Investiga > Cerca de Socis: Seeking for an European university with experience on urban energy planning
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Cerca de Socis: Seeking for an European university with experience on urban energy planning

Energy area of Spanish technology centre is seeking an European university with expertise on energy planning to exchange knowledge in the area. This exchange includes staff international mobility for a short period, desirably with a department of development and planning or urban planning and management.

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Spanish horizontally integrated technology centre is specialized in offering global solutions to companies. It provides them since 1994 with experience in developments, processes, systems and products. It operates in five economic sectors: industry, energy and environment, construction and infrastructure, agrofood, health and quality of life.

Energy area of Spanish technology centre is seeking a centre, preferably an European university, which has already developed an energy-mapping tool to be used in energy planning in cities. This cooperation will include staff international mobility in order to exchange expertise on this area and to start a collaboration line to develop future research and develop projects together.

It is expected that staff mobility will be 6 months to a department of development and planning, specifically urban planning and management, interested in collaborate with other centres for further development specialized on the energy plan tool about mapping and district energy planning.

The acquired experience and knowledge obtained by the staff of this energy area will be implemented in a specific Spanish region. More particularly, new products and services will be produced for the benefit of small and medium enterprises of this specific Spanish region.

The technology centre is interested in technological collaboration agreement with European universities for developing a knowledge transfer to energy area staff by promoting its staff mobility.

Further research cooperation agreement between both research entities will be empowered in order to develop new products or ideas for future calls in Horizon2020.


Referència: TRES20180302001


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