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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
El turisme cultural es refereix als viatgers que visiten o experimenten el patrimoni construït, una cultura viva o les arts contemporànies. Els seus recursos són tangibles o intangibles i es troben tant en entorns rurals com urbans. Les visites estan motivades per la voluntat de desenvolupar la pròpia identitat cultural, aprendre coses noves, passar temps amb amics i familiars, satisfer la curiositat o simplement aprofitar l'excés de temps. Per tant, el turisme cultural presenta una multitud de motius, recursos i experiències i és diferent per a cada persona i cada lloc visitat. En aquest context, una forma de veure els turistes culturals és pel seu interès en elements del passat: de turistes de patrimoni a turistes casuals (i fins i tot reticents). De la mateixa manera, totes les destinacions tenen llocs patrimonials visitats pels turistes, i aquests llocs també en major o menor mesura són 'gestionats', amb la seva estratègia centrada principalment en la gestió de la conservació i el visitant. El curs aportarà als alumnes les habilitats per comprendre el paper del patrimoni turístic (o el producte), el(s) mercat(s) i les estratègies de màrqueting, els impactes del turisme i altres


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Shima Ahmadi  / Silvia Aulet Serrallonga
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CG1 Aprenentatge i creativitat: el desenvolupament d'una actitud proactiva cap a la innovació, la capacitat d'adaptar-se als canvis i a nous entorns, habilitats per a la presa de decisions i resolució de problemes en situacions d'incertesa, la capacitat per desenvolupar noves idees i utilitzar-les de manera creativa en un context de gestió, l'ús dels coneixements i capacitats obtinguts en els diferents contextos culturals, la capacitat d'integrar i crear nous coneixements i de fer judicis en entorns complexos i incerts.
  • CG2 Competències analítiques: capacitat per a definir i seleccionar les prioritats per a l'assoliment dels objectius, el desenvolupament de la consciència crítica per interpretar i avaluar els resultats analíticament, la capacitat d'emetre judicis amb informació incompleta o inconsistent, o on no hi ha codis de ètica professional o pràctiques d'orientació, la capacitat de cercar, seleccionar i analitzar la literatura rellevant per a la investigació i la resolució de problemes complexos.
  • CG3 Competències comunicatives: capacitat de comunicar eficaçment les conclusions de la investigació i el seu marc conceptual a una diversitat d'audiències, capacitat d'articular els coneixements adquirits en les presentacions orals i escrites, capacitat d'escollir i aplicar les estratègies de comunicació apropiades d'acord amb els objectius estratègics generals de l'organització.
  • CG4 Competències organitzatives: capacitat per treballar en contextos de responsabilitat social, capacitat de negociar i arribar a acords justos, capacitat d'organitzar i dirigir grups o equips interculturals, capacitat per identificar l'equip d'una organització i les competències individuals, capacitat per planificar de manera integral i aplicar de forma més equitativa estratègies sostenibles de desenvolupament turístic per a les generacions presents i futures.
  • CT1 Compromís ètic: comprendre i abordar qüestions relacionades amb l'ètica i l'ús de dades per a investigació empírica.
  • CE13 Capacitat d'explicar, avaluar i aplicar estratègies alternatives per al desenvolupament i la gestió del turisme cultural en entorns urbans, rurals i de béns culturals gestionats com destinacions.


1. Heritage tourism: Conservation & visitor’s experience

          1.1. Conservation management in heritage sites

          1.2. Visitor’s experience in heritage sites

2. Spatial context and the impacts of heritage tourism

          2.1. The spatial context of heritage tourism sites

          2.2. The impacts of heritage tourism

3. The Heritage Tourism Product: Atmospherics, Crowds, Authenticity, Interpretation and Politics

          3.1. Atmospherics & crowd management in heritage sites

          3.2. Authenticity in heritage sites

          3.3. Heritage interpretation and communication

          3.4. The politics of heritage

4. Heritage Tourism Management: Marketing and Revenue Generation

          4.1. Visitor’s motivations and segments

          4.2. Tourism communication of heritage sites

          4.3. Revenue generation in heritage tourism


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Altres 0 0,50 0 0,50
Lectura / comentari de textos 0 10,00 0 10,00
Prova d'avaluació 0,50 0 0 0,50
Sessió participativa 8,00 0 0 8,00
Sortida de camp 0 18,00 0 18,00
Treball en equip 4,00 30,00 0 34,00
Tutories de grup 4,00 0 0 4,00
Total 16,50 58,50 0 75


