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Curs acadèmic:
Nivell d'anglès adequat per la preparació de comunicacions orals i escrites en temes professionals turìstics
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Maria Rosa Domingo Riera  / Deborah Anne Gauntlett
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Desenvolupar l'habilitat per argumentar i expressar-se de manera coherent i intel · ligible per elaborar textos escrits comprensibles i organitzats, així com per exposar resultats oralment i en públic
  • Dissenyar i aplicar processos i estratègies comunicatives en els diversos àmbits de treball, seleccionant i utilitzant les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades
  • Utilitzar els idiomes estrangers estudiats com a vehicles normalitzats de comunicació internacional
  • Criticar la pertinència dels informes resultants de la investigació, l'avaluació o la intervenció



2. BUSINESS TRAVEL. - Business travel terms. Cultural awareness: - Describing dimension, capacity and facilities; - Conferences and exhibitions; - Grammar Point: Gerunds and infinitives.


4. NTOs: - National Tourism Organizations (NTOs); - Designing a trade fair stand; - Running meetings; - Preparing a market profile; - Grammar Point: Reported speech.

5. MANAGING TOUR OPERATIONS: - Tour operations and contracts; - Degrees of future probability; - Negotiating; - Co-creation.

6. HOTEL MANAGEMENT - The structure of the hotel trade - Making comparisons - Describing skills and personality - Human resource management - Job interviews-preparation and techniques

7. E-TRAVEL: - The vocabulary of on- line travel sales distribution; - Information and communication technologies and travel distribution; - Formal and informal registers in professional e-mails; - Preparing and introducing presentations; - Grammar Point: Relative clauses.

8. EVENTS MANAGEMENT: - Explaining and defining; - Events organizer job description; - Trouble shooting; - Organizing a fam. trip; - Briefing and clarifying arrangements; - Work experience.

9. SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: - Ecotourism and the sustainable development of tourism; - Minimizing the tourism footprint; - Presenting guidelines to ecotourism operators; - Writing commands and requests without causing offence; - Sending and internal memo about sustainable policies.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 0 7,00 7,00
Debat 10,00 0 10,00
Exposició dels estudiants 12,00 8,00 20,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 12,00 5,00 17,00
Prova d'avaluació 12,00 14,00 26,00
Sessió expositiva 11,00 0 11,00
Sessió pràctica 32,00 10,00 42,00
Tutories de grup 7,00 0 7,00
Visionat/audició de documents 10,00 0 10,00
Total 106,00 44,00 150


  • Robin Walker and Keith Harding (2007). OXFORD ENGLISH FOR CAREERS: TOURISM 2. Oxford University Press.
  • Robin Walker and Keith Harding (2009). OXFORD ENGLISH FOR CAREERS: TOURISM 3. Oxford University Press.
  • Raymond Murphy (2012). ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE (with answers). Cambridge University Press..
  • various (2016). Market Leader. Longman.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Presentations, Completion of Vocabulary and Grammar exercises, Unit vocabulary and grammar tests, Simulation of real professional situations, Compositions -Presentations: The students will be evaluated in the oral form in the following areas: language structures, specific vocabulary, grammar, body language, tone of voice.

-Unit Vocabulary and Grammar Tests: The students will be evaluated in the written form on the grammar structures, specific vocabulary studied in each unit.

-Compositions: The students will be evaluated in the written form on the grammar structures and specific vocabulary studied in each unit, in a clear and coherent way.

-Simulation of real professional situations: The students will perform some role-plays and they will be assessed on fluency, accuracy and knowledge of the topic.

-Completion of Vocabulary and Grammar exercises: Students will have to hand in grammar and vocabulary exercises to show the knowledge of the grammar concepts and vocabulary taught in class.
Continuous Global written and oral exam in March and Presentations -The students will be evaluated in a written form: Listening/Written comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and essay writing.

-The students will be evaluated in an oral form: speaking about topics studied in class and general conversation.

-Final Presentation: The students will be evaluated on structure, content, body language, fluency, delivery etc.


Evaluation systems

The ordinary evaluation system is Continuous Evaluation for all students. Global Evaluation (no class attendance required) is limited to students from previous courses and, in some very special cases, students who are explicitly authorized by the Academic Board of Directors to undergo global evaluation in this subject.

For Continuous Evaluation, a minimum of 80 % class attendance is required, regardless of any justification for non-attendance. Only those absences which are reported by the Academic Board of Directors will not be counted as non-attendance. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement will lose the benefits and partial grades of Continuous Evaluation and must sit a global evaluation, without any further re-sit.

The final marks of Continuous Evaluation will be communicated before the end of the teaching period (March 20, 2020), and in any case before the Global Evaluation period begins.

Both in Continuous Evaluation and in Global Evaluation there is an option of re-evaluation (re-sit) if the passing grade is not reached; the conditions are detailed below.

The main evaluation for this course is in March with the Continuous Global Exam.
The system of Continuous Evaluation for this course is only possible for students with 80% attendance before the March exam. 80% attendance means that a maximum of 22 hours may be missed in total (11 two-hour sessions or the equivalent; 22 h must not be exceeded under any circumstances, (except when authorized by the Executive Board of Directors). Students with less than 80% attendance will have to sit the Continuous Global Re-sit Exam.

The Continuous Evaluation consists of:
A) The Continuous Global Exam: 15% Oral Exam
: 45% Written Exam
This exam includes all the work covered throughout the year, October to March.
It is obligatory to sit both parts of the Continuous Global Exam together (ORAL+WRITTEN) and the minimum average pass mark of the two parts must be 5 regardless of the average mark from sections A+B+C.
B) Evaluated exercises, tests, tasks and student participation: 20%
C) The Presentation mark: 20% (This part of the evaluation must be repeated in the Re-sit exam if the minimum mark (5/10) is not achieved regardless of the average mark from sections A+B+C.)

On the other hand, if the student fails the Re-sit of the Presentation, the final mark of the Course will be the average of A+B+C regardless of the individual marks.

*If the student passes the Presentation part of the Continuous Evaluation but fails the Continuous Global Exam (written / oral) his / her Presentation mark will be saved for the Global Re-sit Exam (for that year ONLY).

The students who fail the Continuous Evaluation will be re-evaluated in a Global Re-sit Exam, which covers the study period October to March and follows the same percentage evaluation.

There is no further re-sit for students who fail this exam.

The Final Global Re-sit Exam consists of:
- Oral Exam – 15%
- Written Exam – 65%
- Presentation – 20%

Repeat students (students from previous years) must sit the Final Global Exam in May. This exam includes all the work covered throughout the year from October to March. The Final Global Exam consists of a written exam (65%), an oral exam (15%) and 20% for a presentation (the topic given by the English Department). If they fail the Final Global Exam, they will be re-evaluated in a Final Global Re-sit Exam (Reevaluación) which will be subject to the same conditions as above.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student who does not sit any of the exams or parts of these exams will be considered “Not Presented”.

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