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Curs acadèmic:
Anglès especific de turisme. Nivell B1.2 segons el Marc Europeu de Llengües. Un curs que dóna a l'estudiant l'oportunitat d'adquirir coneixements i competències lingüístiques per preparar-se pel món professional del sector turístic
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
PAULA IGAREDA GONZALEZ  / Maria Dolores Perez Valdes
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • 4. Utilitzar la llengua anglesa i una altra llengua estrangera
  • 9. Tenir habilitat per a les relacions personals en qualsevol context i situació.
  • 17. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • 21. Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics


1. Attractions and Events

2. On Tour

3. Hotel Entertainment

4. Specialized Tourism

5. Business Travel

6. Checking Out


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 5,00 25,00 30,00
Exposició dels estudiants 10,00 5,00 15,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 1,00 5,00 6,00
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 5,00 7,00
Sessió participativa 10,00 0 10,00
Visionat/audició de documents 2,00 5,00 7,00
Total 30,00 45,00 75


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Reading Comprehension: 20% Article about tourism, comprehension and vocabulary exercises. 20
Listening Comprehension: 20% Video about a destination and exercises. 20
Writing: 20% Written task. Describing a destination, accommodation, package tour, guided tour, monument, etc. 20
Speaking: 40% Oral presentation of a destination: describing geographical features, main tourist attractions, festivals and events, traditions, accommodation, etc. 40


The assessment will be continuous and progressive and the student will be graded through activities done in class which are based on each of the areas.

CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (see 'criteris d'avaluació' above).
- If the student does not attend an activity, it will count as 0.
- There is no average between the marks.
- The final mark will consist of the sum of all percentages.
- A 50% of the total is required in order to pass the course.


For students who do not want to follow the continuous assessment
For students who fail the continuous assessment

The student retakes the subject taking a retaking exam consisting of four parts:

Speaking (40% of the final grade)
Listening (20% of the final grade)
Writing (20% of the final grade)
Reading (20% of the final grade).

A 50% of the total is required in order to pass the exam and the course.


Teachers will use detailed performance descriptors (Rubrics) when assessing the writing and speaking activities as well as the listening and reading tasks. These band descriptors will be provided to students at the beginning of the course. The following four categories will be considered:

• task achievement
• coherence and cohesion
• lexical resource
• grammatical range and accuracy


The student passes the subject with a 5 = passed, and fails with less than 5.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The student who does not follow the continuous assessment and does not take the final exam in June will obtain a "No Presentat".


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