábitat de anfibios y <i>Emys orbicularis</i> en el Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.; Boix, D.; Brucet, S.; López-Flores R.
2003 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter. Tercer informe intermedio de actividad Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2002 Diagnosi sobre l’estat ecològic de les conques del Baix Ter mitjançant índexs biològics basats en macroinvertebrats i dades fisico-químiques de l’aigua Boix, D.; Vila-Gispert A.
2002 Limpieza de lodos en las lagunas centrales de Ter Vell. (Memoria valorada) Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2002 Limpieza de lodos en las lagunas centrales de Ter Vell. Memoria valorada Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2002 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter. Segundo informe intermedio de actividad Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2002 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter. Segundo informe intermedio de actividad Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2002 Seguiment limnològic de l’estany de laminació del Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia Sabater, S.; Muñoz, I.; Navarro, E.
2001 Acondicionamiento de la zona de humedales de depuración de Ter Vell. (Memoria valorada) Comín, F.A.; Romero, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Pascual, J.; Martinoy,M.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2001 Acondicionamiento de la zona de humedales de depuración de Ter Vell. Memoria valorada Comín, F.A.; Romero, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Pascual, J.; Martinoy, M.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2001 Creación de nuevas lagunas en la Pletera (L’Estartit, Torroella de Montgrí). Memoria valorada Gesti, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; Pascual, J.; Martinoy, M.; Marquès, E.; Gifre, J.; de la Barrera, R.; Pous, E.
2001 Creación de nuevas lagunas en la Pletera (L'Estarit, Torroella de Montgrí). Memoria valorada Gesti, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Badosa, A.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.
2001 Dragado del sedimento en la laguna de Ter Vell. Memoria valorada Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.
2001 Dragado del sedimento en la laguna del Ter Vell. (Memoria valorada) Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Martinoy,M.; Pascual, J.
2001 Eutrofización y población algal Sabater, S.; Muñoz, I.
2001 Informe sobre la delimitación del dominio público marítimo-terrestre en la Pletera (L’Estartit) Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2001 Informe sobre la delimitación del dominio público marítimo-terrestre en la Pletera (L'Estartit) Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2001 Projecte de cria de fartet (<i>Lebias ibera</i>) per a la repoblació de les noves llacunes de la Pletera (L’Estartit, Torroella de Montgrí). Memoria valorada Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Pou, Q.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Gesti, J.; Fernández de la Reguera, A.; Salvans, I.; Solé, J.
2001 Projecte de la cria del fartet (<i>Lebias ibera</i>) per a la repoblació de les noves llacunes de la Pletera (L'Estartit, Torroella de Montgrí) Badosa, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Pou, Q.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Gesti, J.; Fernández de la Reguera, A.; Salvans, I.; Solé, J.
2001 Propuesta de actuaciones para la restauración de los ecosistemas costeros de la Pletera Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2001 Propuesta de actuaciones para la restauración de los ecosistemas costeros de la Pletera Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.
2001 Seguiment de la llacuna del Ter Vell (estudi de nivells, cabals i nutrients) i manteniment de les instal·lacions existents Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Martinoy,M.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; de la Barrera, R.; Guifre, J.
