Investiga > New formulations with biofumigant and biofertilizer properties for improvement
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New formulations with biofumigant and biofertilizer properties for improvement

The euBIOGROWTH project aims at the reduction, reuse and valorisation of by-products originating from the agri-food industry for the development of extracts with potential for the improvement of agricultural productivity.

In view of the seriousness of the phyto-pathological problems and the relationships with soil fatigue, it is necessary to find non-chemical alternatives that adapt to the agroecological characteristics of P. 2 each area. Among the alternatives studied to control soil pathogens is the application of residual organic matter to the soil of different origins, including that of plant origin, and using bio-disinfection or bio-solarisation strategies. After disintegration in the soil, they are said to improve yields by regulating the populations of nematodes, fungal pathogens, and weeds. In this way, the aim is to improve certain criteria, currently under development, on the elimination of these phytopathogens and on soil improvement criteria, associated with the application of amendments or metabolites produced by plants.

The euBIOGROWTH project aims at the reduction, reuse and valorisation of by-products originating from the agri-food industry for the development of extracts with potential for the improvement of agricultural productivity. It considers three phases of execution for the implementation of the Circular Economy concept in agri-food industries with their own agricultural production areas and marketing of fresh and processed products:

• Phase 1. Obtaining functional ingredients for the development of foods with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties from by-products generated in the agri-food industry.

• Phase 2. Obtaining plant extracts from Phase 1 to test the biofumigant action of the combination of extracts obtained and reduce the use of chemical bio-disinfectants, which are increasingly restricted in the market.

• Phase 3. With the residue obtained in Phase 2, determine the bio-fertiliser action on the main crops to be selected.

Limit date: 27/04/2023

Type&role of partner sought:

SME/Large company:

- Focused on producing bio-fertilizers / biofumigants products

- Agricultural/food company generating byproducts to validate results on the field

- Agricultural company able to validate results on the field (! particular focus on this activity/expertise)


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