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Curs acadèmic:
Es treballaran les bases de les propietats físiques i biomecaniques de l'aparell cardiorespiratori. S'apendran la fisiopatologia de les principals patologies cardíaques i respiratories. Es donaran les bases de les principals probes complementaries en l'àmbit respiratori així com la seva interpretació.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Gerard Muñoz Castro
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
  • Resoldre problemes
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Aprendre a aprendre (aprendre de manera autònoma, actualitzar-se i poder aprofundir en coneixements permanentment)
  • Resoldre problemes complexos de forma efectiva en el camp de la Fisioteràpia.
  • Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, mostrant dots d'innovació.
  • Treballar en equip de forma col·laborativa i responsabilitat compartida.
  • Dominar en un nivell intermedi una llengua estrangera, preferentment l'anglès.
  • Utilitzar de manera avançada les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació.
  • Saber organitzar i planificar el treball propi i els estudis ulteriors.
  • Conèixer i comprendre la morfologia, la fisiologia, la patologia i la conducta de les persones, tant sanes com malaltes, en el medi natural i social.
  • Valorar l'estat funcional del pacient, considerant els aspectes físics, psicològics i socials.
  • Dissenyar el pla d'intervenció en fisioteràpia, atenent a criteris d'adequació, validesa i eficiència.
  • Intervenir en els àmbits de promoció, prevenció, protecció i recuperació de la salut.
  • Saber treballar en equips professionals com a unitat bàsica en què s'estructuren de forma uni o multidisciplinària i interdisciplinària els professionals i altre personal de les organitzacions assistencials.
  • Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i clara, tant de forma oral com escrita, amb els usuaris del sistema sanitari així com amb altres professionals.


1. General concepts of health, disease and pathology

2. Physiology and biomechanics of the respiratory system

          2.1. Ventilatory mechanics

          2.2. Physical properties of the respiratory system

          2.3. Pulmonary ventilation

3. Pathophysiology of the main respiratory syndromes

          3.1. Obstructive pathologies

          3.2. Restrictive pathologies

          3.3. Infectious pathologies

          3.4. Sleep pathology

          3.5. Interstitial pathologies

4. Pathophysiology of the main cardiological syndromes

          4.1. Heart failure

          4.2. Ischemic cardiopathy

          4.3. Arrhythmias

          4.4. Valve diseases

          4.5. Cardiomyopathies

5. Complementary examinations (functional tests and blood gas analysis)

          5.1. Forced spirometry

          5.2. Body plethysmography

          5.3. Diffusion tests

          5.4. Interpretation of functional tests

          5.5. Blood gas analysis

          5.6. Interpretation of blood gas analysis

6. Inhaled therapy

          6.1. Physical properties of inhaled medication

          6.2. Inhalation / nebulization concept

          6.3. Main supplier devices

7. Oxygen therapy

          7.1. Physiological concepts of oxygen therapy

          7.2. Routes of oxygen administration

          7.3. Concept of hemoglobin dissociation

          7.4. Oxygen supply devices

8. Mechanical Ventilation

          8.1. Ventilation modes

          8.2. Role of the physiotherapist in Mechanical Ventilation


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 36,00 31,00 0 67,00
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 6,00 0 8,00
Total 38,00 37,00 0 75


  • Mulroney, Susan E. (2011). Netter. Fundamentos de fisiología / Susan E. Mulroney, Adam K. Myers ; ilustraci. Mendeley.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Moodle theoretical exam 1 Carrying out a continuous assessment test-type exam in the middle of the course that will have a weight within the subject of 20% 20 No
Moodle theoretical exam 2 Carrying out a continuous assessment test-type exam in the middle of the course that will have a weight within the subject of 20% 20 No
Theoretical exam Completion of the final theoretical exam 60


The course will consist of 3 exams: one for continuous assessment (in the middle of the course), two interactive face-to-face tests and a final exam.

- all exams will be test type.
- each question will have 5 answers and only 1 correct.
- each wrong question will subtract 25% of the value of a correct answer.
- unanswered questions do not add or subtract. ALL exams will average from the 5th

The final mark of cardio-respiratory pathology will come out of the average of the 3 exams ( 2 assessment exam (20% each), and final exam (60%). A minimum grade of 5 is required to pass the course. Those who do not pass the continuous assessment exam and the interactive tests will NOT have the opportunity to take the final continuous assessment exam and will therefore go directly to the basic skills exam (recovery) in order to achieve an approved.
Only those students who have not passed the continuous assessment exam will be able to take the basic skills exam (recovery).

Only 5 can be achieved in the BCE exam.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student who is not presented will be considered a student who does not appear in the continuous assessment or in the final assessment

Avaluació única:
The evaluation system in EUSES - UdG is based, in general, in the continuous assessment. If the student wishes to take part in the unique pathway, he / she will need to request it in writing to the lecturer of the subject and the degree coordinator during the first two weeks of the Semester.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
A minimum grade of 5.0 will be required to pass the subject.


The tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms, and also virtually

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication and interaction with the students will be done in person and virtually throughout the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.


Clinical cases and articles will be discussed during the master sessions.

Learning outcomes:

- Knowing the physiological and structural changes occuring as a result of the application of respiratory physiotherapy and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.
- Evaluating the cardiac pulmonary patient based on auscultation and complementary tests.
- Applying the physiotherapeutic techniques of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation depending on the patient.
- Retraining the chronic cardiopulmonary patient in exercise.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Afeccions Médico Quirúrgiques
  • Anatomia I
  • Anatomia II
  • Biologia
  • Bioquimica
  • Fisiologia

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition. Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The teaching activities will be carried out through online platforms (theoretical activities).

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition. Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The evaluation will be as follows:

Theoretical part: Assessment using the Moodle platform. (the assessment rules will be the previously established in the subject)

Tutoria i comunicació:
Scenario I. In person: the tutorials will be carried out in person in enabled classrooms. Communication and interaction with the students will be in person, and the Moodle fórum and email will be used in addition. Scenario IV. Confinement: Tutorials will be virtually conducted. Communication and interaction with the students will take place virtually, through the forum of Moodle, video-conferencing means and email.
The communication and professor meetings will be carried out through the platforms enabled by the UdG (google meet, Microsoft teams, Skype ...)

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