2001 Seguiment de la qualitat de l'aigua i seguiment dels organismes aquàtics Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Martinoy,M.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; de la Barrera, R.; Guifre, J.
2001 Terreres de Vaca Morta. Fauna i perfils batimètrics Bas, J. M.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Feo, C.
2000 Efectes ecològics sobre el riu Terri de la sortida de llots i sediments de la resclosa del molí de l'Avellana (municipi de Cornellà de Terri) l'1 de juny de 2000 Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Pou, Q.; Zamora, L.; Boix, D.; Sala, J.; Feo, C.
2000 Els peixos dels estanyols, recs i rieres de la conca lacustre de Banyoles i del riu Terri: prospecció i propostes de gestió Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.; Vila-Gispert, A.
2000 Evaluación de la disponibilidad de presas para el avetoro (<i>Botaurus stellaris</i>) en el Parque Natural de ‘Aiguamolls de l’Empordà’ Moreno-Amich, R.; Vila-Gispert, A.
2000 Mejora técnica de la pesca de arrastre: prueba piloto de un nuevo copo Casadevall, M.; Mallol, S.; García-Berthou, E.
2000 Pla d’Acció Local per a la Sostenibilitat, en el municipi de Vilademuls. Entorn físic y natural Boix, D.; Feo, C.; Font, J.; Juanola, M.; Sala, J.
2000 Restauración de los ambientes acuáticos de Porqueres y del Lago de Banyoles Moreno-Amich, R.; Pou, Q.; Feo, C.
2000 Restauración y ordenación de las lagunas y de los sistemas costeros del bajo Ter. Resumen de resultados y propuestas de actuación Quintana, X.D.; Gesti, J.; Badosa, A.; Martinoy, M.; Pascual, J.; Moreno-Amich, R.
2000 Seguiment de la llacuna del Ter Vell (estudi de nivells, cabals i nutrients) i manteniment de les instal.lacions existents Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Martinoy, M.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; de la Barrera, R.; Gifre, J.
2000 Seguiment de la qualitat de l’aigua i seguiment dels organismes aquàtics Quintana, X.D.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Martinoy, M.; Badosa, A.; López-Flores, R.; de la Barrera, R.; Gifre, J.
1998 Propostes i recomanacions per a la redacció del reglament de pesca a l’Estany de Banyoles Moreno-Amich, R.; Zamora, L.; Pou-Rovira, Q.
1996 Method guide: EC-project environment (EN AA 113496). Effects of chemicals on benthic micro-algae in pristine and polluted European rivers: physiological tests or community analysis? GUASCH H; G.M.J. TUBBING
1996 Prospecció del poblament de peixos del PN de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Moreno-Amich, R.; Zamora, L.; Pou-Rovira, Q.
1995 Inventari de zones humides a les comaques Nord-Orientals Boix, D.; Figueras, J.; Camprodon, J.; Font, J.; Motgé, L.; Comte, F.; Vilanova, J.; Ximeno, F.
1992 Estudi de les poblacions piscícoles de l’Estany de Banyoles. Avaluació i distribució espacial Moreno-Amich, R.; García-Berthou, E.; Vila-Gispert, A.; Boix, D.
1991 Différentiation de stocks de merlu (<i>Merluccius merluccius</i>) par l’analyse génétique : comparison du plusieurs populations Médoterranéennes et Atlantiques du littoral espagnol. Pla, C.; Vila-Gispert, A.; García-Marín, J.L.
1990 Estudi de les repercusions ecològiques d'adequació de l'estany de Banyoles per a les probes de rem als Jocs Olímpics de Banyoles Brusi, D.; Casamitjana, X.; García-Berthou, E.; Garcia-Gil, L.J.;Moreno-Amich, R.; Polo, L.; Roget, E.; Vilar, L.
1990 Utilisation du locus GAPDH-1 comme marqueur génétique dans la différentiation de stocks de merlu (<i>Merluccius merluccius</i>) Vila-Gispert, A.; García-Marín, J.L.; Utter, F.M.; Pla, C.
1988 Ciclo biológico y crecimiento de la trucha (<i>Salmo trutta</i> L.) en la Riera Major (Osona, Cuenca del Ter) y propuestas para la gestión Olmos, M.; García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1988 Estado y distribución del cangrejo de río (<i>Austropotamobius pallipes</i>) en Cataluña Olmos, M.; García-Berthou, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.
1988 Estatus i programació del pla de recuperació per les espècies piscícoles: fartet i samaruc. Moreno-Amich, R.; Pla, C.; García-Marin, J.L.; García-Berthou, E.; Vila-Gispert, A.

