Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Develop a tech textil for converting light radiation into electrical energy
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Demanda tecnològica: Develop a tech textil for converting light radiation into electrical energy

The Turkish textile manufacturer is interested in developing and manufacturing textile indoor/outdoor fabrics/products (curtains, tents etc.) which will be able to harvest broad-band-light-spectrum and to convert the harvested light-radiation into the electricity and to store that electrical energy.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A Turkish company, which was established in Bursa, Turkey, in 1922, is specialized in designing and producing fantasy yarns, fabrics for blinds and coverings, decorative roller blinds, zebra, pleated and polyester screen blinds, home decoration and balcony glass window shades and blind systems, textile wall coverings, pollen filters, swatch card and books, fly net and filter tissues.

More than 1000 pattern design developed by product developers and designers in R&D Center of the company that consists of 43 personnel (PhD, MSc and Bachelor degree, with expertise on materials science and nano engineering, textile technologies, textile engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, machinery, etc..), laboratories equipped with special characterization instruments besides general chemistry and physical laboratory instruments, and, pilot production lines able to manufacture samples for all kinds of applications on textiles and related materials.

The company is already involved in transnational co-operations and exporting their products over 200 companies all around the world with its own brands.

The company aims to develop a technology for converting light radiation into electrical energy which is expected to be highly innovative when applied to textiles, technical textiles and all kind of composites which are textile woven-fabric based to be produced to satisfy the specific needs of any sector. The company is open to collaborations including collaborative “research & development” activities to complete this new technology by working together with a company or R&D institution/university under a technical cooperation agreement and/or joint venture agreement

Referència:      TRTR20171027001

Link on podeu aplicar:

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