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Dra.  Olmo Rodriguez, Carla

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de recerca en Ecologia aquàtica continental (GRECO)

Brief CV

Brief CV
My research focuses on ecology, primarily limnology, with an emphasis on population and
community perspectives, including the impacts of various global changes on the
ecological functioning and aquatic biodiversity in freshwater temporary ecosystems. I
have utilized a range of approaches from diverse fields such as genetics, chemistry,
toxicology, geology, territorial planning, and mathematics. My research has assessed biotic
and abiotic features, local and regional factors, and the natural or anthropogenic changes
affecting the distribution of my target group, the freshwater zooplankton. However, I have also
expanded my studies to other aquatic organisms such as phytoplankton, zoobenthos,
macroinvertebrates, fish, and amphibians, aiming to elucidate their distributions in large
spatial contexts and the biotic interactions among them. Furthermore, I am investigating
human pressure on water bodies, including the presence of plastics and other pollutants, as
well as the influence of land-use and warming. The centerpiece of my research has alwaysbeen the temporary ponds which, despite their abundance and importance as stepping
stones, are frequently neglected in ecological studies worldwide, particularly outside of
Northern Hemisphere.
Over the past six years, I have conducted forefront research focusing on the metacommunity
perspective, with an emphasis on network analysis, in temporary ponds across various
countries including Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Germany and Spain. Both the
perspective and analytical tool were fruitfully adding to my main lines of research. In January
2023, I started a postdoctoral position as a Maria Zambrano fellow at the Aquatic Ecology
Institute (University of Girona), where I apply the acquired knowledge on metacommunities
and continue my research as part of the fun-METANET project.
My research experience is reflected in my publication record, which includes prestigious
journals such as Science of the Total Environment or Ecology (see C1). Additionally, I have
made contributions to high-level conferences and serve on the scientific committee of the
International Congress of Limnology, scheduled to be held in Brazil next May. I have attained
these achievements by actively participating in the recently established Latin American and
Caribbean Limnology Network and the International Network on Limnology of Drylands. Both
memberships have facilitated ongoing collaborations, future projects, and opportunities as
workshops speaker in Latin America. Furthermore, I am member of the Iberian Association
of Limnology and the International Society of Limnology.
I would like to highlight my success in acquiring project funding to carry out my research (see
C3), as well as obtaining personal funding through three highly competitive calls
(postdoctoral grants from the GVA and the Maria Zambrano fellowship in Spain, and
FONDECYT in Chile (similar to “Juan de la Cierva postdoc”). Acquiring these funds has
provided me with valuable experience as a PI and group coordinator. During my time in Chile,
I have led two projects focused on conducting research in the Mediterranean region of the
country. Notably, I was awarded the 'FONDECYT Iniciación project' in 2023, a highly
competitive grant aimed at young scientists (<10 years after PhD). This grant, compatible
with my current postdoctoral position, has allowed me to allocate funding for salaries,
operational costs, and experimental work in the Chilean territory.
Thanks to my expertise in Chilean aquatic systems, I was invited to participate in a scientific
committee focusing on aquatic invasive alien species, which advises the Chilean Ministry
of Environment in formulating future legislation on this issue. As a result of our consultations,
a publication is currently being prepared, bringing together numerous Chilean scientists and
specialists from various terrestrial, marine, and aquatic ecosystems.
I am very committed to educational and outreach activities. I have contributed to student
teaching at the University of Valencia and the University of Girona, instructing both
undergraduate and master's level classes. Furthermore, I have co-supervised student
projects in Spain and Chile (3 MSc and 4 BSc), and I am currently co-supervising a PhD
thesis (University of Valencia). I am frequently invited as speaker in the master's degree I took
in 2009, to explain the details of my research or to talk about the scientific career. In Chile, I
have conducted the workshop ‘Research and Scientific Writing' three times for PhD students
of Mathematical Modelling, through Catholic University of Maule. In addition, I hold Spanish
accreditations (ANECA) for Assistant Professor and Junior Lecturer. Additionally, I have
worked for the Valencian City Council in environmental teaching and citizen science.

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