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Dra.  Olmo Rodriguez, Carla

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Grup de recerca en Ecologia aquàtica continental (GRECO)

Currículum abreujat

Docència a la UdG

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Articles més destacats

-Olmo C (1); Rueda J; Rodríguez-Sosa MA; González MA; Alarcón-Elbal PM (2024)
Freshwater microcrustaceans of Hispaniola: new records and potential as biological control
agents. Limnetica. 43: 75-88.
-Olmo C (1*); Gálvez A; Bisquert-Ribes M; Bonilla F; Vega C; Castillo-Escrivà A; de Manuel
B; Rueda J; Sasa M; Ramos-Jiliberto R; Monrós JS; Armengol X; Mesquita-Joanes F (2022)
The environmental framework of temporary ponds: A tropical-mediterranean comparison.
CATENA. 210: 105845. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105845.
-Gálvez A*; Peres-Neto P; Castillo-Escrivà A; Bonilla F; Camacho A; García-Roger EM; Iepure
S; Miralles J; Monrós JS; Olmo C (10); Picazo A; Rojo C; Rueda J; Sahuquillo M; Sasa M;
Segura M; Armengol X; Mesquita-Joanes F (2002). Inconsistent response of taxonomic groups
to space and environment in mediterranean and tropical pond metacommunities. Ecology.
e3835. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3835.
-Bisquert-Ribes M*; Martínez A; Castillo-Escrivà A; Gálvez A; Iepure S; de Manuel B; Marinho
M; Martins F; Olmo C (9); Mesquita-Joanes F; Armengol X (2022) An evaluation of crustacean
and rotifer diversity and composition in a temporary pond metacommunity: comparing results
from field samples and a hatching experiment. Freshwater Biology. 68: 378-390. DOI:
-Olmo C (1*); Antón-Pardo M; Ortells M; Armengol X (2020) Influence of restoration age on
egg bank richness and composition: an ex situ experiment. Journal of Plankton Research. 42:
553 - 563. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbaa034.
-Olmo C (1*); Antón-Pardo M; Ortells R; Armengol X (2019) Tracking environmental changes
in restored Mediterranean dune slacks. Science of The Total Environment. 691: 332-340. DOI:
-Serrano L*; Reina M; Quintana XD; Romo S; Olmo C (5); Soria JM; Blanco S; Fernández-
Aláez C; Fernández-Aláez M; Caria MC; Bagella S; Kalettka T; Pätzig M (2017). A new tool
for the assessment of severe anthropogenic eutrophication in small shallow water bodies.
Ecological Indicators. 76: 324-334. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.01.034.
-Olmo C (1*); Marco A; Armengol X; Ortells R (2016) Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis var.
israelensis on nonstandard microcrustacean species isolated from field zooplankton
communities. Ecotoxicology. 25: 1730-1738. DOI: 10.1007/s10646-016-1708-9.
-Olmo C (1*); Armengol X; Antón-Pardo M; Ortells R (2016) The environmental and
zooplankton community changes in restored ponds over 4 years. Journal of Plankton
Research. 38: 490-501. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbw021.
-Olmo C (1*); Fandos D; Armengol X; Ortells R (2015) Combining field observations and
laboratory experiments to assess the ecological preferences of Tanymastix stagnalis (L., 1758)
(Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in Mediterranean temporary ponds. Ecological Research. 30: 663-
674. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-015-1266-2.


