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Health insurance

Non EU students


Every foreigner who comes to Girona, whether to work or study, must have health insurance.

In the event of any illness or chronic symptoms that can lead to complications during your stay (allergies, respiratory problems, diabetes), you must inform the External Relations Office.

Also, if you need any specific mobility support or help to function from day to day, the University of Girona has a Support Programme for university community members with disabilities .

If you come from another country (non EU)

If you come from a country outside the EU Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, you should find out about any existing medical agreement between the public health system in your country and the one in Spain.

If such an agreement exists, apply to the health authorities of your country for a document stating that you have free access to the public health care network in Catalonia.

Otherwise, you must obtain private medical insurance for your ENTIRE STAY.

The Universitat de Girona can offer you a private insurance  as UdG student. You can see here the conditions and prices: Mobility Insurance .

Medicine and pharmacies

In Catalonia and the rest of Spain, medications can be purchased in pharmacies. Prescriptions issued by physicians must be filled in a pharmacy. The required payment is only a percentage of the cost of the drug.

Pharmacies are usually open to the public from Monday to Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., which are normal business hours. In addition, every day of the year there is a pharmacy open 24 hours a day. To check which pharmacies are open on a particular date, use this pharmacy locator .

Addresses of interest

Social Security
Fax + 34 972 21 94 28

National Social Security
Institute - INSS

c/ Santa Eugènia, 40
Tel. +34 972 22 62 22 / +34 900 16 65 65 (24 hours)

Catalan Health Institute - ICS
Tel. +34 972 20 00 44 / +34 902 11 14 44 (24 hours)

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