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Curs acadèmic:
Estudi i aplicació del sistema de processos i protocols de producció i servei-venda dels productes hotelers i de restauració
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Luis Codo Pla
Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (50%), Anglès (50%)


  • Dissenyar, controlar i millorar els processos de planificació i organització l'activitat turística i hotelera
  • Desenvolupar l'habilitat per argumentar i expressar-se de manera coherent i intel · ligible per elaborar textos escrits comprensibles i organitzats, així com per exposar resultats oralment i en públic
  • Desenvolupar la capacitat de diagnosticar i resoldre problemes mitjançant la recerca d'informació de diferents fonts per tal de prendre les decisions més encertades
  • Valorar críticament els procediments utilitzats en l'aprenentatge per obtenir dades rellevants en les diferents àrees d'estudi


1. 1. Introduction to quality and process management in the restaurant companies: 1. The value chain. Describe how leadership, vision/mission statements and application of resources influence an organization’s customer service focus. 2. The value for effort strategy. Develop an integrated approach to customer service process management. 3. The gastronomy and service dimensions. 4. Quality systems for a restaurant company. Understand current practices in customer and market requirement definition, satisfaction/retention, and product and process design. 5. Certification process of a quality system.

2. 2. The process strategy in a restaurant company: 1. Benefits and advantages. 2. Building a process map of the restaurant business. Develop operating systems that support excellent customer service. 3. Structure and development of a process guide for a restaurant. 4. Service blueprint for a restaurant. 5. Process implementation. Process documentation, people and restaurant organization. 6. Lean model management in restaurants. 7. Case study.

3. 3. The continuous improvement process in F&B: 1. The PDCA model. A Continuous quality improvement model. 2. Key performance indicators. Develop and implement a balanced scorecard to measure and predict process performance. 3. The problem-solving tool. A framework to identify, reduce and eliminate sub-optimal processes. 4. Auditing the management system process in a restaurant. Tools and techniques for conducting the audit engagement. 5. Case study.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Elaboració individual de treballs 8,00 21,00 29,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 17,00 21,00
Sessió expositiva 13,00 0 13,00
Sessió participativa 12,00 0 12,00
Sessió pràctica 35,00 40,00 75,00
Total 72,00 78,00 150


  • Robert C. Ford, Michael C. Sturman, Cherrill P. Heaton (2011). Managing Quality Service In Hospitality: How Organizations Achieve Excellence In The Guest Experience (Hospitality Management) . Cengage Learning.
  • Douglas Robert Brown (2007). The Restaurant Manager's Handbook: How to Set Up, Operate, and Manage a Financially Successful Food Service Operation 4th Edition. Atlantic Publishing Group Inc.
  • Jorge Puig-Durán Fresco (2006). Certificación y modelos de calidad en hostelería y restauración. Díaz de Santos.
  • Jose Antonio Pérez Fernández de Velasco (2012). Gestión por procesos. ESIC .
  • Senlle, Andrés ; Vilar, Joan (1996). ISO 9000 en empresas de servicios. Gestión 2000.
  • Cómo conseguir que nuestro equipo se comprometa con los cambios. Recuperat , a
  • El valor en la restauración. Recuperat , a
  • Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce . Recuperat , a
  • Noodles & Company-Service Process Design . Recuperat , a

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Practical application of subject contents Tutor report (25% Kitchen; 25% Restaurant and bar) 50
Case 1: Design of process map.
Case 2: Development of a hotel and restaurant process strategy.
Case 3: The continuous improvement plan. PDCA.
Topic 1: Proposed solution (5%).
Topic 2: Proposed solution (10%).
Topic 3: Proposed solution (15%).

Final exam: individual case study analysis Proposed solution 20


Types of assessment

The ordinary evaluation system is Continuous Evaluation for all students. Global Evaluation (no class attendance required) is limited to students from previous courses and, in some very special cases, students who are explicitly authorized by the Academic Board of Directors to undergo global evaluation in this subject.

For Continuous Evaluation, a minimum of 80 % class attendance is required, regardless of any justification for non-attendance. Only those absences which are reported by the Academic Board of Directors will not be counted as non-attendance. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement will lose the benefits and partial grades of Continuous Evaluation and must sit a global evaluation, without any further re-sit.
For practical application classes, see below.

The final marks of Continuous Evaluation will be communicated before the end of the teaching period (May 15, 2020), and in any case before the Global Evaluation period begins.

Both in Continuous Evaluation and in Global Evaluation there is an option of re-evaluation (re-sit) if the passing grade is not reached; the conditions are detailed below.

In the event of not passing the course not even by means of re-evaluation, partial grades will not be kept for the following year, which means that the entire course content will have to be recovered.

Practical application classes (Clases prácticas internas):

In order to manage appropriate recovery of attendance to the practical application classes, only the following situations will be accepted as excused absences, provided that due written justification is supplied:
1. Illness, medical appointment, accident. If deemed appropriate, the director will review the cases individually.
2. Death of a close relative.
3. Appointment with the Administration for bureaucratic issues (DNI, passport, NIE, etc.).
4. Those reported by the Academic Director.

The final mark of this subject consists of the following elements:
50% Classroom classes
25% Practical application classes (kitchen)
25% Practical application classes (restaurant and bar)

To pass the subject (both in continuous evaluation and in global evaluation), it is necessary to approve each and every one of these elements. In case of not approving any, the student must do the re-evaluation corresponding to that element.

In case of not reaching a minimum grade of 5 in each element at the end of the evaluations, the lowest grade (or n.p., if applicable) will be the final grade, and the student fails to pass the subject.

Continuous assessment

According to the current regulations of the school, the minimum class attendance required is 80%; this means that a maximum of 10 hours may be missed in the classroom classes. If the required attendance is not reached, the student loses the right to continuous assessment and must do the corresponding re-evaluation exam.
For the practical application classes, the requirements of the operational departments must be met. The practical application classes are evaluated by the corresponding tutor.

Global assessment

Students entitled to global assessment must take an exam of open questions and practical activity, covering the topics treated in the classroom classes. This is done by presenting a solution to a practical case, being a mixture of individual cases with cases in group resolution.
Attendance to classroom classes is not required.

For the practical application classes, the requirements of the operational departments must be met. The practical application classes are evaluated by the corresponding tutor.

Re-evaluation exam

The students who lose the right of the continuous assessment and those who fail any one of the different types of assessment (continuous or global) may sit the re-evaluation exam.
Re-evaluation of the practical application classes does not exempt from complying with the requirements of the operational departments.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Aquellos/as estudiantes que no se hayan sometido a la evaluación de la asignatura en cualquiera de los dos modelos de evaluación (continua o global; incluida la reevaluación), obtendrán una calificación de “No presentado”.

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