Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Tecnologies de microones potencialment aplicables a l'espectrometria de gas
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Demanda tecnològica: Tecnologies de microones potencialment aplicables a l'espectrometria de gas

A UK manufacturer of high precision gas measurement and analysis equipment is hoping to source new components and systems from other sectors that will be applicable for new products. Microwave and millimetre-wave systems are being sought that may lend themselves to gas analysis. Industry and academia are sought for technical co-operation, licensing, services or manufacturing agreement.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A UK manufacturer of high precision gas measurement and analysis equipment is working towards introducing new products in this field. For that purpose, they are looking for additional suppliers and technology developers.

Microwave technology has been established in several sectors but the current interest is to investigate their applicability for commercial gas spectroscopy applications. More detail follows under Technical Specification. The company is looking to connect with researchers, institutes and companies working in the area of microwaves.  They are also particularly looking to engage with organisations with multiplexer and mixer technologies used in automotive applications that have an interest in licensing their mixer technology outside their existing automotive applications.

The type of co-operation could be technical co-operation or for more mature technologies, licensing, services or manufacturing agreement.

Interested parties are invited to provide a brief non-confidential description of the component or system that is ready or under development.

Referència: TRUK20170714002


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