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Dr.  Tapia Yepes, Eduard

Personal page

Brief CV

PhD in German Philology (UB); accredited as Associate Professor (ACCUEE), Master's Degree (DEA-MPhil) in 'Applied Linguistics' (UB); Master's Degree (DEA-MPhil) in 'Literatures and Cultures' (UB/LMU-Munich); Bachelor's Degree in German Philology (UB).

Between 2002 and 2004, he focused his research activity on German dialectology under the DAAD Postgraduate Scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU, Munich). The object of study was the description of the South German substandard awareness in Northern, Central and Southern Bavarian speakers, at a phonetic, morphological, semantic and syntactic level.

From 2005 to 2009, he carried out teaching, transcription and research tasks supported by the FPU Fellowship for PhD candidates (Government of Spain), at the German Philology Department of the University of Barcelona (UB). There he specialised in phrasal semantics and conversation analysis in multimodal contexts (oral and non-verbal communication of both German native speakers [L1] and German learners [L2, L3]).

Since 2010, he has been lecturing at the University of Barcelona (UB), the University of Girona (UdG), and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC, e-Teaching). Simultaneously, he has also been conducting research on diathesis, as well as personal and spatial deixis in German motion verbs in multimodal production contexts. He currently works as a lecturer in Dutch Language and Culture at the UB, as well as in German Language for Specific Purposes at the UOC and the UdG, where he is also a member of the research team 'Tourism, Second Languages and Employability' (TSLLE) since 2018, and 'Teaching Innovation Group' (GID) since 2022. In 2024 he is accredited as 'Profesor Contratado Doctor Tipo 1' (Associate Professor) by the Canary Agency for University Quality and Educational Evaluation (ACCUEE).

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