Investiga > Cooperation on microfluidic biosensor integration
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Cooperation on microfluidic biosensor integration

A company wishes to extend its product and application portfolio and looks for partners who wish to integrate their biosensor(s) into a self-contained microfluidic environment, in the frame of technical collaboration agreements or research cooperation agreements with mutual marketing possibilities.

A German SME is working in the field of microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip systems for point-of-need applications like in-vitro diagnostics (veterinary and human) and food analyses. The company wishes to extend its product and application portfolio and looks for partners who wish to integrate their biosensor(s) into a self-contained microfluidic environment, in the frame of technical collaboration agreements or research cooperation agreements with mutual marketing possibilities.

Partner sought:
Industrial partners (SME and medium sized enterprises up to 500 employees) as well as research partners (universities, research institutes) are sought.The partner should have expertise in biosensing and assay development and provide a biosensor solution he wants to transfer to a miniaturized system. The application scenarios of interest include not only human and veterinary diagnostics, but also food safety, environmental analyses, and pure R&D settings.The type of collaboration - technical collaboration agreement or research cooperation agreement depend on of type and size of the partner and its ability and intention to participate in the transfer process. The partner can e.g. market its biosensor together with the customised cartridge delivered by the SME or can e.g. allow the SME to market the biosensor simply as it is and/or to market it integrated in the miniaturized system.

But be aware, the SME's finally intention is not the integration and testing of conventional biosensors into self-contained miniaturized microfluidic environments but to collect application cases of conventional biosensors to qualify the integration and testing processes, to gain experiences in a wider field of applications and, finally, to check out possibilities to generate long-term business relationship(s) and to create some kind of baseload beyond R&D. All this allows to discuss possible collaboration types not mentioned above.


Email adress:

Title: Cooperation on microfluidic biosensor integration
Profile ID: TRDE20230303007

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