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Sr.   Sbert Casasayas, Mateo

Plana personal

Àrea de coneixement
Grup de recerca
Grup de Recerca Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge (GILAB)

Currículum abreujat

Mateu Sbert is a full professor in Computer Science at the University of Girona, Spain, since 2007. He received a M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics (1977) at the University of Valencia, a M.Sc. in Mathematics (1983) at UNED University (Madrid) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Best PhD award). His research interests include the application of Monte Carlo, Integral Geometry and Information Theory techniques to Computer Graphics, Visualization and Image Processing. He has authored or co-authored in his areas of interest more than 200 papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences, between them more than 50 publications in JCR indexed journals, and three books, participated in several Eurographics, Siggraph Asia and Visweek tutorials, served as a member of program committee in more than 50 international conferences and as associate editor of the journals Computer Graphics Forum (2011-2013), International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (2010-), and Communications Papers (2014-). Mateu Sbert coorganized Dagstuhl Seminars N. 01242 “Stochastic methods in rendering”, 2001 and N. 06221 “Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging”, 2006, been  Cochairman of Eurographics 2013 STAR papers, Chairman of SCCG’07 conference and organizer and Cochairman of Computational Aesthetics  2005 conference.

He has given invited talks in: VRCAI'2014, Virtual reality conference and its applications to industry, ICVRV'13 - International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, Winter School of Computer Graphics 2012, AFIG 2012 Association Française d’Informatique Graphique Conference, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2007, and 3IA conference 2009, 2003.

He has been invited professor at Chinese Academy of Science (summer 2012) and during different periods in Limoges University and Tianjin University.

He has advised or co-advised 14 PhD dissertations, and participated in many Spanish and international PhD juries.

He has been Principal Investigator in more than 50 Spanish and international collaborative projects, and coordinated VIth European Framework project GAMETOOLS.

Mateu Sbert currently heads the Graphics and Imaging laboratory research group from University of Girona, with quality mention for research and transference from the Catalan Government, holding SGR and Tecnio quality label.


After Google Scholar, Mateu Sbert holds a h-index of 31, with more than 3000 citations, see link:


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