Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Eurostars2 Project Cloud based English negotiation learning platform
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Demanda tecnològica: Eurostars2 Project Cloud based English negotiation learning platform

A South-Korean SME is looking for R&D partners to develop a software program which deals with training and consulting business negotiation in English. The proposal will be submitted in the Eurostars2 call (deadline 1st March 2018) and is looking for partners to work on the e-learning system as well as negotiation document management system and develop the business model for commercialization of the service.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A Korean SME is specialized in the development of English learning platform. They provide training and consultancy service to entrepreneurs, C-level executives(a high-ranking executive of a company in charge of making company-wide decisions), technology managers, and patent portfolio managers.

As the world becomes globalized, there are many types of deal accomplished such as commodity trade, technology transfer, patent dispute, joint venture and mergers and acquisitions(M&A). The project will be of great added value to the communicational training industry.

The company is to develop a platform to offer language service including workshop, seminar, and negotiation & contract coaching in O2O(online-to-offline) basis.  The application to Eurostars2 project aims to lead business people to lack of business English skills to a global-standardized negotiator.

The company is also looking for R&D partners active in training and consultancy service for business English skills. It requires partners who will be responsible for the business and commercialization plan. As the consortium, the company wishes to develop on:

- Cloud-based video on demand(VOD) sessions: opportunity to learn English as well as negotiating skill

- Offline workshop: English communication skills through having an offline discussion.

- Negotiation software: Writing business negotiation papers

The call deadline is 1st March 2018.

The company will receive expressions of interest until the 1st February 2018. Project duration is approximately 104 weeks.

Referència: TRNL20180109001


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