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Mr.   Casacuberta Moragas, Gerard

Personal page

Area of knowledge

Brief CV

I graduated in Environmental Sciences at the University of Girona (2020), and with a Master’s Degree in Water Resources Science and Technology (2020-2021), also at the University of Girona. During the degree in Environmental Sciences, I carried out as a company internship the monitoring of sources, and the quantification of its water balance, and I helped in the creation of the Fonts de les Guilleries website at the Càtedra Aigua, Natura i Benestar. In addition, my final degree project (TFG) focused on the elaboration and research of the natural and cultural heritage applied to the sources of Sant Hilari. Finally, my training period at the University ends with the TFM, where he focused on the elaboration of a catalogue of sources from the Guilleries Savassona Natural Area.

In the professional field, in 2021 I was an environmental educator carrying out activities for children from 3 to 12 related to water. In 2022 -2023 I was a consultant and advisor on environmental projects. In 2023, I was a Project Manager at the Catalan Water Partnership (CWP). Currently and for four years now, I have been collaborating with the Observatori RIVUS by carrying out hydrological monitoring of the Tordera and Besos basins.

My research interests are focused on the Tordera and Besos basins, and on the Guilleries in the field of sources and rivers.

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