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Cerca de socis: H2020-DT-NMBP-03-2019: Companies and R&D centres related to (nano) coatings.

A Spanish technological centre is preparing an H2020-DT-NMBP-03-2019 proposal that aims to create services for designing and testing nano-enabled surfaces

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He sought partners should be companies and R&D centres from different sectors interested in providing new functionalities to their products as well as qualified specialists in standardization and regulation.

Industry and society have a growing demand on novel materials based on nanotechnologies for innovative surfaces with specific functionalities. The new technologies are subjected to other factors such as qualification, regulation, cost, compatibility and the need to be applicable around the world. In the most recent years it is obvious that nano-enabled surfaces can be applied in nearly every area.

The Spanish technological centre is a non-profit, private technological centre with large trajectory in international cooperation. The centre has coordinated 19 of the total 35 participated European projects from FP6 to Horizon 2020 including LIFE and ECO-Innovation programs. The main R&D fields where the centre develops its activities are nanotechnology, new materials and advanced-environment technologies.

The centre is preparing a project proposal to the topic NMBP-03-2019: Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled surfaces and membranes. The project will build an innovative open access platform to offer to companies and technological centers, the capabilities, know-how, networks and services required for the development, testing, assessment, upscaling and market exploitation of nanotechnology-based surfaces. For this purpose, multifunctional nano-coatings based on different matrices (organic and inorganic) and active compounds based on nanoparticles will be designed, developed and tested on different substrates and sectors taking in account of the needs of different industry sectors and of the today’s market.

Referència: RDES20180917001


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