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The “Plastics monitoRIng detectiOn RemedIaTion recoverY – PRIORITY- COST ACTION EU”

The Action aims to develop a research network focused on developing, implementing, and consolidating strategies to tackle the global challenge of micro- and nano-plastics environmental pollution. The Action will create a broad and skilled transdisciplinary network to maximize the European competitiveness in creating a robust infrastructure for scientific communication, exchange, and collaboration to foster new research activities and enhance social science knowledge that will gain awareness of the microplastics pollution.

PRIORITY aims to enhance the technical standards for sampling and analysis of micro and nano-plastics in the environment, to develop a more reliable assessment of exposure and biological effects, and to advance activities in terms of remediation and recovery of the environment. The scientific community, economy and all European citizens will benefit from the outcomes of the activities. One of the targets is the harmonization of the European regulation associated with microplastics related issues. The Action will then support European Commission regulations organisms in critical aspects of environmental and ecosystems protection, food safety, and life science.

Action Start date - 19/10/2021 and End date - 18/10/2025

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There are seven different Work Groups (WG), described as follows:

  • WG1: Impacts and risks on human health and environment-related to N/MPs.
  • WG2: Monitoring and sampling MPs,
  • WG3: Instrumentation, modeling, data evaluation, software, and analytical procedures,
  • WG4: Nanoplastics,
  • WG5: Remediation, recovery and development of a sustainable alternative to plastic materials,
  • WG6: Metrology and standardization,
  • WG7: Develop new strategies to increase the synergies with society and education.

Prof. Teresa Sera is involved in WG1 and WG2, and Prof. Jordi Colomer in WG1 and WG7.

The contributing outputs by Dr. Serra and Dr. Colomer in the research field of MPs are:

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