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Curs acadèmic:
'Anglès Científic' o 'English for Physiotherapy' és un curs dissenyat per a estudiants de fisioteràpia. Se centra en el llenguatge de la fisioteràpia i de la salut, juntament amb elements més generals corresponents al nivell B2.1 (tal com descriu el Marc europeu comú de referència per a les llengües). El curs s’estructura en cinc dossiers: presentacions i reunions amb pacients, l'esquelet humà, els músculs, les articulacions i la fisioteràpia com a professió. Hi ha un dossier final de revisió i pràctica de l'examen. Cada dossier inclou diverses activitats dissenyades per desenvolupar competències en les quatre habilitats bàsiques del llenguatge: expressió oral, comprensió oral, comprensió lectora i expressió escrita. D’altra banda, també conté explicacions i exercicis de gramàtica i vocabulari. Els estudiants hauran de ser capaços de: • realitzar descripcions clares i detallades sobre temes relacionats amb els seus estudis, desenvolupant idees amb exemples adequats. • participar en converses socials i professionals amb parlants nadius sense excessiva dificultat. • comprendre textos (escrits i parlats) relativament complexos relacionats amb la fisioteràpia, així com amb temes més generals. • redactar diferents tipus de textos relacionats amb el camp d'estudi, corresponent al nivell. Els alumnes que opta per l'avaluació contínua ha d'acudir 80% de classes
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Diane Frances Harper  / Graham Murray Sinclair
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Comunicar-se de mode efectiu i clar
  • Tenir capacitat de gestió d'informació
  • Comunicar informació, idees, problemes i solucions de manera clara i efectiva en públic o àmbit tècnic concrets.
  • Dominar en un nivell intermedi una llengua estrangera, preferentment l'anglès.
  • Participar en l'elaboració de protocols assistencials de Fisioteràpia basada en l'evidència científica, fomentant activitats professionals que dinamitzin la investigació en fisioteràpia.
  • Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i clara, tant de forma oral com escrita, amb els usuaris del sistema sanitari així com amb altres professionals.


1. Training and working as a physiotherapist.

2. Communication skills (B2.1 CEF) for physiotherapy.

3. Writing (B2.1 CEF) for physiotherapy.

4. Oral presentations (B2.1 CEF) for physiotherapy.

5. Consolidation of English grammar and vocabulary appropropriate for B2.1. 1. 1. Consolidation and extension of knowledge and use of the following grammar areas appropriate to B2.1 level. 1.1 Pronouns and adjectival forms. 1.2 Present time. Possessives. 1.3 Past time. 1.4 Future time and conditionality. 1.5 The perfect aspect – past, present; simple, continuous. 1.6 Modality – obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice. 1.7 Verb patterns. 1.8 Passive forms. 1.9 Reported speech. 1.10 Auxiliary and main verbs. 2. 2. Consolidation and expansion of knowledge of topic-based lexical/functional areas for physiotherapy appropriate to B2.1 level. 2.1 Physiotherapists and the Patient Encounter 2.2 The Human Skeleton 2.3 Joints and movement 2.4 Muscles and Health 2.5 Health and the Workplace 2.6 career choices in Physiotherapy. 3. 3. Development of key communicative skills appropriate to B2.1 level. 3.1 Developing communication strategies within a group 3.2 Constructive problem solving 3.3 Group presentation techniques and strategies 3.4 Individual presentation techniques and strategies 3.5 Project development and justification as an interactive process 3.6 ‘The long turn’ – developing and consolidating confidence when speaking in front of an audience.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Altres 10,00 14,00 8,00 32,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 20,00 0 24,00
Treball en equip 34,00 41,00 19,00 94,00
Total 48,00 75,00 27,00 150


  • Glendinning, E. H., & Howard, R. (2007). Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge University Press.
  • McCullagh, M., & Wright, R. (2008). Good practice Student's Book: Communication Skills in English. Cambridge University Press.
  • Glendinning, E. H., & Holström, B. A. (2005). English in Medicine: A Course in Communication Skills. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hewings, M. (2003). Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book. Cambridge University Press.
  • Vince, M. (2014). Advanced Language Practice: Student's Book with Key. McMillan Publishers.
  • Mª Isabel González Cruz, Sandra Marrero Morales, Mª Jesús Vera Cazorla. (2015). English for Physiotherapy : a coursebook for Spanish students. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión .
  • Joanna Ciecierska (2011). English for Physiotherapy. Pzwl.
  • Marie McCullagh, Ros Wright (2008). Good practice: Communication skills in english for the medical practitioner. Cambridge University Press.
  • Darrel Barsby, Rob Commons et., al (2013). BTEC Level 2 Firsts in SPORT. Oxford University Press.
  • Michael Vince (1998). Intermediate Language Practice: English Grammar and Vocabulary. MacMillan.
  • Michael Vince (2003). First Certificate Language Pratice. MacMillan.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Group project Group project. Students choose a topic related to physiotherapy. They prepare an oral presentataion and a written report. 30 No
Participation To qualify for for continuous assessment, students must attend 80% of classes.
Students will be evaluated on their active participation, both individually and within their study groups.
10 No
Speaking. General speaking competencies for physiotherapy at B2.1 10 No
Final assessment for students who have completed continuous assessment and attended 80% of classes. Listening, reading, writing skills appropriate to B2.1. Lexical/grammatical knowledge appropriate to the level. The written element includes an in-class writing and/or reflection document. 50


Only students who have attended 80% of classes qualify for Continuous Evaluation.

