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Dra.  Romani Cornet, Anna Maria

Plana personal

Àrea de coneixement
Grup de recerca
Grup de recerca en Ecologia aquàtica continental (GRECO)

Current projects and research lines

Current projects

DryHarshSal, Effects of drying in harsh saline aquatic ecosystems: microbial biofilm structure, function and biogeochemistry (RTI2018-097950-B-C21), Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Participants: University of Barcelona, University of Girona, University of Murcia. Duration: 1-1-2019 to 31-10-2022. Budget: 157300 euros. PIs: Andrea Butturini (UB), Anna M. Romaní (UdG)

GRADCATCH, Using natural environmental GRADients to decipher the adaptation of soil microbial Communities to climATe Change (BiodivClim, BiodivERsA 2019-2020 call, Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Programación Conjunta Internacional, Ref: PCI2020-120702-2). Participants: University of Copenhagen (A. Priemé: coordinator), Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), University of Girona, University of California, University of Pretoria. 3-year project, Duration: 01/03/2021-28/02/2024. UdG budget: 150000 euros. PI at the University of Girona: Anna M. Romaní.

Plastic0pyr, Strategies to reduce plastic pollution in mountain ecosystems (ref. EFA340/19). Funded by: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública – Dirección de Fondos Comunitarios (INTERREG V A, POCTEFA). Participants: CEAB-CSIC, Universitat de Barcelona, Université Clermont-Auvergne, CNRS-EcoLab, Anthesis Lavola, Universitat de Girona, Cicloplast. Duration: 01/01/2019-31/05/2022. UdG budget: 119367.06 euros. Coordinator: H. Guasch (CEAB-CSIC). PI at UdG: Anna M. Romaní.

PRORISK, Best chemical risk assessment professionals for maximum Ecosystem Services benefit (EU project 859891). Funded by: European Commission (Innovative Training Networks (ITN), Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019). Participants: 11 beneficiaries and 7 partner organizations. Duration: 01/04/2020-31/03/2024. Coordinator: L. Blaha (University of Masaryk). UdG budget: 250900 euros. PI at UdG: Anna Vila.

PONDERFUL, POND Ecosystems for Resilient FUture Landscapes in a changing climate (H2020, ref. 869296).Funded by European Commission. Overall budget: 6 993 407,50 euros. Participants: 17 research centers/universities. Coordinator: S. Brucet (Fundació Universitària Balmes, Universitat de Vic). Duration: 01/12/2020-30/11/2024 UdG budget: 158 437,50. PI at UdG: D. Boix.

DeCoDry, Microbial Degradation of Cocktails of pesticides in Drying rivers. Funded by: Initiative Structurante EC2CO : Écosphère Continentale et Côtière (CNRS-INSU). 2020-2021. PI: Joan Artigas (Univ. Clermont Auvergne).

Research contracts with the enterprises Itram-Higiene and Cetaqua

Current research lines:

1 Impact of drought on microbial biodiversity and organic matter degradation processes

2 Relationships between aquatic microbial community composition and functioning and link to resources variability

3 Impact of global change effects (such as warming and pollution) on biofilm formation, microbial interactions, biofilm functioning and metabolic outcome

4 Biofilm structure and function and biogeochemical processes in extreme habitats (arid, saline) and extreme conditions (warming and drought)

5 Mediterranean rivers, organic matter dynamics and surface/hyporheic sediment functioning

6 Development of techniques for biofilm detection

Currently advisor of:

-Joan Pere Casas (Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract, 01/03/2020-31/12/2022)

-Anna Doménech (PhD, “Climate change projections on soil microbial function and diversity: effects of drought and warming“, University of Girona, 2021-).

-Judit Boadella (PhD, “Effect of drought on microbial biofilms in saline systems”, University of Girona, 2019-).

-Nuria Rubio (PhD, “Translating microbial community change in fluvial biofilms to ecosystem services provision”, ESR 12 Prorisk project, University of Girona, 2020-).

-Lucie Laffet (PhD, “Impact et devenir de la pollution plastique dans les cours d'eau de montagne“, Université Clermont Auvergne, 2020-), Co-advisor with Joan Artigas.

-Mar Oliva and Joan Ferriol (Master students)


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