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Mrs.   Pawlak , Isabelle Dorothee Marie

Personal page

Brief CV

Isabelle Pawlak was born in Paris, France, but her parents soon moved next door to Versailles, so she grew up between woods and fields. He returned to Paris a few years later to study at the prestigious Sorbonne where he obtained a master's degree in Hispanic Philology (LCE: Langue et Cultures Hispaniques) in 1993. He was going to dedicate himself to teaching Spanish to French people but Spanish was not his mother tongue and He decided to come to Spain to immerse himself in the language he lived through and that is how he arrived in Barcelona in 1996. At first it was only for 6 months. But she immediately fell in love with the city, its people, its climate, its streets, its neighborhoods and she stayed. She obtained the Master of French as a Foreign Language (FLE) in 2002 and began her career as a FLE teacher at the Institut Francès de Barcelona (2002-2006), then joined the ESADE Executive Language Center (2006-2013), and when this closed, joined the New Executive Language Center (NELC). She now works for the Euroaula University of Tourism, attached to the University of Girona since 2013, and in companies such as Agbar and Accio.

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