Continuous Evaluation: students must obtain a minimum global mark of 5 for the continuous assessment elements. All students must obtain a minimum of 5 in the final continuous assessment exam.

There is a resit session for the final continuous assessment exam. A mark of between 0 and 10 is awarded for the resit exam. The pass mark is 5. Students must pass each element with at least a 5.

100% Exam: students who have not satisfied the requirements for Continous Evaluation, or who have failed the continuous assessment module, will be assessed in an exam which tests reading , writing, listening and speaking skills in a variety of tasks related to the field of health and physiotherapy. There is no resit session for this exam. A mark of between 0 and 10 is awarded for this exam. The pass mark is 5. Students must pass all elements with at least a 5.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who do not complete any elements of evaluation are considered 'no presentat'.

Avaluació única:
The 'avaluacio única' system includes, either as stand-alone or integrated-skills tasks:
One or two pieces of transcational writing related to the professional/academic area of physiotherapy.
An interview involving appropriate socio-professional, descriptive, discursive and transactional language.
Listening and reading comprehension tasks based on general health and physiotherapy topics.
In order to pass 'avaluació única' students must pass all elements with at least a 5.

The evaluation system generally used by EUSES is continuous assessment. Any student who opts for 'avaluacio única' must inform the principal subject teacher and the degree coordinator in writing during the first two weeks of term.

El sistema d’avaluació de l’EUSES - centre adscrit a la UdG és, de manera general, l'avaluació continuada. Si l'estudiant vol acollir-se a l’avaluació única, ho ha de comunicar per escrit al professor responsable de l'assignatura i al coordinador de grau durant les dues primeres setmanes del semestre.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To pass this course a global mark of 5 is required.
Students must pass the final exam with at least a 5.


Tutorials will take place either face-to-face online or in designated, appropriate classrooms.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Communication and interaction with students will take place face-to-face and online, using Moodle, the subject forum, video calls/conferences and email.


This course is designed to help B2.1 students develop their receptive and productive skills in English. It is an intensive course and students are expected to work both in and outside the classroom to ensure that they acquire the grammar, vocabulary, and communicative skills required for the level. Students must attend 80% of classes to qualify for continuous assessment.

Learning outcomes:

- Mastering and handlling writing, understanding and dialogue fluently in the methodological and healthcare framework.
- Acquiring the skills and abilities needed for the autonomous writing of formal scientific texts.
- Developing the bases of critical reading of scientific texts in the health field.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
The course is as outlined on the contents section of the 'Disseny de l'Assignatura' page.
It follows the slightly modified course programme which can be found on Moodle.
Activities are based upon and follow the five main course dossiers: Physiotherapists and their Patients, The Human Skeleton, Joints and Movement, Muscles and Health, Career Choices in Physiotherapy.
Activities ingregrate the four principal language skill areas with an emphasis on communication.
Grammar and vocabulary have been selected for its relevance to our students' linguistic/professional needs.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Scenario 1
The course is as outlined on the contents section of the 'Disseny de l'Assignatura' page.

Escenari 1
El curs segueix els materials i activitats com va perfilar en el'Disseny de l'Assignatura'

Scenario 4
The content, competencies and levels remain unchanged. Tutorials will take place online. Communication with students with take place online via the forum, Moodle, video conferencing and email.

Escenari 4
Els continguts, les competències i el nivell es mantenen sense canvis
Les tutories es realitzaran virtualment. La comunicació i interacció amb els estudiants es realitzarà virtualment, mitjançant el fòrum d'avisos i notícies del moodle, videoconferències i correu electrònic

The evaluation system covers exactly the same content and skills areas but has been modified and follows an integrated skills methodology:

Project (speaking and listening) 50%

Project groups present a project dossier and deliver an oral presentation of their work. Participants are interviewed as a group and individually. A listening task is integrated into this project defence.

Exam and in-class writing (reading and writing) 50%

Students need to extract the salient information from texts related to their academic/professional field.
They need to answer short questions in connected discourse.
They need to write a transactional document related to the theme.

Students must pass both elements with at least a 5.

The evaluation system for 100% and 'avaluació única' takes place online but is otherwise unchanged.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Scenario 1/Escenari I. Face-to-face classes. Presencial: les tutories es realitzaran presencialment a les aules habilitades. La comunicació i interacció amb els estudiants es realitzarà presencialment i s’utilitzarà addicionalment el fòrum d'avisos i notícies del moodle i correu electrònic.

Scenario 4/Escenari IV. Online classes. Confinament: les tutories es realitzaran virtualment. La comunicació i interacció amb els estudiants es realitzarà virtualment, mitjançant el fòrum d'avisos i notícies del moodle, videoconferències i correu electrònic.

Students must follow the course programme as outlined on Moodle.
They receive general and group study plans each week.
They must follow these plans and complete all classwork as set by their group teachers.
Work is corrected online and students contact their group teachers with difficulties and for clarifications.
Classes are imparted via Moodle and in weekly group seminars/tutorials.
Teachers are available during class time for individual and group tutorials.

L'alumnat ha de seguir el programa de curs.
Reben un programa d'estudi generals i per grup cada setmana.
Les classes s’imparteixen mitjançant Moodle i en seminaris / tutorials grupals setmanals online.
Els professors són disponibles durant temps de classe per a tutories.

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