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Dra.  Roget Armengol, Maria Elena

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Física Ambiental

Brief CV

Elena Roget Armengol has a doctorate in Physics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain (1992). She did her predoctoral research stays at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland; at the Institute für Meereskunde, from the University of Hamburg, Germany; and at the Laboratorio di Fisica Terrestre, del Istituto Cantonale Tecnico Sperimentale in Lugano, Switzerland. Her postdoctoral research stay was at the University of Western Australia Centre for Water Research in Perth, Australia. She co-led the first group in Spain to systematically address physical limnology studies and in the late nineties she pioneered studies in Spain, which were also among the first in Europe, on measuring turbulence in natural aquatic systems.

Between 1995 and 1998 she was the coordinator of the area of Physics of Condensed Matter at the Universitat de Girona (UdG) and participated in the creation of the Physics Department of this same university. Between 1997 and 2000 she co-directed a doctorate in Applied Physics in which she was in charge of the Environmental Physics courses which later became part of a new master program on Environment. She coordinated this master's itinerary since 2004, when the program obtained the Mention of Quality from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government. She was director of the Department of Physics at the UdG from 2003 until 2007. From 2007-2014 she was the head of the Environmental Physics research group, formally recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya. She is currently a full professor in the Department of Physics at the UdG.

Her research work focuses on hydrodynamics and turbulence in continental aquatic systems, coastal regions, and the ocean, as well as global change and the feedback processes between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. She has studied the coastal lagoon Neustadt-Binnenwasser in Germany, the lakes Estany de Banyoles in Catalonia and Ogawara in Japan, the Boadella and Sau reservoirs in Catalonia, Lake Tahoe in California, the South China Sea, the North Atlantic, the Catalan littoral, the Aral Sea in Central Asia, and the South Atlantic.

Her teaching experience includes undergraduate degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, and Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, the master’s program in Environmental Change: Analysis and Management, and in Environmental Change and Socioecological Transition.

She has been the principal investigator of more than fifteen research projects or other competitive aid for research. She has also coordinated an international NATO project and an international exchange program founded by the European Union focussing on climate change and the inland seas of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Among other congresses, she has organized two on the Aral Sea (Girona, Spain 2007 and Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2008) and for four years co-organized the Lakes and Inland Seas session at the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union in Vienna.

Since 2000 she has been working closely with the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Group of the Arizona State University and later at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Hydrometeorological Centre of the Russian Federation, both in Moscow. At present she is collaborating with Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona on research concerning the mixing of ocean currents in the South Atlantic.

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