Investiga > Companyia de Turquia cerca socis que ofereixin solucions tecnològiques en el camp dels smart cities
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Companyia de Turquia cerca socis que ofereixin solucions tecnològiques en el camp dels smart cities

A Turkish ICT company well versed and deeply experienced in electronics city infrastructure and security systems such as GIS,eID and biometric solutions, integrated network security solutions, data storage etc. seeks potential partners, who offer unique smart city solutions. They have completed many national and international projects.

volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

The Turkish technology company active in ICT sector, deeply experienced and well versed in Smart Cities, was established in 2003, as a system integrator as well as a self-developer of its own intergrated city security system software, geographic information systems, biometric features of electronic identifications that enables the live scanning of finger prints, traces of blood vessels, palm print etc. The company is also a certified Research and Development Center in Turkey, and continues its all operations in MENA Region (Middle East, North Africa and Asia). So far they have succesfully installed and operated several city infrastructure and security systems like Turkish National ID Pilot Project, Turkish ePassport Project, Disaster Recovery Project, Qatar Safe City Project and several more projects. At the moment they are handling couple of EU & nationally funded R&D&I projects and they have recently submitted a H2020 project as coordinator. Since the company has already engaged multi-partnered European level projects, they would like to increase their technological solution partnerships with European companies who can offer high-end and unique innovations and are active in the field of any domain in the field of smart cities. Possible cooperation types are technical cooperation agreement, commercial agreement with technical assistance and licence agreement.

Referència: TRTR20160613001


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