Investiga > Cerca de Socis: Blockchain integration in platform for secondary raw materials
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Cerca de Socis: Blockchain integration in platform for secondary raw materials

An Italian company offers a unique platform at European level, integrating all information tools and databases of the waste management sector operators, with the aim to facilitate the creation of business partnerships among them. The company is interested in finding complementary partners for a project proposal under H2020- INNOSUP-03-2018, for circular economy in public organisations, assocations, companies and research centres.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

The Project.

Secondary Raw Materials (SRM), Waste management, together with recovery and recycling, represent an emerging field of business, where the need for authorizations and verifications has to be satisfied by each organisation working in the sector.

Currently, the information is fragmented and the databases are managed by several Regional and National organizations.

An Italian company has developed a system and platform that allows the check, management, and matching of all subjects involved in the use of Secondary Raw Materials (SRM) aimed at recycling or reusing products made of plastic. This brings an optimization of time and time saving, offering a real matching of European stakeholders involved in the production, sale, purchase and verification of the whole cycle from waste to Secondary Raw Material use.

The company is interested in proposing a project under a specific call dedicated to blockchain, in order to suggest the integration of such technology for adopting new solutions in the area of recycling and circular economy, in order to have encryptation solutions usable to check authorisations and certifications.

The project will ideally open the possibility to experiment and test the system adoption by several companies.

The programme and partnership.

The project will be submitted under the call "Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies for SMEs",  INNOSUP-03-2018 of Horizon 2020. Technical competencies related to circular economy sector and to blockchain development are included already, but the company would like to involve public sector organisations offering services in the area of environment, to better collect data coming from tests and experiments from system adoption.

Referència: RDIT20180312001


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