Investiga > Cerca de Socis: A French SME is looking for process or technology of producing bio organic acids
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Cerca de Socis: A French SME is looking for process or technology of producing bio organic acids

An innovative French SME is developing and producing environmental friendly products like de-icing salts, weed-killers, dust suppressant or flame retardant. The production of these compositions uses organic acids, now produced in the chemical industry from non-renewable sources.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

An innovative French SME is producing de-icing salts, weed-killers, dust suppressant or flame retardant, all based on calcium salts of organic acids : formic, acetic and lactic acids.

This SME aims at producing these chemicals from renewable resources, biomass like wood, straw, nutshell, etc ... Per example, whey is a major waste from the cheese industry. Whey contains mainly lactose, and some lactic acid. Bio-treatment would increase the lactic acid content and makes its extraction economically viable while reducing the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the remaining liquid part. Another potential bio-source is nutshell. The company has access to large quantities of nutshells and its transformation by torrefaction or fermentation could produce a mixture of organic acids, mainly acetic acid.

The organic acid mix will be free of dangerous molecules like aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, …).

Expected quantities are few 1 000 tons of acids per year. The products (organic acids) will be registered under REACH regulation.

The SME can be the acid producer or the end-user (and buy the organic acids to an established producer if no producer can be found).

The company is looking either for a technological agreement to integrate the technology to their solution or process, either for a Research cooperation agreement with a partner having strong know-how in organic acids production to work together on the development of the new solution or process. The company can be the acid producer working under a license agreement too.

Partnership can also be considered via a manufacturing agreement with an industrial company having the ability to produce such compounds.

Referència: TRFR20180315001


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