Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Hi-tech Dutch engineering company is interested in novel knowledge management
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Demanda tecnològica: Hi-tech Dutch engineering company is interested in novel knowledge management

A hi-tech Dutch engineering company is interested in new methods for knowledge management to improve effective transfer of knowledge between its skilled employees and young and inexperienced colleagues. The company is interested in technologies or methods other than master-apprentice approach. This Dutch company is interested in proven technology or methods that can be implemented.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A Dutch high- tech engineering company is interested in implementing new methods or technologies that can assist in the exchange of knowledge from experienced workers  to young and inexperienced colleagues within the company, working on different geographical locations.

Their currently used method of master - apprentice model works well, but the company is interested in new technologies or methods to make it more efficient, faster and to assure the quality of the transfer of knowledge experiences within their staff.

The company is interested in meeting new business partners that have solutions or methods that can function in a highly technical oriented business environment, combining different disciplines and specialisms in company knowledge.

A license agreement or commercial agreement with technical support would be preferred on excisiting and proven technologies or methods that can be implemented are preferred. Excisting technologies or methods that can be made to fit the companies requirements using customization with technical support is open for discussion. However the company is also open to jointly develop a (customized) solution in the frame of a technical cooperation followed by a license agreement or commercial agreement.

This technology request is an innovation challenge that is published on an open innovation platform. If interest in cooperation with this firm is expressed, the potential partner will be guided to this open innovation platform on which he can get in touch with the company via a chat function. Mind that posts on this platform are not confidential. Besides open discussion on the platform, sharing of confidential information will be made possible on demand. After closing of the open innovation platform on December 1st, the firm will start selecting the partners that will be invited for further contact. Expressions of interest that are made after December 1st will be handled as usual in the Enterprise Europe Network.

Referència:  TRNL20170925001

Link on podeu aplicar:

Per altra banda des de la Unitat de Valorització de la OITT us voldríem recordar la web de la plataforma Enterprise Europe Network d'Open Innovation. Aquesta plataforma permet veure Cerca de socis, demandes i ofertes de tecnologies 

Si voleu rebre al vostre correu aquestes ofertes i demandes personalitzades a la vostra temática, podeu donar-vos d'alta a través de:

Si us interessa alguna tecnologia podeu iniciar les converses, però recordeu guardar la confidencialitat i si heu d'entrar en detall realitzeu un conveni confidencialitat, a la Unitat de Valorització disposem de models en diferents idiomes. En cas que les converses fossin positives hauríeu de formalitzar-ho amb un conveni de recerca per tal de regular la recerca.

Finalment si el que voleu és fer ofertes tecnològiques de la vostra recerca, us agrairem que us poseu en contacte amb la Unitat de Valorització.

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