Edició pendent de publicació

Editor Llibres

Data Títol Autor(s)
2019 Multiple Stressors in River Ecosystems: Status, Impacts and Prospects for the Future Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi and Ralf Ludwig (eds.)
2016 Aquatic Biofilms: Ecology, Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Romaní, A.M.; H. Guasch; M. Balaguer
2010 El flux hidrològic de la Plana litoral al Baix Ter Montaner, J.; Quintana, X.D.; Heras, R.; Roviras, A. (eds)
2010 Global Change and River Ecosystems – Implications for Structure, Function and Ecosystem Services Stevenson, R.J.; Sabater, S.
2010 Riparian zone hydrology and biogeochemistry: a review Burt, T.P.; Pinay, G.; Sabater, S.
2010 Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean: Perspectives Under Global Change Sabater, S.; Barceló, D.
2009 Conceptos y técnicas en ecología fluvial Sabater, S.; Elosegui, A.
2004 Ambients antròpics o fortament humanitzats: 1.- eecs i rieres Quintana, X.; Gesti, J.; Marí, Marc
2004 El PEIN deu anys després: balanç i perspectives Mallarach, J.M.; Vila, J.; Varga, D.


Data Títol Autor(s)
2018 Management and Restoration Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons in Europe Quintana, X.D.; Boix, D.; Gascón, S.; Sala, J.
2016 Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands: An international perspective on their ecology BATZER, D. ; BOIX, D.
2014 El poblament vegetal i els hàbitats del massís del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i la plana del Baix Ter Lluís Vilar; Xavier Quintana; ed.
2013 Els ecosistemes d’aigües continentals Sabater, F., Martí, E., Ventura, M., Gacia, E., Quintana, X., Boix, D.
2013 Les llacunes costaneres oligohalines Gascón, S., Quintana, X., Boix, D., Sala, J., Badosa, A.
2013 Les llacunes i les basses permanents d’interior Sala, J., Boix, D., Quintana, X., Gascón, S., Ruhí, A.
2013 Les llacunes temporànies d’aigua dolça Boix, D., Sala, J., Gascón, S., Quintana, X., Escoriza, D.
2013 Les maresmes i les llacunes salabroses litorals Quintana, X., Gascón, S., Sala, J., Boix, D., Brucet, S., López-Flores, R., Compte, J
2013 River Conservation. Threats, challenges and opportunities for a sustainable future Sergi Sabater, Arturo Elosegi
2012 Emerging and Priority Pollutants in rivers. Bringing Science into River Management Plans, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry: review series GUASCH, H.; A.GINEBREDA & A. GEISZINGER
2011 Pla de Mentoria (Mentoria entre iguals) Colomer, J.; Casellas, R.; Vila, X.; Salvadó, V.; Roldán, M.; Serra, T.; Iglesias, M.; Peracuala, R.; Ribó, M.; Rodríguez, M.; Mas, J.; Balaguer, M.; Bas, J.M.; Blancafort, L.; Figueras, M.; Gascón, S.; Guash, H.; Llorens, L.
2011 Scarcity, quality, resources, ecosystems, and society: challenges ahead Sabater, S; Barceló, D.
2010 Recommendations for Water Monitoring programmes of priority and emergning pollutants. Contributions from newly developed methods Ginebreda, A.; Guasch, H.; Real, M.; Munné, A. (reviewers) Carafa, R (coordinator) Agbo, S.; Bataineh, M.; Bonnineau, C.; Faggiano, L.; Floehr, T.; Gallampois, C.; Guénard, G.; Hermsen, C.; Kormos, J.; Lubarsky, H.; Moeller,
2009 Actuacions i reptes en la conservació dels aiguamolls del Baix Ter Quintana, X. D.; Feo, C.; Crous, A.; Alemany, F.; Torrallas, J.;
2009 El río como ecosistema Sabater, S.; Donato, J.; Giorgi, A.; Elosegi, A.
2009 Flujo de energía en el ecosistema fluvial: producción primaria y producción secundaria Muñoz, I.; Rodríguez-Capitulo, A-; Camacho, A.; González, J.M.; Romaní A.M.; Sabater, S.
2009 La química de las aguas: los nutrientes Butturini, A, Sabater S.; Romaní, A.M.
2007 Els peixos de les Gavarres i entorns. biblioteca Lluís Esteva Pou-Rovira, Q.; Clavero, M.; Zamora, L.
2005 Fauna aquàtica de les Gavarres Boix, D.; Gascon, S.; Martinoy, M.; Montserrat, E.; Sala, J.
2003 Peixos de l’estany de Banyoles Pou-rovira, Q.; Vila, N.; Zamora, L.
2001 Biofilms fluvials: metabolisme heterotròfic i autotròfic en rius mediterranis Romaní, Anna Maria
1998 Seguiment de la qualitat de les aigües a la zona del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Alt Empordà Bach, J.; García, J.; Marqués, E.; Moreno-Amich, R.; Mujeriego, R.; Quintana, X.D.; Salvadó, V.
1998 Seguiment de la qualitat de les aigües a la zona del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Alt Empordà informe de síntesi coordinació i redacció de l'informe de síntesi Ramón Moreno-Amich
1988 Ecología trófica en la costa catalana y morfología alimentaria de la familia Triglidae (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) Ramón Moreno-Amich
1987 Introducció al medi natural del Montgrí i el Baix Ter. Hereu, R.; Martinoy, M.; Negra, M.; Pascual, J.; Planellas, M.; Polo, L.; Pumarola, A.; Quintana, X.D.; Torró, J.; Zabala, M.

