Investiga > Compra Pública d'Innovació: Financial Services Cyber Security Active Defense
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Compra Pública d'Innovació: Financial Services Cyber Security Active Defense

Us volíem informar de la següent compra pública:


This call seeks novel ideas and technologies to improve dynamic defense and
assurance for protecting Financial Sector Critical Infrastructure. Capabilities
for consideration:

1. Intrusion deception, targets any portion or phase of an attack’s
operations, to include reconnaissance, propagation, exploitation, command
and control, data manipulation, exfiltration, etc.

2. Moving Target Defense, is controlled change across multiple network and
system dimensions in order to increase uncertainty and complexity for
attackers by reducing their window of opportunity, and increasing the costs
of theirprobing and attack efforts.

3. Isolation and containment, segment unfamiliar or malicious code before it
reaches enterprise systems and study the behaviors to prevent future


The competition has four phases:

• Phase 1: Proof of Concept. $50,000 to
$200,000. 3–6 months

• Phase 2: Working Prototype (Simple Test).
$50,000 to $200,000. 3–6 months

• Phase 3: Working Prototype (Complex Test).
$50,000 to $200,000. 3–6 months

• Phase 4: Test Deployment. $50,000 to


Closing Date: 21/11/2017. 11:59 PM PST



Contact ACCIO: Oficina exterior de Washington DC

                         Sergi Mata +1 (202) 736 2220



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