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Curs acadèmic:
Curs basat en un aprenentatge mitjançant tasques per tal que l’alumnat es vagi assentant progressivament al nivell de C1 (MECR). La metodologia emprada serà un llibre de preparació d’exàmens de nivell C1 a més d’un mètode d’anglès professional per practicar una sèrie de funcions comunicatives necessàries en el sector professional turístic d’avui en dia.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Iwonna Dubicka
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CG. 2 Expressar-se amb correcció, oralment i per escrit en diverses llengües.
  • CG.7 Avaluar la pròpia activitat i el propi aprenentatge i elaborar estratègies per millorar-los.
  • CE.9 Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics


1. FOUR (Formula C1) Afternoon tea, phrasal verbs; Seasonal shift, reading, identifying paraphrase; Luck, suffixes; Sense of direction, listening, understanding the main point; The 4th dimension, key-word transformation, reported speech; National celebrations, writing a proposal.

2. INNOVATION (Business Partner C1). An innovative approach. How innovators think. Communication skills: Pitching your ideas. Business skills: Engaging presentations. Writing: Investment approach

3. FIVE (Formula C1) High five, body idioms; The perfect fifth, reading, understanding purpose and attitude; The Olympics, phrasal verbs (multiple-choice close); The work week, listening, identifying purpose and function; The superfood myth, open close, conditionals; Coins, speculating (long turn, speaking)

4. LIFECYCLE (Business Partner C1).A circular economy.Product life cycles. Communication skills: Reformulating and clarifying. Business skills: Effective meetings. writing the minutes of a meeting.

5. SIX (Formula C1) Dominoes, fixed phrases; Empathy — our sixth sense?, reading, Identifying similar opinions; Braille / Graffiti for the blind, Internal word changes (word formation); Route 66, listening, Understanding specific information and stated opinion; Hexagons, Key word transformation, Verb and noun phrases; Being organised, Collaborative task; Historical dates, writing an essay.

6. CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT (Business Partner C1).Marketing strategies. Persuasion. Communication skills: Presenting research data. Business skills: Building relationships on trust. Writing: Advertising copy

7. SEVEN (Formula C1) Nitrogen, Phrasal verbs ; tell me a story!, reading, Understanding the structure of a text; The future of broadcasting, : Easily confused words (Multiple-choice cloze); Overpopulation , listening, Understanding feeling; Sustainability, Open cloze, Future tenses; Espionage, writing a review.

8. THE BUSINESS OF TOURISM (Business Partner C1). The impact of tourism. Evolving tourism. Communication skills: Business networking. Business skills: Storytelling in presentations. Writing: Email to a business partner


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Altres 5,00 4,00 0 9,00
Exposició dels estudiants 3,00 3,00 0 6,00
Prova d'avaluació 9,00 15,00 0 24,00
Resolució d'exercicis 0 9,00 0 9,00
Sessió participativa 88,00 0 0 88,00
Simulacions 9,00 0 0 9,00
Treball en equip 2,00 3,00 0 5,00
Total 116,00 34,00 0 150


  • Helen Chilton and Linda Edwards (2020). Formula C1. Coursebook and interactive ebook without key.. Pearson .
  • Mark Little (2020). Formula C1. Exam trainer and interactive ebook.. Pearson.
  • Dubicka, Iwonna, Rosenberg, Marjorie, Dignen, Bob, Hogan, Mike and Wright, Lizzie (2020). Business Partner C1. Pearson.
  • Felicity O'Dell (2006). Advanced Trainer. Cambridge University Press.
  • Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles (2007). Destination C1 and C2. Grammar & Vocabulary.. MacMillan Education.
  • Martin Hewings and Simon Haimes (2015). Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced.. Cambridge University Press.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Grammar and vocabulary-building exercises
Students will have to show the teacher they have done a number of grammar and vocabulary activities to reinforce course contents. They will have to correct these tasks with the answer key provided. 5 No
Writing tests
Students will do 3 writing tests throughout the course, in class and without access to Internet resources. Tasks will be based on the writing paper of Cambridge exams. Each test will have a weight of 5%.
15 No
We want learners to assess their learning performance. Each semester they will do a task: a rubric in the first semester, and a writing task in the second. 5% each task 10 No
Video tasks Learners will have to make one video speaking about a topic and share it with the rest of the group in order to generate feedback and interaction with other class members. 10 No
Class presentations Students will give two class presentations on a given topic. Each presentation will be worth 5% of the mark. 10 No
Mid-term tests Each semester students will have a mid-term test to check they are acquiring the contents covered and the skills practised in the course lessons. 10 No
Written exams Two written exams, one at the end of each semester. Each exam counts a 15% of the mark. In this exam, students will be tested on Use of English, Listening, Reading and Writing.
Oral exams Two oral exams, one at the end of each semester; both will be worth a 10% but the second requires a minimum grade of 4.5


The only evaluated tasks that can be re-sat are the written and oral exams.
At the end of the year, students who have failed the subject will have the opportunity to pass it by retaking a comprehensive written exam of the whole year and an oral exam, the weightings being 60% (written) and 40% (oral).
At re-sits students won’t get a mark higher than a 6.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student will be considered a NO SHOW if:
a) the student doesn't show up for the exam on the scheduled date.
b) the student leaves the examination room ten minutes after they have been given the exam on condition that they return the exam empty.

Avaluació única:
Students that show justification that they won’t be able to follow a standard continuous assessment will be entitled to single evaluation.
The weightings will be as following:
Written exam 1 - 20%
Oral exam 1 - 15%
Written exam 2 - 25%
Oral exam 2 - 20%
Four tasks - 20%

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
Students need a minimum mark of 5 to pass the course.


Students have some tutorial hours where they can go over lesson points with their lecturer in a face-to-face context. To have a tutorial session, students must book a time slot by means of the BOOKEO app.

For a good use of these tutorial sessions, students should go well-prepared in advance with queries and questions. Tutorials should not be regarded as private lessons aimed at catching up for classroom absences.

Tutorials can be on site or on line, on request.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

The most common communication method outside the classroom is the mail of our virtual campus or the school’s gmail.

Lecturers can give feedback on submitted tasks by means of the COMMENTS box of the evaluated task entry of our campus.

In the case of implementing an online teaching system, we may also make use of other tools such as the forum of our virtual campus, meetings with MEET or chats with HANGOUTS.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Activities will be the same if lessons have to be held on line because of another hypothetical lockdown situation. In that case, the amount of hours counted in the face-to-face modality will be reverted to hours with a virtual teacher.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Evaluation tasks will be maintained. The only thing that will differ is that exams will be held online through Google forms. If that happens, exams will be administered by means of different google forms, and timings will be tightened to avoid possible cheating.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutorials will be held on site or on line on request.

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