Investiga > Cerca de Socis: Multi-spectral technical textile is required for camouflage netting application
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Cerca de Socis: Multi-spectral technical textile is required for camouflage netting application

A UK SME with established manufacturing capabilities seeks partnership with technical textile/materials manufacturer to support enhanced multi-spectral performance of their existing range of camouflage netting products. The partner will have experience in the development, manufacture and testing of high specification fabrics for military applications. The proposed collaboration would be under a commercial or technical cooperation agreement

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A UK company with extensive experience in developing innovative life protective solutions seeks partner(s) to develop the technical specification of their existing range of camouflage netting products.

The partner sought will supply textile products which will support enhanced camouflage/screening across multiple spectra such as:

Short-wave infrared (SWIR)

Near-infrared (nIR)

Mid-Wave Infrared (MWIR)

Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR)

Ultraviolet (UV)


Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar)

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)


Due to the high specification of the finished product, experience in the testing/validation of performance characteristics of technical textiles will be required.


The proposed collaboration is envisaged through either a:

- Commercial agreement with technical assistance where existing materials are procured with necessary support to ensure manufacturing/performance characteristics of finished products.

- Technical cooperation agreement where shared development of the technical aspects of the end product are required.

In both cases performance testing and validation will be required prior to commercialisation.


Referència: TRUK20180404001


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