Investiga > Compra Pública d’Innovació: New Organ Liver Prize
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Compra Pública d’Innovació: New Organ Liver Prize

Around the world, millions of people need replacement organs, and many die before finding a suitable donor. In the United States, the wait list has skyrocketed while the number of available organs has stayed relatively flat. Even those fortunate enough to find an organ in time face serious medical difficulties, often for the rest of their lives.

Us volíem informar de la següent compra pública:


The growing field of regenerative medicine offers many potential solutions, but it is drastically underfunded compared to more established areas of medicine. We're developing a challenge prize series to spur innovation in whole organ regeneration, engineering, and preservation and to help draw popular attention to this vital cause.


The New Organ Liver Prize will award $1,000,000 to the first team that creates a regenerative or bioengineered solution that keeps a large animal alive for 90 days without native liver function. The prize will be to solutions that replace the liver. Prize: $1,000,000 and marketing recognition.


For more details, check the competition website:

Contact ACCIO:


Per al vostre coneixement, la compra pública d’innovació (CPI) és una actuació administrativa de foment de la innovació, orientada a potenciar el desenvolupament de solucions innovadores des de la demanda, mitjançant l’instrument de la compra pública.

Periòdicament es publica i actualitza aquelles licitacions possibles de compra, dels quals hi poden participar tant petites i mitjanes empreses com organismes públics. Si voleu informació més detellada podeu visitar l’enllaç d’ACCIÓ.

Finalment si  us interessa alguna oferta o teniu qualsevol consulta podeu contactar amb la Unitat de Valorització. (

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