Investiga > Cerca de Socis: On-line platform specific for biomedical research studies
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Cerca de Socis: On-line platform specific for biomedical research studies

An Italian start-up operating in the biomedical field has developed an intuitive innovative on-line platform, which enables researches to design, implement and manage multicenter studies, clinical trials and audits. This software is based on questionnaires and a specific protocol for data integration.

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This Start-up was established in 2015 in northern Italy and focused on the biomedical field, in which they have developed an innovative, simple and intuitive web platform enabling teams of researchers, healthcare professionals and research and Public Health promotion institutes (e.g. universities, pharmaceutical industries and patients associations) to design and implement multicenter studies.

The application enables to collect data on-line, to facilitate the monitoring of projects and the coordination of participants, helping to enhance their performances and the diffusion of the research outputs.  

The platform enables teams of researchers, healthcare professionals and research institutes to design on-line questionnaires, set up multicenter studies with a specific methodology and collect data on the cloud. It offers an integrated set of tools for the biomedical research, providing support to the specific needs of this sector. In fact, it is not limited to the creation of questionnaires and data collection, but it also supports the management of the study. The coordinator of a research can adopt a specific methodology for its investigation, add researchers to his/her team, activate different phases of a study and supervise the performance.

The Web application enables the development of shared research studies and provides support for data collection and quality monitoring (thus ensuring the consistency and their protection). It guides the researcher through the various stages of a project, offering the necessary methodological rigor to the study.

The proper widget for each field from a variety of ones available (text, number, list, multiple choice etc.) can be selected. There are also computed fields available for simple automatic calculations based on the answers, so that you can get scores, such as the Pack-years, the Wells score or even the Cockcroft-Gault Equation for the creatinine clearance, right away! The researchers are provided with personal credentials so that they can participate in the study.

The platform can also be employed for studies that include Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs). The platform supports the development of such questionnaires with a series of features, which facilitate the collection of reports of the status of the patients’ health condition directly from them.

The flexible management of the collected data and the cohorts enables the research coordinators to develop complex study designs that integrate data coming from both the patients and other resources, such as the healthcare professionals.

There is a range of tools that aim at increasing the engagement of patients, such as the automatic generation of QR codes, the sharing of the surveys in social networks and the monitoring of the patient participation.

Thanks to the simple and intuitive user interface patients can be involved in the design of such studies actively. The platform takes into account the researchers who work in rural, remote and isolated areas, and developing countries, where there is intermittent Internet connection or where they don’t have their PC. The app we provide is very useful to perform data entry and quick monitoring, but it can also be very handy for physicians carrying out house calls or for those who work in protected houses (for the elderly, immigrants, etc.).

Referència: TOIT20161205006


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