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Curs acadèmic:
Estudiar l’estructura i funcions principals de les biomolècules. Descriure les rutes metabòliques que regeixen el nostre organisme. Conèixer els processos que permeten l’expressió de la informació genètica.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Marta Gonzalez Sepulveda
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Tenir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
  • Resoldre problemes
  • Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, mostrant dots d'innovació.
  • Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
  • Conèixer i comprendre la morfologia, la fisiologia, la patologia i la conducta de les persones, tant sanes com malaltes, en el medi natural i social.
  • Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i clara, tant de forma oral com escrita, amb els usuaris del sistema sanitari així com amb altres professionals.


1. Lesson 1. Elemental composition of living organisms. Water.

2. Lesson 2. Carbohydrates.

3. Lesson 3. Lipids.

4. Lesson 4. Amino acids, peptides and proteins.

5. Lesson 5. Nucleotides.

6. Lesson 6. Integration and control of metabolism.

7. Lesson 7. Glycogen synthesis and metabolism

8. Lesson 8. Glycolisis, gluoconeogenesis and the pentose phosphate pathway.

9. Lesson 9. The citric acid cycle.

10. Lesson 10. Oxidative phosphorylation.

11. Lesson 11. Synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids.

12. Lesson 12. Amino acid oxidation.

13. Lesson 13. Genes and chromosomes.

14. Lesson 14. DNA and RNA metabolism.

15. Lesson 15. Protein metabolism.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 12,00 35,00 47,00
Exposició dels estudiants 0 15,00 15,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 40,00 44,00
Resolució d'exercicis 44,00 0 44,00
Total 60,00 90,00 150


  • Nelson, David L.; Michael M. Cox (2009). Lehninger principles of biochemistry . W.H. Freeman and Co..
  • Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer (2007). Biochemistry. Freeman and Company, cop..
  • Christopher K. Mathews, K.E. van Holde, Kevin G. Ahern (2000). Biochemistry. Benjamin/Cummings,.
  • Lozano Teruel ... [et al.] (2005). Bioquímica y biología molecular : para ciencias de la salud. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana.
  • Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet, Charlotte W. Pratt (2002). Fundamentals of biochemistry . Wiley, cop..

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Seminar 1 (Lessons 1, 2, and 3) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 2 (Lessons 4, 5 and 6) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 3 (Lesson 7) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 4 (Lesson 8) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Partial exam The exam will have:
1) 25 test questions (0.75 points)
2) 3 short questions, exercises and/or diagrams (2.25 points)
Seminar 5 (Lesson 9 and 10) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 6 (Lesson 11) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 7 (Lesson 12) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 8 (Lesson 13) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 9 (Lesson 14) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Seminar 10 (Lessons 15) The response to the different exercises will be evaluated 2
Written report The written report will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: content (including the relationship with metabolism), spelling mistakes, fluency in English, scientific expression, structure and clarity.

Final exam The exam will have:
1) 25 test questions (0.75 points)
2) 3 short questions, exercises and/or diagrams (2.25 points)


Plagiarism will make you to fail the presented work/exam with a mark of 0.

To pass the course, your mark in each exam must exceed 4 over 10 and you must obtain at least a 5 when adding all the marks.

- Students with a partial exam mark smaller than 4 over 10 must make some additional questions about the first 8 lessons in the final exam to achieve the minimum mark needed to pass the course.

- Students with a partial exam mark between 4 and 5 over 10 can do these additional questions if they want.

- In both cases, the maximum attainable mark for these additional questions will be 5 over 10.

Only students with a final mark (seminars + written report + partial exam + final exam) smaller than 5 over 10 may take a remedial exam, in which the maximum attainable mark will be a 5 over 10. Continuous assessment mark will not be added in this case.

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