Investiga > Cerca de Socis: Development and test of a web platform along with a portable diagnostic system.
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Cerca de Socis: Development and test of a web platform along with a portable diagnostic system.

A Cypriot company specializing in internet of things and sensors, is looking for: Software developers for the platform Companies to test the platform and define its specifications e.g. food producers, distributors or logistics Pest control laboratories (private/national/public) for data population of the platform

Production of fruits and vegetables requires a combined platform among different members of food chain for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for ensuring traceability, supporting sustainable growth and for ensuring consumers’ health. However, the usage of multiple regulation and systems complicates the processes of IPM within EU.The Cypriot SME is proposing a system that will allow members of food chain production, to use Decision support systems to decrease the necessary paperwork and increase the number of checks during production, transportation (logistics) and pest monitoring, until food reaches the consumer. The expected benefit from this project is that the IPM platform and sensor will support sustainable growth and ensure consumers’ health.


Referència:  RDKR20171026002

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