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Cost of living

Based on the section drawn up by the Student Council

The cost of living in the city of Girona for a student can vary quite a bit depending on what that student is willing to spend, especially insofar as leisure and free time expenses are concerned. In fact, it is important to take into account that although Girona is a very comfortable city, comfort has its price, sometimes quite high.

According to a monthly estimate including only lodging and food, a student will need around €800 minimum to live in Girona.


The preceding figure only considers the expense of €350 a month for a shared apartment in an average student flatAttention: not sharing a flat can be expensive since rents for a whole apartment goes from €600 to €1000/month.


The price of student residences, oscillates between €450 and €550/month, expenses not included.

€450 to €550

The rent we have set for a room is quite approximate since, depending on the part of Girona chosen, the flat and the number of rooms it has, the price can vary quite a bit. Our experience shows the rent is almost always equitable with the quality of the flat and its furnishing.


In the €800 established at the beginning, €300 a month were for food.

When doing the weekly shopping, you have to take into account the type of establishment. The small shops, especially in downtown Girona, have very high prices, but the service is good and friendly. The best would be to go once a week to one of the different supermarkets in the outskirts of the city of Girona and do most of the shopping there. For fresh foods like fruit and vegetables, if quality is desired, the best is to go to the municipal marketplace in Calvet i Rubalcaba Square (better known as Plaça del Lleó), from tuesday to saturday (only mornings) or to the outdoor market located next to the Devesa park, on Tuesday and Saturday morning.

If you want to eat good bread, go to the bakery every day and buy a little, otherwise, you will eat it dry.

If you eat out, the daily menu in most restaurants oscillates between €12 to €18. To eat in the bar /restaurant of the Faculty is cheaper €6,50.   



If the distance between your lodging and your faculty or school requires the use of public transportation (bus). There is a bus card for UdG students that can be used all academic year with a reduced price. 

Another option is to find yourself a classmate that drives to class or else ride a bicycle like some students do. All UdG community members can use a university bike for free  or second hand bicycles can be bought in specialised shops.

5-10€/month on average

Other expenses (materials and photocopies)

As to the cost of materials, like ballpoint pens, felt pens, paper and photocopies, you can spend between €12 and €20 a month, especially on photocopies.

Photocopy center

There is a photocopying center in each  where you can do photocopies with reduced prices and also to buy materials.


Free time

In Girona there are four theatres devoted mainly to performances by professional and amateur troupes. Admission to both the plays and musical performances can vary between €12 and €30 depending on the category of the show. They do set special prices for students.

€12 to €30

For the other types of shows, like dances, poetry recitals and others, the price oscillates between €6 and €15.

€6 to €15

The price of admission to the cinema is €8, but on Thursday, which, in some cinemas, is cinema-goer's day, you get in for only €5.50. In some cinemas with a UdG student card the price can be reduced from Monday to Friday. During the weekend the price is €8.

 €5.5 to €8

The price of drinks varies depending on the place and what you drink. In most establishments, mixed drinks cost between €6 and €8. The price of beer varies since you can find places where a beer will cost €1.50 and others where they will charge you 3 or 4€. In addition, Girona has places that have institutionalised the “happy hour”, normally between 12 midnight and 1.00 a.m., when, for the price of one drink, you get two.

€1,5 to €8

In summary, Thursday night, which is Girona University students' night, can end up costing between €15 and €18.

€15 to €18

If you also dine out, it can come to €40.


In short, you can say that the minimum monthly cost is about €800, taking into account that this total cost is calculated on the minimum expenses listed above.

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