Investiga > Cerca de socis pel projecte H2020-FETOPEN: Identificador d'objectes per la futura societat digital
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Cerca de socis pel projecte H2020-FETOPEN: Identificador d'objectes per la futura societat digital

A Czech university is seeking partners to take part in their consortium for an Horizon 2020 project proposal. The aim of the project is to develop a new physical method to create machine - readable coinage (marking) inside of the product material. Research organisations or universities oriented on interaction of materials, coherent radiation and encoding creation are sought.

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The evolution in marking of materials began with bar code and continued with two dimensional codes through matrix 3D code to radio frequency identification chips (RFID). All these data carriers are created on the product surface and the information is not protected against damage or destruction. Moreover, formats of these codes are not capable to be extended to the future digital society needs.

The Czech university is looking for project partners for upcoming project aimed at development of new physical method to create machine - readable coinage inside of the product material. Specific objective of the project will be a research of a totally new philosophy concept of the data self–carving in volume of the product. This research will include data format developing, testing of the technology and format in the laboratory; technology feasibility study, recorded data stability and reliability.

Current consortium:

1.Czech university – physical methods

2.Croatian university – format design

3.Romanian university – reliability

4.Slovak university – material R&D

5.Serbian university – quality

6.Sweden university – equipment development

7.German university – technology and material interaction research.

The university is looking for following partners to complete existing consortium:

1.Company focusing on R&D in laser technologies, modelling and simulation of physical and technological processes.

2.Research organisation or university oriented on interaction of materials, coherent radiation and encoding creation.

Deadline for EOIs: 31st August  2017

Deadline of the call:  27th September 2017

Referència: RDCZ20170605002


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