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Dr.  Costa Marce, Albert

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en poder, mitjans de comunicació i cultures globals (POMAC)

Brief CV

Albert Costa is PhD in Law, Economics and Business from the University of Girona. Executive Master in Public Administration (EMPA) by ESADE. He has a degree in Psychology, a degree in Advertising and Public Relations, both from the University of Girona and a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a Degree in Communication from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He studied International Marketing at ESIC: Business & Marketing School. Master in Family Therapy and Master in Initiation to Research in Psychiatry and Medical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona as well as Research Sufficiency from the Autonomous University of Barcelona also in the discipline of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. He is an associate professor of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Girona and manager of the Baix Empordà County Council, an institution with about 450 employees. His work environment and daily experience lead him to worry and deepen his desire to promote value-based institutions.

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