Materials Docents

Data Títol Autor(s)
2013 Evaluación y diagnosis de los sistemas naturales del Baix Ter. Hereu, B., Barriocanal, C., Capella, J., Cruañas, R., Illa, E., Martí, E., Puigserver, D., Quintana, X., Sierra, J.
2011 Introducció al disseny experimental: Pràctiques de laboratori i de camp per a biòlegs Barrabés, S.; Doncel,M.; Pérez-Garay, M.; Quintana, X.; Sánchez, N.; Serra, O.; Yeste, M.
2001 Análisis avanzado de datos. Guión de la asignatura (teoría, problemas y prácticas) García-Berthou, E.
2001 Experimentación. Guión de la asignatura (teoría, problemas y prácticas) García-Berthou, E.
1996 Ecologia de poblacions Zamora, l.
1993 Ecologia de poblacions. Zamora, L.

Obres Col·lectives

Data Títol Autor(s)
2020 Ecological coexistence of Spanish toothcarp (<i>Aphanius iberus</i>) and invasive eastern mosquitofish (<i>Gambusia holbrooki</i>) in a salinity gradient Andrés L. Fernández; Lluís Zamora Hernández; Emili García-Berthou
2013 Colirrojo tizón, <i>Phoenicurus ochruros</i> Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2013 Pinzón vulgar, <i>Fringilla coelebs</i> Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2004 Ambients antròpics o fortament humanitzats. 1.-Recs i rieres Quintana, X. D.; Gesti, J.; Marí, M.
2004 Estanys temporanis interiors Quintana, X.D.; Boix, D.; Gesti, J.
2004 Les llacunes costaneres d’aigua dolça Quintana, X. D.; Badosa, A.; Gesti, J.
2004 Temperature effects on gypsy moth development D. Ganbat, T. Baigal-Amar, Schaefer, P. W.
1992 Empordà Wetlands Quintana, X.D.; Sargatal, J.

Publicacións Multimèdia

Data Títol Autor(s)
2021 Sobrevivir en las canteras abandonadas, un desafío para nuestros anfibios Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Caballero-Díaz, Carlos; Cano, Javier
2019 Gardí - Scardinius erythrophthalmus Galobart, C.; Vila Gispert, A.
2019 Las cámaras de una de las Cuatro Torres de Madrid captan un buitre leonado posado en su azotea Cano-Barbacil, Carlos, Cano-Sánchez, Javier
2017 El desafío de la conservación del sapo partero en la Comunidad de Madrid. Cano-Barbacil, Carlos
1998 Monitorización de la calidad ecológica de las aguas y seguimiento de la composición de la comunidad d’invertebrados acuáticos en la zona del Parque Natural de Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Moreno-Amich, R.; Quintana X. D.; Suñer L.; Trobajo R.; Gascón S.; Barrera R.; Gifre, J.; Martinoy, M.

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