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Flipped classroom: participation in discussions For each of the learning outcomes the level of command will be graded as exemplary, proficient, basic or poor. Both course-specific learning outcomes and transferable learning outcomes will be evaluated. Further detail about these levels of command for each of the learning outcomes is provided in the rubric of the course.
Each final grade is calculated by the level of command demonstrated in each of the learning outcomes in the rubric, and on how many of them correspond to each level of command.
10 No
Readings (academic papers) For each of the learning outcomes the level of command will be graded as exemplary, proficient, basic or poor. Both course-specific learning outcomes and transferable learning outcomes will be evaluated. Further detail about these levels of command for each of the learning outcomes is provided in the rubric of the course.
Each final grade is calculated by the level of command demonstrated in each of the learning outcomes in the rubric, and on how many of them correspond to each level of command.
5 No
Course assignment For each of the learning outcomes the level of command will be graded as exemplary, proficient, basic or poor. Both course-specific learning outcomes and transferable learning outcomes will be evaluated. Further detail about these levels of command for each of the learning outcomes is provided in the rubric of the course.
Each final grade is calculated by the level of command demonstrated in each of the learning outcomes in the rubric, and on how many of them correspond to each level of command.
Self-evaluation and peer-review For each of the learning outcomes the level of command will be graded as exemplary, proficient, basic or poor. Both course-specific learning outcomes and transferable learning outcomes will be evaluated. Further detail about these levels of command for each of the learning outcomes is provided in the rubric of the course.
Each final grade is calculated by the level of command demonstrated in each of the learning outcomes in the rubric, and on how many of them correspond to each level of command.
5 No
Oral exam For each of the learning outcomes the level of command will be graded as exemplary, proficient, basic or poor. Both course-specific learning outcomes and transferable learning outcomes will be evaluated. Further detail about these levels of command for each of the learning outcomes is provided in the rubric of the course.
Each final grade is calculated by the level of command demonstrated in each of the learning outcomes in the rubric, and on how many of them correspond to each level of command.
10 No


The evaluation will be done according to the official grading scale explained below. For each of the learning outcomes the level of command will be graded as exemplary, proficient, basic or poor. Both course-specific learning outcomes and transferable learning outcomes will be evaluated. Further detail about these levels of command for each of the learning outcomes is provided in the rubric of the course.
Activities that will be included in the evaluation of the learning outcomes are, the background reading assignments, the participation in the discussions in seminars and in the fieldtrip, the individual contribution to team performance, the communication skills shown in discussions, the knowledge reported in the exam, and the quality of the project’s written report.
The course final grades are based on the following scale, where there are seven levels of performance: excellent, very good, good, fair, adequate, inadequate and poor. The last two, inadequate and poor do not entitle participants to pass the course and therefore a re-take will be needed by the participants that obtain those grades. Each final grade is calculated by the level of command demonstrated in each of the learning outcomes in the rubric, and on how many of them correspond to each level of command.

Course grading scale
A - Excellent: For the most part of learning outcomes the participant demonstrates an exemplary level of command; while for all the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is proficiency.
B - Very good: For the most part of learning outcomes the participant demonstrates a proficiency level of command; while for the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is mostly exemplary and never poor.
C - Good: For the most part of learning outcomes the participant demonstrates a proficiency level of command; while for the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is mostly basic and never poor.
D - Fair: For the most part of learning outcomes the participant demonstrates a basic level of command; while for the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is either proficiency or exemplary and never poor.
E - Adequate: For the most part of learning outcomes the participant demonstrates a basic level of command; while for the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is mostly poor.
Fx - Inadequate: For the most part of learning outcomes participants have poor command; while for the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is mostly proficient or exemplary.
F - Poor: For the most part of learning outcomes the participant demonstrates a poor level of command; while for the remaining learning outcomes the level of command revealed is mostly basic.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Those students not attending the course and/or not delivering the evaluation activities will be graded as "No Presented".

Avaluació única:
Students who for justified reasons are unable to attend classes must ask to be evaluated by Single Evaluation at Academic Secretary within the established deadlines.
The task that they will have to deliver is the course assignment (70%), which will have to be presented and discussed in an oral exam (30%) on an established day.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
A minimum grade of 5.0 will be required to pass the course.


Meetings for tutorials can be arranged through the e-mail of the professor of the subject.
Emails will be answered within a maximum of 24 hours on workdays.
Tutorials can be done both in-person and remotely through the channel specified in moodle.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

At class time, all the necessary instructions will be given to following the subject, in addition, an entry will be made in the subject's forum.
Students who have questions outside of teaching hours can be directed to the email of the professor of the course, who will respond in a maximum of 24 hours on work days.


The course activities entail the critical reading of academic articles, discussion seminars, a fieldtrip, a collaborative project, and an individual oral exam. Prior to the first gathering in the classroom participants will have read critically a certain number of texts and articles, identified key concepts and made critical comments and questions on them. In the classroom, there are a few seminars devoted to collectively discussing the topics of the course, followed by a two-day field trip, and an additional seminar where participants will work on developing a report where the heritage site as a tourism product, the way it is managed, its visitors and the impacts of the visits are described, and a blueprint of potential product and marketing strategies the heritage site’s managers could adopt to increase positive outcomes and reduce negative impacts. Lastly, feedback on results will be provided to participants by the instructors as soon the reports are graded.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
The design of the course has been done considering that the teaching will be done face-to-face.
In the event that (some or all) the activities become virtual, the classes will be replaced by other supporting documentation (articles, videos, case studies ...) and virtual sessions.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
In the event that the evaluation activities cannot be carried out in person, these same activities will be carried out on the same day and time as planned, with non-contact means.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutorials and communication with students will be done as defined in the section "Tutoria i Comunicació".

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