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Curs acadèmic:
Mecanismes: Creativitat i síntesi de solucions. Geometria. Moviment. Transmissió de forces.
Crèdits ECTS:



  • CT15 Utilitzar la llengua anglesa
  • CE22 Coneixement i capacitats per al càlcul, disseny i assaig de màquines.


1. Patents.

2. Mechanism synthesis.

3. Introduction to spherical and spatial mechanisms.

4. Mechanism balancing.

5. Gearing.

6. Cam design.

7. Robotics.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Elaboració individual de treballs 0 20,00 0 20,00
Prova d'avaluació 3,00 3,00 0 6,00
Sessió expositiva 24,00 22,00 0 46,00
Sessió participativa 13,00 18,00 0 31,00
Sessió pràctica 10,00 12,00 0 22,00
Total 50,00 75,00 0 125


  • Attaway, Stormy (2012). MATLAB: a practical introduction to programming and problem. . Recuperat , a Catàleg
  • Blanding, Douglass L (1999 ). Exact constraint : machine design using kinematic principles . New York: ASME. Catàleg
  • Eckhardt, Homer D (1998 ). Kinematic design of machines and mechanisms . New York [etc.]: McGraw-Hill. Catàleg
  • Erdman, Arthur G (1991- ). Mechanism design : analysis and synthesis (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Catàleg
  • Erdman, Arthur G (1998 ). Diseño de mecanismos : análisis y síntesis . México, D. F. [etc.]: Prentice Hall. Catàleg
  • Howell, Larry L (cop. 2001 ). Compliant mechanisms . New York [etc.]: John Wiley & sons. Catàleg
  • Lent, Deane (1974 ). Análisis y proyecto de mecanismos . Barcelona: Reverté. Catàleg
  • Norton, Robert L (cop. 2002 ). Cam design and manufacturing handbook . New York: Industrial Press. Catàleg
  • Russell, Kevin. (2014). Mechanism design :. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group an Informa business. Catàleg
  • Waldron, Kenneth J (cop. 1999 ). Kinematics, dynamics, and design of machinery . New York [etc.]: John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Exercise discussion and solving. The capability of the students to solve problems and exercises will be evaluated individually with proposed problems and exercises to be delivered using the Moodle interface. 25 No
Laboratory and computer room sessions. Session reports will be presented in groups to show that the concepts and skills experienced and practiced in the lab sessions have been correctly understood and learned. 20 No
Individual final exam. Exercises solved individually. 55


As this is a presential course, the student is advised to regularly attend the sessions. Attendance controls will be carried out during the theory, exercises and lab sessions.

The grading of each activity will be done as follows:

1) Exercise solving (CAE):
Some exercises will be asked to do along the sessions of the course. The average grade will be called CAE. The students will work individually. The exercices must be submitted by the student using Moodle tasks (reports must be submitted in pdf format) before a specific deadline. Peer or self assessment will be mainly used, although the professor can assume grading of any task aif he thiks it necessary.

2) Lab/computer sessions continuous assessment (LCR):
The students will participate in teams. They are supposed to work together in preparing reports or solving quizes or other Moodle activities. The grading is individual.

3) Final exam (FE):
A final exam with exercises and questions similar to the ones practiced during the course will give a specific individual grade to every student.

Every task of the 1 or 2 type will have a delivery deadline after which they will not be accepted.

The final grade will be:


FG1 = 0,25*CAE+0,20*LCR+0,55*FE
FG2 = 0,35*CAE+0,65*FE
FG3 = 0,35*LCR+0,65*FE

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The student will get a "No Presentat (NP)" grade if he/she doesn't sit at the final exam and does not participate in any of the continuous assessment activities (LCR and/or CAE) or abandons them explicitly by sending an email to the professor before the ninth week of the course.

Avaluació única:
If the student applies to be graded in a single activity, he/she will have to come in the date scheduled for the final exam and take an exam that will basicaly be the same of the other students, although it can also include some questions covering the contents of the LCR and CAE activities.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To pass the course you need a minimum grade of FG = 5.0.


There will be specified weekly time frames for on-line (via GoogleMeet or any other platform approved by UdG) or on-site tutorships on-demand . Electronic mail can be also used to solve questions or doubts and set tutorship appointments out of the specified time frames.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication with students will be via e-mail and the News forum of the course’s Moodle. Individual on-line meetings will be possible for a personalised monitoring.


Lab/Computer room sessions:
Four of the sessions will be done in a computer room using MATLAB/SIMULINK, WORKING MODEL 2D, SOLIDWORKS and ARDUINO.

Language: The Moodle site of this course will contain enough information for the student to follow the contents and do the programmed activities. This documentation will be in English. Lecturing will be in English, while the lab sessions and the participative sessions will be done in Catalan.

Although the students are not supposed to master programming in MATLAB, some exercises will require the modification of MATLAB scripts to fulfill some calculation or simulation.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Càlcul de mecanismes
  • Teoria de màquines

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
In exceptional cases prescribed by the Rectorate, if possible, computer on-line activities will substitute the on-site Lab sessions. Also, the exercise on-site sessions will move to on-line sessions or tutorials.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
The weights of the grading will stay the same if any activity, according to instructions from the Rectorate, becomes on-line.

Tutoria i comunicació:
If required by the Rectorate, the course can be adapted to be followed and tutorised on-line.

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