Investiga > CS: Augmented and mixed reality solutions for industrial maintenance and work instructions sought
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CS: Augmented and mixed reality solutions for industrial maintenance and work instructions sought

Companyies austríaques busquen solucions tècniques de monitoratge en temps real en processos de producció i reconeixement immediat d'errors.

Austrian companies search for a technical solution for real time monitoring of production processes and immediate error recognition using augmented and/or mixed reality technologies for remote maintenance and work instructions. They are looking for start-ups from Europe to co-develop and implement the technology under a technical cooperation agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance.


The Austrian companies are looking for remote maintenance solutions to improve product and process quality by using augmented and/or mixed reality technology adressing the following elements:

- realtime process pattern and error recognition

- teaching employees in augmented reality environment

- learning new tasks in a playful manner

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