Investiga > Cerca de Socis: H2020 SC4: Traffic Psychology entity to perform driving behavioural studies are sou
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Cerca de Socis: H2020 SC4: Traffic Psychology entity to perform driving behavioural studies are sou

A Spanish research organization acting as coordinator in a project H2020-SC4 is looking for a partner to complete their consortium. The objective of the project is to overcome the limitations of the driving simulators and traffic simulation as valid tools for studies in traffic safety, and bridge the gap between them and naturalistic driving tests.

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The goal of the project is to make use of state-of-art simulation, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and data science methodologies to retrieve accurate actor and behavioural models in a transit environment, reproduce the same into controllable settings of traffic simulators and be able to determine cause, consequences on incidents of interest, to understand the underling behaviour and motivations of the involved actors.

The project is approved and is composed of 16 partners, representing 9 Member States (Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden, Slovakia Germany, Portugal, Netherland) One associated country Israel and The USA.

The different role within the project can be summarize as follows: two research organizations, two industrial partners, six SME, four universities, and we also count with the collaboration of associations related to driving schools and road safety for better dissemination of the project results and better involvement of the relevant actors.

The coordinator is looking for a partner that develops psychological studies substituting one partner with capacity to operate in Spain, Italy, France, Sweden UK and Poland in their native language. There are no requirements in type or size. Easter country entities are welcome.

Funding programme:  H2020 M.G 3.5-2016 Behavioural aspects for safer transport.

Expressions are welcome before the 9 October 2017

Duration of the project: 42 months

Available budget for the tasks: 300.625€

Referència: RDES20170914001

Link on podeu aplicar:

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