-MEtacommunity and biotic INteraction NETworks of aquatic biota in Mediterranean
temporary ponds (MEINNET). PI: C Olmo. FONDECYT Iniciación (No.11230384). Agencia
Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (Chile). Amount: 98.964.000 CLP (aprox. 100.000 €).
(2023- 2026).
-Species-functional METANETworks for biodiversity assessment at the regional scale.
(fun-METANET). PI: S Gascón. Role C Olmo: working group member. MCIN (Spain)
(PID2020-114440GB-100). Amount: 126.808 €. (2021-2025).
-Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification in lakes (DAMOLAKE):
Involvement of aquatic plants and the food web (Subproject-2). PI: MA Rodrigo. Role C
Olmo: working group member in Task 2.1.1. Characterization of the lake food webs. MCIN
(Spain) (PID2020-116147GB-C22). Amount: 151.250 €. (2021-2025).
-Metacommunity networks structure of zooplankton in Mediterranean Temporary Ponds
(REDMED). PI: C Olmo. Postdoctoral FONDECYT (No. 3200340). Agencia Nacional de
Investigación y Desarrollo (Chile). Amount: 83.520.000 CLP (aprox. 88.000 €). (2020-2022).
-Búsqueda, Caracterización y Evaluación de Agentes Ecológicamente Amigables para
el Control de Mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) en República Dominicana. PI: P Alarcón-
Elbal. Role C Olmo: working group member. Fondo Nacional de Innovación y Desarrollo
Científico y Tecnológico (Dominican Republic). Amount: 78.573 €. (2019-2020).
- Aquatic Metacommunities in Two Mediterranean Regions (METAMED). PI: C Olmo.
Postdoctoral Fellowship (APOSTD 2017/106) by Conselleria de Educación, Investigación,
Cultura y Deporte (Comunitat Valenciana, Spain). Amount: 92.470 €. (2017- 2019).
-Metacommunities and biodiversity patterns in temporary ponds: a Tropical-
Mediterranean comparison (METACOM-SET). PI: F Mesquita Joanes; X Armengol. Role C
Olmo: working group member. MINECO (Spain) (CGL2016-78260-P). Amount: 152.460 €.
- Colonization and dispersal patterns of zooplankton in shallow ponds at local scale. PI:
X Armengol. Role C Olmo: predoctoral FPI (BES-2009-018518). MINECO (Spain) (CGL2008-
03760). Amount: 122.000 €. (2009-2011)

Contribucions destacades a congressos

-Invited speaker Zooplankton egg banks: experiments from species to metacommunities.
C Olmo. Zooplankton Resistance Egg Bank course. On-line organised by Universidade
Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil, Oct. 2023.
-Contributed talk (oral) Efecto del aumento de temperatura en la eclosión de dos
metacomunidades dormantes de zooplancton. CA López-Allendes, A Gálvez, X Armengol
[...], C Olmo. XXIX Reunión Sociedad de Ecología de Chile, Olmué, Chile, Nov. 2023.
-Contributed talk (oral) Caracterización ambiental y del ensamble de organismos
acuáticos en una turbera de Sphagnum con distintos grados de intervención en la isla
grande de Chiloé. C Àlvarez Gómez, L Caputo, J Valenzuela [...], C Olmo. XXIX Reunión
Sociedad de Ecología de Chile, Olmué, Chile, Nov. 2023.
-Invited speaker The neglected temporary ponds: potential hiding place to invasive alien
especies. C Olmo, A Gálvez, M Bisquert-Ribes [...], F Mesquita-Joanes. 1st Iberian-American
Workshop on Invasive Alien Species of Aquatic Systems. On-line organised by RED
IBEPECOR-PROGRAMA INHIBE and Austral University of Chile, Oct. 2021.

-Contributed talk (oral) Metacomunidades de zooplankton en lagunas temporales
mediterráneas de Chile Central. C Vega, R Ramos-Jiliberto, A Gálvez, [...], C Olmo. XXVIII
Reunión Sociedad de Ecología de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, Mar. 2020.
-Contributed poster. Effects of insecticide chlorpyrifos on hatching and resting egg
quality of the rotifer Brachionus manjavacas. C Olmo, A Solakis, R Ortells. 1st Meeting of
the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2019.
-Contributed poster. Zooplankton community build-up after restoration and reestablishment
after nine years in temporary ponds. C Olmo, M Antón-Pardo, X Armengol,
R Ortells. 7th European Pond Conservation Network, Faro, Portugal, May. 2017.
-Contributed talk (oral) Successional changes in zooplankton of restored ponds with
different age: a Russian doll perspective. X Armengol, C Olmo, R Ortells. International
Symposium on Mediterranean Temporary Ponds, Sassari, Italy, Apr. 2015.
-Contributed talk (oral) Ecological requirements of Tanymastix stagnalis (L., 1758)
(Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in a comparative framework: the case of Malladas de El Saler
(Valencia, Spain). C Olmo, D Fandos, X Armengol, R Ortells. IX European Wetland Congress
& 6 th European Pond Conservation Network, Huesca, Spain, 2014.
-Contributed talk (oral) Hatching patterns in ponds of different age after an autumn and a
winter flooding. C Olmo, R Ortells, V Garrido, X Armengol. XV Congress of the Iberian
Association of Limnology, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, Jul. 2010.

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