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Erasmus+ for Traineeships for Bachelor and Master students


Once students have been notified that they have been accepted to participate in the programme, they must formalize the following documents:


  • Learning Agreement for Traineeships . The responsible person from the student’s faculty or school at the UdG will prepare this document with the collaboration of the host company or institution and the student. All parties must complete and sign the first 3 pages before the mobility period begins.
    The document may be signed by hand or electronically. The original will be kept by the student, who will have to upload a scanned copy into MOBOUT before the beginning of the mobility.

Students will have to follow any further measures that could be taken in any momnent due to the covid-19 crisis or other reasons and that could affect the 2021/22 mobility programmes.

  • Grant agreement (Convenio de Subvención 2022-2023). The International Office (OI) will use information provided by students to prepare the official grant agreement, which will be signed by the student and by the UdG institutional representative. This document must be signed by the 2 parties before the beginning of the mobility period

Before the grant agreement can be prepared, the student must upload the following information into MOBOUT platform:

1. Bank account document. Students can upload any bank document containing the following information: bank logo, IBAN number and name of the student as the bank account owner.

2. Insurance certificate . Students who wish to complete an Erasmus+ for Traineeships must have three types of basic insurance to cover them during their mobility period:

a) Basic medical insurance.

b) Accident insurance that covers any illness or injuries suffered by students during their traineeships

c) Liability insurance that covers damages caused by students during their traineeships

In order to have such coverages, it is mandatory that all the participants get the UdG Mobility Insurance , which includes travel insurance as well.


In addition to contracting these insurance policies, if students have to travel to a country in the European Union, we recommend that they also get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) .

3. European Commission’s online language assessment (OLS). Before beginning their mobility, students must take an online test to assess their level in the language they will use in the host company or institution. This requirement is only for those students who will use the languages available on the OLS platform.

Native speakers are excluded from this requirement. To prove they are native speakers, participants must submit their secondary school graduation certificate to the academic secretary of their faculty or school at the UdG. The academic secretary will certify a level of the accredited language in the student transcript of records considered as a naive speaker.

This language level test, despite being a requirement of the European Commission, cannot be used to certify a level of language. It will only be used by the Commission for statistical purposes. 


  • Certificate of arrival, using the first part of the Traineeship Certificate . Within the first week of starting their traineeship, students must upload on the MOBOUT platform scanned copy of this document with the first section completed and signed by the host company or institution, confirming that the traineeship period has begun as agreed in the Learning Agreement.
    Once the ORE has received this arrival certificate, it will make the first Erasmus+ for Traineeships grant payment, consisting of 2 months of grant amount.
  • If there has been some change or unexpected occurrence related to the stay as planned in the Learning Agreement for Traineeships and the grant agreement signed before students leave, they must inform their UdG faculty/school as soon as possible. They will be instructed which procedure they should follow, depending on the specific case (extension or reduction of the stay, voluntary interruption of the stay or due to force majeure, etc.).


Within 30 days of the end of the traineeship (no later than the 15th of October 2023), students must complete the following procedures so that the remaining amount of the grant can be paid and the UdG can grant credit for the mobility period (if applicable):

  • Traineeship Certificate . Students must upload on the MOBOUT platform their traineeship certificate, with all sections completed and signed by their supervisor or mentor at the host company or institution.
  • EU questionnaire (online). Once students have completed their stay, they will automatically receive an email from the European Commission asking them to respond to a questionnaire about their stay. Please note that the sender of the message is i and, as a result, the message often goes directly to the spam folder.

In case of traineeships with academic recognition, the UdG Faculty/School will be able to give full recognition to the traineeship period.

Additional 1,5 ECTS of academic recognition for each complete month abroad will be given to all those undergraduate students participating in the Erasmus mobility programme , up to a maximum of 6 ECTS.

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