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Mr.   Bonet Marull, Sergi

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Biotecnologia de la Reproducció Animal i Humana

Brief CV

Sergi Bonet i Marull was born in Girona in 1960 and is the father of two children.

Graduated in Biology from the University of Barcelona (1982) and doctor (PHD) in Biological Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1986), he began teaching and research as soon as he finished his degree, in 1982, as an Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University from Barcelona, and went through different contractual figures until 1989 when he achieved the position of Full Assistant University Professor. In 1991 he moved to the University of Girona and since 1996 he has been Professor of Cellular Biology.

He has taught – in diplomas, bachelor's degrees, degrees, masters and doctorates – in the Faculties of Nursing, Education and Psychology, Medicine and Sciences, and at the Higher Polytechnic School. It has six state teaching sections and six autonomous teaching sections (one section as Associate Professor and five sections as University Professor).

He is the principal investigator of the Technosperm research group (Biotechnology of animal and human reproduction). Author of more than 225 publications in scientific jornals indexed in the first quartile. He is the editor of three books. He has directed more than 80 research projects and agreements and more than 20 doctoral theses. It has six state research sections and six autonomous research sections (one section as Assiciate Professor and 5 sections as a University Professor), and a transfer section as a University Professor. He has carried out research stays in France, the United Kingdom and Germany. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona since 2011.

He was general secretary of the University of Girona from 1991 to 2001, and on November 19, 2013 he was chosen rector of the University of Girona, a position he held until December 2017.

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