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Cerca de socis: Organizations experienced in energy and smart cities sought for H2020 proposal

An SME from Bosnia and Herzegovina specialized in sustainable energy, climate and environmental actions is searching for partners (policy institutions, SMEs, NGOs, R&D institutions) with expertise in sustainable energy to apply for a H2020 project.

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Description of an organization

A highly experienced private organization sustainable energy, waste management, and environmental protection is searching for an innovative partner with expertise in energy management and energy efficiency to apply for H2020 project.

Overview of the R&D project

The COP21 Paris Agreement recognizes the role of cities in rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. To achieve the necessary energy transition in cities, it is essential to increase energy systems integration. This project within its designated H2020 call also contributes to the specific objectives of the SET Plan action 3.2 - Smart cities and communities - focusing on positive-energy blocks/districts.

Within the project, integrated innovative solutions for Positive Energy Blocks/Districts will be developed and tested and performance-monitored in the Lighthouse Cities. Positive Energy Blocks/Districts consist of several buildings (new, retro-fitted or a combination of both) that actively manage their energy consumption and the energy flow between them and the wider energy system. Positive Energy Blocks/Districts have an annual positive energy balance. They make optimal use of elements such as advanced materials, local RES (Renewable Energy Sources), local storage, smart energy grids, demand-response, cutting edge energy management (electricity, heating and cooling), user interaction/involvement and ICT.

Proposal envisaged two Lighthouse Cities and at six Follower Cities, and a close cooperation between the two types of participants, where the first should act as exemplars helping to plan and initiate the replication of the deployed solutions in the Follower cities. To increase impact beyond the demonstration part of the project, each Lighthouse City and Follower City will develop, together with industry, its own bold city-vision for 2050. The vision should cover urban, technical, financial and social aspects. Each Lighthouse City would have a budget of EUR 6 mil, while Follower cities will have a budget of EUR 0.5 million.

Our project will contribute to:

-Meeting EU climate mitigation and adaptation goals and national and local energy, air quality and climate targets;

-Significantly increased share of i) renewable energies, ii) waste heat recovery and iii) appropriate storage solutions

-Significantly improved energy efficiency

-Increased uptake of e-mobility solutions;

The client is currently preparing this project with organizations from two more cities that have SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) in place, one is from Croatia and the other is from Slovenia. However, consortium would benefit from wider coverage of European countries, hence EOIs are welcome both from representatives from cities possessing SEAP (as Lighthouse Cities) and ones who do not (as Follower Cities).

Referència: RDBA20180204001

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