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Mr.   Viñas de Puig, Jordi

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Ictiologia Genètica

Brief CV

I am currently an associate professor in the Department of Biology, specializing in Genetics. I teach in the biology and biotechnology degrees in 3rd and 4th year subjects, such as genetics and bioinformatics. I also taught the introductory course of biology, specifically the part of genetics to first year students of the Faculty of Medicine. In third cycle I am part of the board of the Master in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine, as well as visiting professor of the Master in Aquaculture at the University of Barcelona. The research is focused on two main areas. The first one is phylogeography, population genetics and conservation of pelagic fishes. The second area of research focuses on the genetic control of reproduction in aquaculture fish..... I would like to highlight my collaboration with ICCAT on sóc membre del Small Tuna Research Program. I have been the director of this research program for two years. During this time, we have analyzed the population structure of tonyina vermella from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and we have also been pioneers in the detection of genetically cryptic species of small tonyina. Together with Dr. Marta Muñoz (UdG,) we are analyzing status variations and genetic variability of sardines in the Mediterranean. He also contributed to the transfer of research results to society. She obtained several contracts with administrations and NGOs for the analysis of sardine genetic status and variability in the Mediterranean.

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