Investiga > Demanda tecnològica: Functional nano coatings for manufacturing and assembly of mobile phones
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Demanda tecnològica: Functional nano coatings for manufacturing and assembly of mobile phones

A UK developer of functional and smart coatings for the electronics manufacturers is looking for developers of the same, under technical cooperation, license and financial agreements. They can develop and commercialise novelties in this field on a global scale.

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A leading UK developer of functional nano coatings and application equipment for the protection of electronic devices is looking for innovation in this field. They supply to manufacturers (ODM and OEM) to apply during manufacturing and assembly processes.  Demands are rising for the functionality for electronic devices. Smart coatings allow the end product to retain all the aesthetic and performance properties it was designed with, despite demanding use by consumers and any environmental influences.The company wishes to augment their existing platform to deliver additional functional coatings to assist manufacturers of electronic devices, in particular mobile phones.  In particular, collaboration with appropriate technology partners is sought around: - Waterproof (IPx7 and IPx8) – solutions to protect the entire device (without use of bulky sealing parts), specifically addressing the air gaps required for the effective operation of components such as LCD, camera, speaker, microphone, sensors;- Anti-scratch – high performance to protect against everyday abrasion- Durable anti-fingerprint – requires a permanent oleophobic (oil-repellent) surface. The company is readily able to introduce innovative new coatings, treatments and solutions to this sector, providing an excellent opportunity for companies wishing to expand their market penetration or enter new markets.   The company has excellent worldwide presence in Europe, the Americas and crucially in the Asian manufacturing markets, ensuring access to both customers and their manufacturing sites.   This private company is ready and able to invest in the further development and commercialisation of the best technical solutions for their markets, and is keen to identify and work with potential technology partners. Potential solutions should have completed proof of concept and ideally be tested for an electronic device application. The type of cooperation may include licensing, technical cooperation, financial agreement, dependent on the stage of development. Some technologies will be mature enough to be transferred under license. If further development is needed, the UK company can fund the development of the partner under a finance agreement, or undertake joint technical cooperation. 

Referència: TRUK20180110001


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